Today we are heading up to Naperville, IL for a New Year's Eve event in partnership with Calvary Church, one of our favorite hosts. This event is actually sponsored by the church and we are coming along side to help with advertising, connections, etc. It's pretty easy! We just show up with an icebreaker and try not to steal the show, tee hee.
So ... if you haven't made plans, step on out of that boat, out into the cold and place yourself in the company of like-minded believers. There will be no alcohol or dancing, for those who have inquired. But a lot of laughs! Internationally renowned comedian Nazareth will steal the show at about 11:00 and then we'll ring in the New Year with a prayer and non-alcoholic toast.
I've already promised one facebook friend I'll introduce her around, as she is coming alone. Look us up - that's what we are here for: connecting Christian singles
I'd write more but my chariot awaits ...
~ Linda
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Top 10 Reasons - Why Cache'?

Okay, so for our New Year's talk, we are doing an informal poll of our members and friends' top 10 reasons why they would choose Cache' Connections. Our friend Jim, who is pretty handy when it comes to forming sentences, had these submissions - enjoy!
10. The Devil has a popular dating service but the obligations can be lengthy
9. Only Cache builds in a questionnaire item on how many tattoos your biker girl has
8. Shakespeare says to err is human but it take a secular computer dating service to really mess things up!
7. Yoked or unyoked? If you aren't a true believer and try to sign up the yoke will be on you!
6. The girls here know more about scripture than who won on American Idol
5. The food at our meet-up events is great and we require full length pictures if you worry about expanding more than your horizons
4. Most of the guys here believe in abstinence before marriage, if they don't the gals believe in dumping before dessert!
3. Expert chat sessions give sane advice when dating feels crazy
2. Membership is cheap and easy and fortunately the female members aren't!
1. Three out of Four Christian dentists recommend Cache for their patients that chew gum.
~ Linda
Monday, December 28, 2009
Blue Monday?

Hello.? It's the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. Is anybody out there? We've found that most church personnel are taking a much-needed break from their ministries.
We're here ~~~ too many preparations to make in anticipation of our January and February events, not to mention New Year's Eve! We are ordering the flier for our 1/30/10 Springfield, IL event and booking smaller events in all of our markets for the Valentine's weekend. Stay tuned - there should be something for just about everyone!
Looks like we'll be back in the Orland Park, IL area for a larger event in partnership with Parkview Christian Church on Valentine's weekend. Then, we have a plethora of smaller social events, some including dinner, bowling, a movie, and speed dating (a/k/a Cache' Quick Introductions.)
Be sure to check the events tab frequently as we are tidying up details, making pages and checking them twice!
~ Linda
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Power of Forgiveness

Here's something we ran across on Facebook that is definitely worth passing on. Please consider if there is someone you need to forgive. What does forgiveness have to do with dating, you ask? We want you to be the healthiest person and dater possible. This includes a clear conscience toward God. Remember, healthy people attract healthy people.
Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
In October 2003 in Atlanta, forty of the top scientists from around the world gathered to share their findings on the power of forgiveness. Here are the results of the findings:
Forgiveness improves people`s health.
Those who are most forgiving live more satisfied lives.
Forgiveness is a factor in lowering blood pressure.
Forgiveness is linked to less depression.
Those who forgive have lower levels of pain.
But those who cannot or will not forgive suffer long-term health problems such as higher blood pressure, higher stress levels, frequent depression, more hostility and are more likely to be addicted to alcohol and substance abuse.
~ Linda
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Great Statements of Intention by Dr. Torri Griffin

If you were in last night's chat, you enjoyed a treat as Dr. Torri Griffin led her first chat. She included several of her statements of intention regarding love and encouraging God's blessings in your life. I promised the members I'd post them here today so that they are readily available to use every day. Some of these and more can also be found at
1. It is my intention to experience supernatural, abundant provision and favor in every area of my life on a daily basis.
2. I am a money magnet. Money comes to me from the North, South, East and West easily and daily from a variety of sources–known and unknown to me.
3. People love helping me live in abundance and they connect me with resources, gifts, opportunities and benefits happily and regularly.
4. It is my intention to welcome positive, healthy love into my life in all the forms it may be in, for whatever time it may last, from any distance and from any source.
5. It is my intention to be in the right place at the right time for the right reasons with the right people doing things that give glory to God every day!
6. It is my intention to live a purposeful peaceful and prosperous life in every area.
(Okay. The general love intention gets the ball rolling in your direction. Love takes many forms and the more you encounter in a day the better you feel. the better you feel the more love you exude. the more love you exude, the more you attract.)
7. It is my intention to welcome and enjoy my True love, who is available, interested, interesting, spiritually matched with me, and eager to be connected to me beginning now and on a daily basis. (Welcome and enjoy are the key words.)
Let's expect great things from our Great God! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
~ Linda
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
5 Tips for a Stress Free Christmas

from Emily Shupert
1. Simplify! You can do this by delegating, doing it yourself or simply deciding to let it go for this year. Eliminate the excess so that you can focus on your top priorities. Get your family involved in helping you to get things done and enjoy doing the tasks together. This will help you to have time together while also not feeling resentful because you had to do everything yourself.
2. Set aside time for yourself. There is so much to be done so it is easy to forget about taking care of you. Whether this is taking a long run to destress, taking a nap, or taking a deep breath, it is important for you to take a time out from the craziness of the holidays. Your family and friends will be able to pick up on your increased stress level which will result in a less enjoyable time together. Spend some time alone where you are able to take care of you so that your time together will be most enjoyable!
3. Set boundaries. Decide what you will and will not tolerate. Write it down before you enter into Christmas day. Is there someone who always asks you to do something you do not want to do? Is there someone who takes advantage of your time, energy, and relationships? The holiday season is a great time to set boundaries by teaching others on how you will and won't be treated. Let them know that "no" means "no"....every time.
4. Don't be a perfectionist. It is ok to not do things perfectly by yourself. Even Martha Stewart has a staff of assistants helping her make her decorating, baking and wrapping look perfect. It's ok to not do things perfectly. Never mind the Jones'.....Christmas is all about joy and happiness. It is not about who has the best house lights, decorated tree, or dinner.
5. Stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas. The shopping, hectic schedules, and family in town can make it easy to feel overwhelmed during his season. This is why it is so important to stay focused on what we are really celebrating. Enjoy your time with family, friends, and remember to thank God that you have these people to spend the day with. Ultimately, it is not about us but it is about celebrating Jesus' birthday!
Monday, December 21, 2009

It's crazy how quickly New Year's Eve slides in as we're setting our sights on Christmas. It's hard to believe we're only 10 days away from 2010! How appropriate that Cache' Connections has a new type of event for our New Year's Eve party. For the first time ever, we are inviting married people to join the singles at Calvary Church to welcome in the new year. Early in the year, Calvary Church in Naperville invited us to join forces for the New Year's Eve Party. We have also invited many of the Chicagoland Churches who have agreed to promote the event to their singles group. Pastor John approached us in November about inviting married peoples. We though it might be a good test to see how these two groups come together. Right away though, we decided the nametags would be color coded for singles versus married, so there are no worries there.
It will be a fun night... a little elegance combined with a lot of laughter. We look forward to experiencing comedy with Nazareth who is known as America's number 1 comedian. The dinner is going to be prepared by Chef Louie and one look at the menu makes your mouth water. The price is unbelievable for a New Year's Eve Party, only $35 if you pre-register! Jean Lachat Photography will be there also to capture the fun and take portraits for all those who are interested. We'll even have a non-alcoholic toast at midnight.
For the schedule and more info Click Here
We hope to see you there!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Their Crazy Step of Faith Leads Them on the Road to "I Do"

Phillis and Craig’s extraordinary love story beautifully illustrates the phrase, “a match made in heaven.” After dating only eight short weeks, Craig and Phillis were anxious to share how God had been orchestrating their relationship. So, they invited these two Christian matchmakers and founders of Cache' Connections to dinner.
We met up with them at a casual restaurant in Pekin, Illinois. It was apparent that Craig was ready to talk. What was even more obvious, however, was their attraction and attachment to each other. We noticed that Craig used his hands to talk, but would quickly return to holding Phillis’ hand. Likewise, Phillis, a petite and attractive 49 year old widow, was almost giddy and would often lean into Craig every time she laughed.
As matchmakers, we have seen God working through our members, but this story is so powerful and confirming that even the most skeptical readers would have a hard time refuting the evolution of a divine plan in the making.
Craig, a 56-year old well-organized business executive, came to dinner still in his suit and tie, prepared with an outline. Struggling to maintain his composure and in a most sincere manner, he started by simply stating, “We owe you a debt of gratitude.”
To give a little background, this whole story began when we were frantically searching for matchable panelists for the Peoria Cache’ Connections Dating Game, slated to transpire in October 2009. We both thought Phillis would be a great contestant because of her outgoing, energetic spirit, but she had turned us down twice already, stating "She didn’t have time." Granted, she did have a good excuse, as she is Mom to three grown biological children and 10 foster children, a nursing instructor and an Advanced Practice Nurse. To top it off, she is working on her Ph.D! But, we knew Phillis was special, as we were acquainted with her story in which her husband of 27 years lost his battle with cancer three years ago ... so we didn't want to give up quite yet. Once we had Craig signed on, we felt compelled to ask Phillis one last time, mostly out of desperation. Finally, our persistence won her over and she said yes - putting our plan in motion.
Linda: Phillis, weren’t you too busy to play in The Dating Game? Let’s talk about how we had to coax you into participating.
“Well you know I wasn’t terribly interested in the game. I had already turned down your invitation to be in the event once. When you emailed me a second request, I admit I was pretty irritated and even muttered to a co-worker, “What part of no don’t they understand?” If that wasn’t enough, a few weeks later you sent a third request. I really don’t know what caused my 180 turnabout and final answer of, “Okay, I’ll do it.” I guess it was a weak moment. I figured I’d ‘just show them’ and provide the entertainment for the audience.”
We remembered Phillis joking at the rehearsal about wearing a Big Bird costume for the event. Linda overheard this flippant comment at rehearsal and said, “No Phillis. You want to win this game,” which seemed to catch her off guard. And then “The Cache’ Connections Dating Game” began ... and ... what’s this? Phillis’ attitude started to shift as Craig’s personality was revealed from behind the partition. Then Craig asked the question that sealed the deal - a question we strongly suggested because it always got some laughs. “If a man speaks in a forest and a woman is not around to hear him, is he still wrong?” Phillis, now into the game, said with a sweet voice of conviction, “If he were my man, he’d never be alone in the forest, I’d be with him.” That cinched the deal. Craig’s winning date … Phillis!
Craig, tell us how you first got connected with Cache’ Connections.
“My daughters had been concerned over my loneliness and convinced me to sign up for Cache’ Connections after hearing about it on the radio. After two months on the site, Linda and I exchanged a few emails, and she pointed me to Phillis’ profile. I liked her photo and profile, but I was scared away when I saw she had 13 kids.
So in the summer of 2009, when I had been divorced for six years, I was getting fed up with my loneliness. I had a deep longing for a mate and found myself crying out to God and “arguing my case,” asking God why he made me with these desires if I couldn’t have a wife. And then the transformation began … after several rounds of prayer, I felt prompted to admit my failures and to confess I couldn’t do this on my own. And then I found peace after resigning my anxieties and cares to God. When Linda wrote me and invited me to be in The Dating Game, I admit I didn’t want to participate, mostly because it was outside of my comfort zone (despite being an accomplished public speaker and testifying in regulatory proceedings frequently.) I’m sure my pride was an issue, too. But I agreed to play, because I knew I needed help!”
Phillis, he picked you. What was your initial reaction to being chosen?
“After the photo shoot at the end of the Dating Game, Craig and I got so caught up talking that we eventually realized all of the other contestants had left the room. We both noticed that “it just felt right” from the beginning. At first glance, he was attractive and seemed caring and sincere, but I figured, what are the chances? The first thing I did was check him out. When we were talking out in the social area, we were both shocked to realize we had a mutual friend who was actually in Craig’s Sunday school class, Dr. John Rogers. I just happened to have his number in my cell phone. I decided I needed to go home. Really, I wanted to get the first phone call into my good friend John to get the scoop on Craig. I talked to John on the way home and he confirmed Craig was “the real deal,” and gave his blessing on the relationship, which was a huge statement coming from John.”
Kim: Craig, tell us how things got started with this romance.
“After I got over the initial shock of hearing that I had picked the lady with 13 children, I was immediately attracted to Phillis. Our first date was a week after the event, when we enjoyed the dinner at Johnny’s that was provided through the event. We’ve had a lot of dates since then. She’s attractive, intelligent and has a great heart, but I couldn’t get past the fact that she has 13 kids! I admired her huge heart for her adopted daughters, all of whom had been abused. I found myself in frequent prayer. I didn’t want to cause hurt - didn’t want to be hurt – so I knew I needed wisdom and discernment.
I quickly found that if you want to date Phillis, you must meet her friends and small group to see if you are Phillis-worthy. Tony, her late husband, had contracted with each of the men in their small group to “take care of Phillis.” The first of many tests started with her small group, who interrogated me only 16 days into the relationship. They threw out questions such as where would I take her on a honeymoon, and they even inquired about personal issues including my stance on premarital sex! I think I passed with flying colors. Even though Phillis was getting her confirmations, I still had doubts and concerns - and then the answer came. I got this distinct impression from the Holy Spirit, “Look to see where God is at work and join Him there.” I took a good look and saw God at work in Phillis’ life and her ministry to these children, along with her friends who supported them. So that was my confirmation to continue dating Phillis.”
Linda: Phillis, tell us about some of your confirmations from God on this budding romance.
“Three weeks into the relationship, I knew the attraction was definitely there, but it was all happening so quickly. I was confused and had to admit that I had an issue with Craig being divorced, even though I didn’t want that to be an issue. I was telling my friend and daughter about my fears on the way to the Beth Moore Conference we attended in Springfield recently. They agreed to pray for confirmation through the conference, that maybe a scripture or bit of advice offered to the 8800 attendees would also speak to me personally.
Not long into the conference, Beth Moore walked up into the balcony where we were seated and said she wanted to use this small section as a sample of the entire group. She wanted to know if anyone had an experience where God was using the conference to speak to them. Along with a few other ladies, I raised my hand and said it was my late husband’s birthday and I was concerned about the challenge of a new relationship. Beth made a general comment and continued the conference, talking to others and making her way back to the stage. Then she suddenly stopped and asked “where’s my young widow?” I raised my hand again and Beth proceeded to return to our section, climbed in the aisle, stepping over 5 people and sat on the lady’s lap right next to me. (Who can’t imagine Beth Moore doing this?)
Beth quoted Isaiah 43: 18-19 to me. “Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up: do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Beth told me that God wanted me to claim that scripture. I was shaking from the inside out from hearing such a direct message from God. If that wasn’t enough of a confirmation, I immediately received a text message from Craig who asked if I was talking to Beth Moore. Totally confused over how he would know since he wasn’t there, Craig explained that his daughter, Jennifer, who I had not met at this point, was in the audience and saw everything on the large screens about a Phillis from Pekin. This was more than I had hoped for in the way of confirmation. I found I had a total sense of peace over our relationship.”
Craig interrupted. Being the melancholy personality that he is, he was anxious to get back to his outline and tell us about the day he was driving his new Camaro to Springfield.
“One month into the relationship I knew I was falling in love. I was driving to Springfield and praying for direction and wisdom since everything was moving so fast. After all, I was a casualty of divorce. But there have been two times in my life when I heard a very direct, clear impression from the Holy Spirit. That day in my car came Number Three. It was imprinted in my brain, “Your job is to take care of Phillis.” I was struck with awe as I realized this was the contract Phillis’ small group had made with Tony, her late husband. I found myself raising my hands in worship and praise while driving as the presence of the Holy Spirit was so real. In fact, I was so caught up that the Camaro swerved over into the next lane.”
Phillis and Craig went on to tell us that the “M” word was becoming a common subject of discussion. Having received plenty of personal confirmations, they knew they wanted to be married. But it was so soon! Craig voiced his concerns to his daughters, who simply stated, “Don’t worry about what we think. As long as you’re happy, we’re happy.” They could see his obvious love for Phillis and that he was more vocal about his relationship with God since meeting her.
Next, they took Phillis’ four teenage daughters to lunch and announced that they were seriously considering marriage. The girls all voiced their approval, until they asked where they would live. Alyssa, the youngest, burst into tears when she heard that they would move out of the house where her deceased father, Tony, had lived. She raced to the restroom and Phillis soon followed. Alyssa confessed that she felt like she would be losing her father if she moved away from his house. Phillis assured her in story-like fashion that Tony was in their hearts and he would go with them wherever they lived. She urged her to go tell Craig the reason for her emotional outburst and concern. Craig quickly explained to Alyssa, “I don’t want to replace Tony. I admire Tony. We will take Tony with us wherever we live.” That settled her heart very quickly!
The next Sunday, Phillis messaged Craig that she’d like to go with him to his church again, which meant a lot to him. After church, they went to his home, and he sweetly asked her to be his wife. Of course she said "Yes!"
“As I said, Phillis and I will be forever indebted to Cache’ Connections for “forcing” us out of our comfort and convenience zones. Their heart for Christian singles was quite evident from my first glance at the website they had built. A lifelong student of The Word, I was very impressed with the way they formulated their four basic faith statements – couldn’t have done a better job myself. My belief in their hearts for this ministry was confirmed as we sat down at dinner recently and shared our story. Phillis and I both feel compelled to continue telling how God is working miraculously through our relationship. I’ve moved from rejecting the idea of a relationship with Phillis to a real desire to support her in her ministry, and now to a desire to be a family with her and her daughters. Our commitment to following God’s principles of keeping Him first in our relationship, praying together daily, having accountability partners and remaining sexually pure is truly producing multiple blessings. We look forward to marrying the first chance we get, which will be May 2010.”
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Single at Christmas?

Here are a few Christmas tidbits for singles from one of our favorite experts, Dr. Stephen Simpson PH.D., Director of Clinical Training and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary.
1) Make it a religious holiday . . . oh, wait, it already is! Focus on the spiritual significance of Christ's birth and seek out quieter, more reflective events instead of the usual gift-wrapped holiday fare.
2) Do your best not to be alone, even if it means spending time with people who -- how can I say this? -- aren't your favorite humans. As long as it's not someone who makes you more depressed, like a hyper-criticial family member, being around others can give you a greater sense of belonging.
3) Hand-deliver Christmas cards to local friends and family. It will give you time to reconnect that a mailed card doesn't.
4) This one is The Single's Secret Yuletide Weapon -- spend time with those who need it most. Don't just pull a "Christmas Shoes" and throw some extra cash to a needy person, actually spend time with them. Work at a homeless shelter and spend the night there. Help out at a soup kitchen and, after you eat, spend time in conversation and community with the residents. You'll learn more about courage, grace, and love than you thought possible. There are dozens of other opportunities -- visit the shut-in elderly, bring gifts (and your time) to a crisis pregnancy facility, or just get a group together and come up with your own ad hoc ministry. You'll be spending time with God's children and see that you can make a tremendous difference in people's lives. You might also realize that you're blessed in ways you didn't notice before.
5) Of course, you could always go crazy and ask someone out on a date . . .
Monday, December 14, 2009
Finding Hope!

As much as we try to keep things positive here, we must admit that these two crazy matchmakers can get a little down sometimes and need some encouragement. Let's just say we're ready to break loose and see Cache' Connections become a big deal! We've been pouring our lives and finances into this business/ministry for about 3 years now and we are VERY thankful for the growth we have experienced, although we've designed this business for much more.
If you've been around a bit, you know that we start our morning in prayer for the business and our members, single leaders and special prayer requests. One day this week was a little different - we had one of those days we were crying out to God for some answers and direction - and can we hurry things up a bit? We feel we have been obedient and conducted ourselves in a God-pleasing manner, not to say we're perfect, but we are intent on following biblical principles and God's calling. But, if we're holding things back by something we are doing, we ask for enlightenment on what it might be.
So, even though we haven't seen a miracle yet, little by little, our answer has come, and it's been a simple message of HOPE. It's pretty awesome that the message at Northwoods this weekend was about finding hope when the situation seems hopeless. Linda and I, even though we were not together or aware of each others presence, felt compelled to stand when Pastor Cal asked everyone to stand who was feeling this way. I had been concerned about an ongoing issue with a family member who is very important to me along with our dreams and desires for Cache' to continue to grow and expand. We were surprised out of a thousand people or so, we were one of the few people who stood. I was taken off guard when people around us came and laid hands on us and and prayed with the congregation. I'm not the type that typically makes my distress public knowledge, but this was an act of obedience because God has been showing me that we need to share our pain with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It was so heartwarming to know that others care and are willing to share in our distress. Many around me were weeping as they were so in tune with my pain. We left the service knowing we had been touched by the Holy Spirit and he had provided hope through others who care.
And then Monday...even though I'm usually the one that is always giving Linda the faith lecture, I had to admit to her this morning that I just couldn't do it. We then stopped what we were doing and prayed and then all afternoon the hope blessings continued - through a caring email from a friend who didn't know anything about the situation, a message of hope and special blessing from a Facebook friend, a much need positive phone call from a difficult relationship, a new event booking we've been working on for quite a while, and last, but not least, a dinner date with a couple who told us they are getting married after meeting through Cache' and how God has been working in that relationship. That story will be told in its entirety in a few days. It's amazing!
Oh, and I don't want to forget the scripture that I posted on my Facebook wall that was emailed to me over the weekend and I posted it on Sunday, but wasn't really sure why...
"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."
So onward we go full of hope for tomorrow in anticipation of God's wonderful plan for Cache' Connections!Spread some hope and encouragement to someone you know this week:) It might be just what they need.
Friday, December 11, 2009

Well..... I have to be nice because it's her birthday, you know. So here goes. I give thanks for Linda because:
she's the best Vice President Cache' has ever had (she told me to say that)
I am so thankful....
- for a biz partner who is completely committed to this ministry and works tirelessly day after day - 7 days a week
- for Linda's friendship and the prayer warrior that she is
- for her wisdom to see through the emotion and get to the heart of the matter
- for a biz partner who fully believed in this biz/ministry and quit her full time job with a continual paycheck
-and invested in a big financial way
-for someone who really cares about singles and their relationships
-for Linda's willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty and spend time listening to me and my spider-webbing conversations
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Two engagements pending!

Yes, that's right. Love (and ring shopping) is in this cold winter air at Cache' Connections!
Couple No. 1 - connected through the website earlier this year and have made several trips to visit each other in person. The love proclaimed, the ring secured. When will the question be popped?
Couple No. 2 - even more interesting. Connected through the website, sorta. I believe it was a "Not Interested" type of situation. It could have had something to do with her 10 children, but details are sketchy. So, they later met at a Cache' Connections event. For now, let's just say we, their matchmakers, made sure they met. In fact, everyone made sure they met.
What's especially exciting is that both of these relationships have Christ at the center, glory to God! Stay tuned for the full stories!
~ Linda
Monday, December 7, 2009
November - December Newsletter

November marked the anniversary of our first large event held in partnership with a mega church, which was Calvary Church in Naperville, Illinois, the largest city in West Suburban Chicago. Since then, we've hosted approximately fifteen other events in a variety of mega churches in several states. God has favored us not only with the privilege of working with Christian singles in this area so dear to their hearts, but he has helped us form strategic partnerships with vibrant churches and caring Christian relationship experts. Our partnerships with churches have helped to build and strengthen their singles ministries, while also providing a much-needed service that churches are not designed to offer.
Our second annual "Cache' Connections Live-Naperville" event took place on 11/20/09 and was enjoyed by about 200 Christian singles. Brian Hunt and his band rocked the house with their awesome worship music, and Dr. Juliet Caceres spoke about pacing yourself in relationships. Check out the article that was written in the Naperville Sun.
Cache' Quick Introductions Plays in Peoria
Cache' Connections hosted various "Cache' Quick Introductions" events in November in our major locations, which include Peoria and Chicago, IL, Atlanta, GA, Cincinnati, OH and Detroit, MI. Local singles were employed to host the events. To our surprise, the Peoria event had the best attendance! Some great introductions were made and we've heard of some follow-up dates.
Speaking of great connections ... one of the "winning" couples from the Dating Game in Peoria last month are still going strong! Stay tuned for the full scoop.
Also, a little birdie told us (well, two of them, actually) that they are still enjoying each other's company and intentionally dating after having met at our November 3 Cache' Quick Introductions event in Schaumburg, Illinois. Happy one month anniversary - and "keep them cards and letters coming folks!"
December points us to Christmas celebrations and plans for New Year's Eve. Our Cache' Quick Introductions parties are being transformed into Christmas parties, complete with a white elephant gift exchange to add to the fun. Also for Christmas, we are offering FREE subscriptions from December 5 until the 25th! Just email us and request the "Christmas gift."
Cache' Connections is partnering with Calvary Church in Naperville, IL for "NYE09." Pastor John Absher and we have decided to make the bold move of inviting married couples to attend this gala event, which will feature Christian comedian Nazareth. An elegant meal and social activities will be enjoyed by all. Make plans now! Click here for details.
Looking to the New Year, plans are well underway for our very first national conference, Cache' Connections Disney Getaway, which will take place at the Double Tree Guest Suites in Orlando, Florida on February 26 - 28, 2010. Our beloved Drs. Tom and Bev Rodgers, along with Dr. David Lorenz from First Baptist Orlando, will be our keynote speakers. Several workshops will be available for singles, as well as for pastors and leaders. Make plans now and look forward to a fantastic weekend of sunshine, connecting with other singles, gaining some valuable relationship advice and enjoying the beautiful Disney World resort area!
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
Friday, December 4, 2009
Free Christmas Offer + News on NYE09!

In the spirit of Christmas, today we decided to give back to those who have in any way expressed an interest in Cache' Connections in the past, as well as new subscribers. We are quite busy welcoming new members and are pleased to say that most of them seem to be genuinely grateful! If you or someone you know is a Christian single, please encourage them to check out this offer on the home page at
On the New Year's Eve front, we are trying something very different. We are partnering with Calvary Church in Naperville, which isn't such a new thing. What is entirely different is that we are opening this event up to married people as well.
It all started when some of the married employees of the church expressed an interest in attending this gala event, which includes a incredible dinner and comedy by Nazareth. After tossing the idea around for a few weeks and getting approval from the appropriate parties, we've decided to give it a try! We'll just have different colors on the name tags to differentiate whether folks are single or married.
We're thinking this may even draw a whole new singles crowd that we've never met before in the Naperville area. What do you think?
~ Linda
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Disney - Here We Come!

The foundation is set and the airline tickets have been purchased! Cache' Connections is heading to warm temps and a fun venue on February 26-28th. The Disney Singles Getaway is going to be a blast and we are sooo excited to be launching into the Orlando market. We feel incredibly blessed to again be partnering with a mega church - this time in the Orlando area - First Baptist Orlando. We met the singles pastor, Dr. David Lorenz, at the SAM conference in Daytona Beach last year. He didn't seem that interested in us at the time, but it's amazing how this partnership came together almost a year later. By the way, this event is not only for singles, but includes training for singles leaders. We are now working on obtaining speakers for the workshops. Our keynote speakers are Dr. David and Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers.
There are a lot of details to work out, but we have a great start. Click Here for more.
We'll keep you updated!
Have a great rest of the week!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Connected at Cache' Connections Live! on 11/20
We just received this note from Shaina who attended the Live! event at Calvary Church this month. She has been an active member, attending events and also joining the website. Once again we find that those who are most proactive are finding the most success.
Here's what she had to say, "Hi Kim & Linda, I did go on the chat with Expert Emily tonight. It was interesting. I just wanted to update you on the guys I met at CC Live in Naperville the other week. I have received 3 e-mails from ____________! Also today I got a phone call from ____________ (who I also met at Calvary). We have a lunch date for this Thursday! :)
I'll keep you updated! Thanks for your friendship and your services!"
We have two upcoming events that are great opportunities to connect with other singles... Cache' Connections Christmas Party in Naperville and Peoria. Events(Please encourage your single friends to attend. You never know what can happen:)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Divorce rate for Christians? Divorce proofing advice
Here's a question that was deferred to us by friend-of-singles:
i have a question that i have wondered for years about the answer -
if a couple (both believers) go to church together,do they have a better chance of making it last? would you get counseling at the church (maybe from a couple who have been married for 50 + years?) or is the divorce rate for christians still approx. 50 %?
Thanks for the question. Unfortunately, the divorce rate is the same for Christians as non-believers, about 50%. I'd like to direct you and your reader to our blog post from 11/10/09. Dr. Stephen Simpson, one of our experts, was addressing this topic in a chat. Click here to read the blog.
I assume this couple attends the same church and therefore are on the same page regarding faith. In addition to that, t-i-m-e spent dating or courting is a great element to stave off the risk of divorce, as well as professional pre-marriage counseling. (At least one year is a common recommendation.) Both parties will be bringing their past hurts into the relationship, and it's great if the individuals can identify those ahead of time and know how to recognize and deal with them after the honeymoon wears off. The addition of an older Christian couple who may want to mentor them can't hurt!
I hope this helps.
~ Linda
i have a question that i have wondered for years about the answer -
if a couple (both believers) go to church together,do they have a better chance of making it last? would you get counseling at the church (maybe from a couple who have been married for 50 + years?) or is the divorce rate for christians still approx. 50 %?
Thanks for the question. Unfortunately, the divorce rate is the same for Christians as non-believers, about 50%. I'd like to direct you and your reader to our blog post from 11/10/09. Dr. Stephen Simpson, one of our experts, was addressing this topic in a chat. Click here to read the blog.
I assume this couple attends the same church and therefore are on the same page regarding faith. In addition to that, t-i-m-e spent dating or courting is a great element to stave off the risk of divorce, as well as professional pre-marriage counseling. (At least one year is a common recommendation.) Both parties will be bringing their past hurts into the relationship, and it's great if the individuals can identify those ahead of time and know how to recognize and deal with them after the honeymoon wears off. The addition of an older Christian couple who may want to mentor them can't hurt!
I hope this helps.
~ Linda
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving from Cache' Connections!
We want to wish each of you a very happy Thanksgiving today. What a great opportunity for all of us to count our blessings. Here are some things we thank God for:
- the love, mercy and grace of our Savior
- our families
- our homes
- our freedom
- Cache' Connections members and friends
- connections that are underway
- our experts
- our hosts/pastors/advisors
- our encouragers
- the things God has taught us
Although in this world we all have trouble, as Jesus predicted, as Christians we are called to have an attitude of gratitude. We truly have so much to be thankful for. We count it a blessing and a privilege to work with Christian singles in this area of relationships that is so very dear to your hearts.
~ Linda
- the love, mercy and grace of our Savior
- our families
- our homes
- our freedom
- Cache' Connections members and friends
- connections that are underway
- our experts
- our hosts/pastors/advisors
- our encouragers
- the things God has taught us
Although in this world we all have trouble, as Jesus predicted, as Christians we are called to have an attitude of gratitude. We truly have so much to be thankful for. We count it a blessing and a privilege to work with Christian singles in this area of relationships that is so very dear to your hearts.
~ Linda
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Dr. Steve speaks about age difference in dating
Here's some fodder from Monday night's expert-led chat with Dr. Stephen Simpson. Please note, these are Dr's. comments only taken from a group conversation.
Age differences are becoming more common for a number of reasons.
People getting divorced.
People living longer.
Women having careers.
Here are a few things to consider about age differences of 10 years or more:
1) Life phase differences. He'll be retiring when you might be working hard. He might begin having serious health issues and need care when you're still quite healthy.
2) Kids. The closeness in age might be a bit odd, but, since his kids are well into adulthood, it should make it easier. (re: his daughter is only 5 years older than me)
3) Common interests. When you're a generation apart, you might have less in common than it seems at first.
However, You are exactly right that chronological age and emotional maturity often have nothing to do with each other.
Also, it tends to be a bit easier for women to date older men than vice versa (though not always).
Anyway, age difference is not a significant factor if everything else is clicking.
(There is no ideal age difference) You can't really put a number on it because it depends so much on the people involved.
Okay, so we met a guy who is in his 50's and he and his 2nd wife, who is 17 years younger, just had a baby. He is happy as a clam. I guess if she's okay with it ...
Your thoughts?
~ Linda
Age differences are becoming more common for a number of reasons.
People getting divorced.
People living longer.
Women having careers.
Here are a few things to consider about age differences of 10 years or more:
1) Life phase differences. He'll be retiring when you might be working hard. He might begin having serious health issues and need care when you're still quite healthy.
2) Kids. The closeness in age might be a bit odd, but, since his kids are well into adulthood, it should make it easier. (re: his daughter is only 5 years older than me)
3) Common interests. When you're a generation apart, you might have less in common than it seems at first.
However, You are exactly right that chronological age and emotional maturity often have nothing to do with each other.
Also, it tends to be a bit easier for women to date older men than vice versa (though not always).
Anyway, age difference is not a significant factor if everything else is clicking.
(There is no ideal age difference) You can't really put a number on it because it depends so much on the people involved.
Okay, so we met a guy who is in his 50's and he and his 2nd wife, who is 17 years younger, just had a baby. He is happy as a clam. I guess if she's okay with it ...
Your thoughts?
~ Linda
Monday, November 23, 2009
Favorable feedback from Cache' Connections Live! Naperville
Friday night's event was a success on many levels! Here are a few comments we have received:
"Linda, thanks we had a GREAT time last night!!!! I made a couple of friends!!! My friend told me all the way home what a great time he had and how relaxed he was the entire time. Brian Hunt and the whole worship team just ripped!!!! They were so hot, I thought the stage was going to burn up!! Speakers were just what I needed to hear. You guys did a wonderful job. I had fun. Looking forward to talking with you again ... Great time!!!" Taylor
"I just wanted to thank you so much for Cache' Connections Live in Naperville and all the work you put into getting it ready. I had a blast ... We appreciate what you two do. I think everyone had a really good time... There were a lot of first timers. The word is getting out. :)" Shaina
"I was at the Cache Connections Live event in Naperville on Friday, November 20 and I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the event! The music was energizing. The speaker, Juliet Caceres, was really great. I thought she had really good advice. I also like your methods for helping people socialize." David
Personally, we were encouraged to meet a couple who have been dating since they were connected on the website in February '09. We also heard about someone who is married as a result of Cache' Connections. Could this be you? Please tell us if you are in a connection so that we can be praying for you! It's such a blessing to see our original vision come to fruition - one couple at a time :)
~ Linda
"Linda, thanks we had a GREAT time last night!!!! I made a couple of friends!!! My friend told me all the way home what a great time he had and how relaxed he was the entire time. Brian Hunt and the whole worship team just ripped!!!! They were so hot, I thought the stage was going to burn up!! Speakers were just what I needed to hear. You guys did a wonderful job. I had fun. Looking forward to talking with you again ... Great time!!!" Taylor
"I just wanted to thank you so much for Cache' Connections Live in Naperville and all the work you put into getting it ready. I had a blast ... We appreciate what you two do. I think everyone had a really good time... There were a lot of first timers. The word is getting out. :)" Shaina
"I was at the Cache Connections Live event in Naperville on Friday, November 20 and I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the event! The music was energizing. The speaker, Juliet Caceres, was really great. I thought she had really good advice. I also like your methods for helping people socialize." David
Personally, we were encouraged to meet a couple who have been dating since they were connected on the website in February '09. We also heard about someone who is married as a result of Cache' Connections. Could this be you? Please tell us if you are in a connection so that we can be praying for you! It's such a blessing to see our original vision come to fruition - one couple at a time :)
~ Linda
Saturday, November 21, 2009
tired blogger checking in

The Day After.
It actually starts as we are still driving home from the event - "... a three hour tour." Kim chatters to keep herself awake and I grunt every so often to keep her going. This is not my ideal time for strategizing, shall we say. Or doing math in my head, which I've never been good at. The calculator will be there in the morning, I mumble.
We had about 170 guests come out to Cache' Connections Live! Naperville last night, and the vast majority really enjoyed themselves. A new emcee was employed; our member Jim from the Single Spotlight led the way and was able to identify with the crowd as a fellow Christian-single-online-dater. Many chuckles, giggles and guffaws ensued as Jim relayed some of his dating disasters. Jim used humor throughout including somehow comparing Kim and my hair to Rod Blagojevich's. (I think ours won.) I overheard one gent tell him that he enjoyed his fifth-grade humor.
Another change-up was Jim doing an interview of the two of us as opposed to our usual "speech." This was a more relaxed setting and it went fairly well, despite some qualms about the ~unknown possibilities.~ Jim, a former radio show host, was in his glory leading the interview. The green tie guy just might have to make another appearance at Cache' Connections Live!
We can't fail to mention our thanks to Brian Hunt who rocked the place with worship. Those guys (and doll) did a Fantastic job! Dr. Juliet Caceres delivered some personally insightful wisdom on staying the course in the race set before singles. Afterward, we changed it up a bit with a get-to-know-you icebreaker, which everyone seemed to enjoy. We had tons of fabulous door prizes - a good night! AND we met a couple who met on the website 9 months ago and are still going strong. Awe ...
Thanks to our sponsors!
Stephen Fako, D.D.S., Naperville, IL
Brunswick Zone Naperville
Meier Counseling Clinics
WMBI Radio
WYLL Radio
EDAN concerts
See you again, Naperville, on 12/6 at Carrabba's and back at Calvary Church on New Year's Eve!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cache' Connections Live! Tomorrow

Things are coming together and we're packed up and ready to take off for Naperville for a much anticipated event. Things have come together pretty smoothly, but as always we struggle with how to get the word out. Christian singles are an elusive group to reach. We have found that typical marketing avenues such as print and radio do not bring enough sign ups to justify the high cost. So, we have had to "pull out all the stops" to bring recognition to this event within our means. We thought we've done a pretty good job though - by obtaining free liners on WMBI and WYLL radio (a big thank you to these stations!), placing the event on several event calendars in the Chicago area, and sending hundred of emails. Also, we are really excited that Cache' Connections and the event will be featured in the Faith section of the Naperville Sun tomorrow. Our main campaign though has been making personal phone calls to hundreds of people who have come to previous events. We have found that the personal contact can be the most beneficial campaign of all. It is a time-consuming, energy absorbing endeavor, but overall most people are pleased to receive a call.
So, after doing everything within our means and budget, we were pretty discouraged that the sign-ups have been minimal.... until tonight! As the cut-off was 8:00 p.m. CST, guess what? Yep, here they come, right up until the last minute. It's still hard to tell if we will have 150 or 300+, we're pretty relieved that it seems to be coming together as a well-attended event.
Hope to see you there:)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It's a Pace... not a Race!

There was some great advice offered in the chat last night. A gentleman brought up the subject of "rushing into a relationship" and asked Expert Emily's help on how to slow it down and prevent another heartache. Here's a tidbit of what she had to say.
"...sounds like you are jumping into a relationship quickly which creates a thrill for the begining but one heck of a heartbreak in the end. I encourage clients to take time getting to know one another, married couples never say "we should have gotten married earlier" On the contrary, many couples say that they wished that they had taken longer in their courtships.
I would recommend that you take time....enjoy taking time for relationships to develop. Something that is worth a lifetime is worth waiting for.....deep roots take time and grow strong.
Ok, take date a week. Don't be too available....this doesn't mean that you are trying to "play games" but it means that you are giving the relationship time to develop naturally.
When you are all about a relationship, it is natural to want to go all in. However, this creates an unbalanced life where you have tunnel vision for dating but are unbalanced in friendships, work, and other priorities.
I'd like to recommend that you limit yourself in relationships at first because it is easy to fall in love with the idea of love and to miss out on experiencing the person right in front of you. I have worked with clients who got married and realized that they married a stranger.
Take your time to let love develope in your dating life."
Emily offers more helpful dating advice on her blog at Expert Emily's blog
Also, you can join in the expert led chats by going to "The Meeting Room" at Cache' Connections.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
50+ and never married - what's up?

Here's an interesting email we received yesterday:
Hi Linda...
"I am on several Christian dating websites, including Cache, and have just as of Saturday turned 50....had a wonderful celebration with friends and family.
I just got rejected by a divorced guy on for being "never married" at the age of 50. What gives? He says that my profile looks fabulous, but is hard to believe that there must not being something really wrong with someone who has never been married by the time they are 50. He says that there is a ongoing discussion out there about the group I belong to (the "never marrieds") and how we are not able to be pleased. He figures he doesn't want to get involved in a relationship where there is a lot of "knit-picking".
What's interesting is that originally in my searches, I have been casting aside the divorced man, figuring that there must be something wrong with a man who has not been able to keep a marriage together.
I bring this to your attention, not to complain, but simply to discuss this interesting dicotomy of sorts.
I know you must have encountered this discussion before, since you are a Christian dating professional. The other interesting problem a "never married" encounters who is pretty fundamental in their beliefs is the desire to uphold God's standards in the very stricktest sense. So, if a man is divorced, there is a desire to know that it was a Biblical divorce and not just a situation where two people did not get along. For if that were the case, and the woman he was married to is still single, there is still an opportunity for that couple to re-unite. The thought of me committing adultary by having intercourse with my husband is troubling. So, I want to honor God. But how do I understand the circumstances of a man's divorce without being so nosey and pressing?
In the "olden days" before the internet, there would be ways of knowing without asking about them directly. Within a community, people were known to one another.
Interestingly, the George Barna Group did a study back in March of 2008. 22% of all adults never marry in their lifetime and 25% of all adults have at least one marital split during their lifetime.
So, Linda...this is a rather long e-mail, but wondering if you've encountered this and addressed it with the Cache group?
My initial thoughts are that it is too bad that anyone is being judged by a simple mark on a website page, i.e., "divorced" or "never married." We have known some quality people who are over 40 who have never married and the reasons are numerous. Likewise, we all know that there are plenty of divorced people out there, but without knowing the reason for the divorce (i.e. if there were biblical grounds), we hope that folks are not being too hasty in marking them as "not interested." Our recommendation would be that if a person seems to have qualities that you find attractive, you should begin to slowly explore a friendship with him or her. However, this does not include an "interrogation" on the first date. People are very sensitive to this. Those tougher questions can be addressed if there is a Date No. 2, 3 or 4.
Any thoughts?
~ Linda
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Jealousy: Dr. Steve's topic in Monday night's chat

Member: I am jealous at times of men with wives, girlfriends, children. It is a problem for me.
Dr. Steve: ... I would call that more typical envy, which is a bit different than jealousy. If you wanted to steal their wives, girlfriend, and children, we might need to talk about that more . . .
Member: Dr. isn't jealousy a form of insecurity?
Dr. Steve: That is actually a common misconception. Jealousy Can represent insecurity, but sometimes it's normal, even healthy.
Member: v-e-r-y i-n-t-e-r-s-t-i-n-g!
Dr. Steve: It can even be a little bit sexy, sometimes. Here's what I mean. The key to jealous feelings is to "own" them. In other words, admit that my jealous feelings are my own instead of accusing someone of something or asking suspicious questions.
By admitting that I'm jealous, I'm admitting that I have passionate feelings about the woman, that I want to be closer to her than other guys.
Member: oh that's sweet
Dr. Steve: It can reveal passion and, but being strong enough to admit jealousy, can come across as bold and, ironically, secure.
Member: How about: I don't want him but I don't want anyone else to have him either.
Dr. Steve: That would be something to pray about : ) Actually, I hear about a lot of women feeling that way, more than men.
Member: Wow, not wanting him but not wanting anyone else to have him, that's a hard situation.
Dr. Steve: I think that can be a self-esteem issue -- liking the feeling of someone liking you. We all need that, but it can be hard to let go of even if you don't reciprocate. Anyway, Jealousy becomes a problem when it gets possessive and accusatory. Most people like it a little if you admit feeling jealous; they don't like being told what to do or accused of things. Of course, if the person you're dating is getting too close to someone else for your comfort, it's okay to tell them that.
Thank you Dr. Stephen W. Simpson, one of our many relationship experts at Cache' Connections. Join in the scheduled chats for Christian singles! Check out the schedule here.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Power of Persistence

Today we've found encouragement from Dr. Charles Stanley's daily devotiona. Here is an excerpt:
"Everyone desires success. Simply wanting it, however, won't guarantee achievement. That's why many people fail to reach their goal; they encounter hardship and give up. Let's discuss one characteristic needed to accomplish what you set out to do.
Persistence is the combination of strong desire and willpower—it is the capacity to stay on course in the face of difficulty and refuse to quit... The Father has great goals for our lives. Striving for anything less will neither fulfill us nor achieve what God has planned in our life. Once His direction is clear, we should passionately pursue God's purposes with the Holy Spirit's strength and guidance—especially when obstacles arise. Don't give up!"
Dr. Stanley references Philippians 3:10-14 and Acts 20:24, how the Apostle Paul persevered under tremendous pressure and trials. Are you persevering?
~ Linda
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Is this a faith match?

Here are some excerpts from last night's expert-led chat with Dr. Stephen W. Simpson:
How do you go about deciding if someone is a good match when it comes to faith? Before I met my wife, I dated both Christians and non-Christians. With women who weren't Christians, I was actually surprised at how pervasive the feeling that something was missing. Even if you're not someone who is very open about your faith, it still affects our worldview in big ways.
Do you guys want to know a few ways to discern whether or not someone is a good spiritual match?
First, you need Time. Anyone can fake a walk with Christ for a few weeks. In about 3-4 months, however, the person's true character will start to show. So don't get too serious for about 100 days.
Second, watch more for what you Don't want instead of what you Do when it comes to faith. If there are beliefs or practices that really bother you, ask about those early on (but not the first date). Personal story: My best friend is Catholic. I went out on a blind date with a girl who was a Christian. During our first date, she told me she thought Catholics were going to hell and that the pope might be the antichrist. There wasn't a second date.
Third, make sure that attending the same church is possible. It's okay to come from different religious backgrounds, but you should be able to be in the same congregation at some point if things continue.
Two more points to go. The next one should be obvious. You should be in basic agreement when it comes to issues of sexual purity. There can be some mild disagreement, but major disagreement will probably lead to frustration for at least one person.
Last point: Do not, for any reason, engage in "missionary dating." Don't date someone with the intention/goal/hope of winning them to Christ. (can lead to:)
1) Frustration when they don't become a Christian
2) Being committed to someone who doesn't become a Christian when you don't have the heart to end the relationship
3) Not knowing what to talk about once they do become a Christian!
Want to join in and enjoy Dr. Steve or Expert Emily in a live chat? Check the Scheduled Events at Cache' Connections. Need not be a member to participate. Just behave yourself :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What Are The Odds?

Linda and I sometimes take a block of time out of our day and call singles who have been at our events who indicated they wanted to be informed of future events. This week we have been calling Detroit singles and letting them know about the Quick Introductions event that is coming up this Monday. We have found the responses can be quite different. Here's a few examples:
"I didn't like your last event... there weren't enough men. My friends and I decided we're not interested in Cache' Connections."
....and on the flip side:
"Wow, this event sounds so fun. I so appreciate what you guys are doing for singles. Thank you so much for calling and letting me know about this. I'll take a look and try to make it."
Hmmm..... I wonder which personality will attract more people?
Have you heard this saying? "People will not always remember what you do or what you say, but they'll always remember how you made them feel."
Our day is always enriched when we bless someone with our words.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Smooth Sailing at Quick Introductions

Well, our first experience at "turning over the reigns" came and went without mishap (for the most part). We had Cache' Quick Introductions in Cincinnati and Schaumburg on Tuesday and enlisted the help of a host and hostesses to run the two shows. There were about 30 people at each event and we hear some lively conversations and good connections were made. Here's what one young man had to say:
"I enjoyed the quick introductions event. I've never been so impressed with the character and openness of so many women before. Everyone was upbeat, happy and easy to talk to."
These face-to-face encounters are so much fun and a great way to SEE the person. We even heard of a few who had connected on the website and used this event to meet for the first time. We'll have to wait to see what comes about as a result.....
If you're interested in other events such as these, check out Events
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Where Are The Women?

It's one of those rare times that we have a Quick Introductions event and have more men than women signed up. Pretty awesome! So we have put out a desperate email inviting women to sign up. Here's their chance to take advantage of this opportunity and to have many men at their disposal.
We prefer everyone to pre-register, but we will take walk-ins at the door. More information can be found at Events.
This is the first time Linda and I have turned over the reigns for an event. We have single hosts and hostesses who will be greeting and running the event so we're praying for a smooth running evening.
Have a great day!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Expert Emily lends more advice on speed dating ...

Here is some cutting and pasting from last night's chat on speed dating, led by Emily Shupert:
Rule 1: Come up with your "elevator pitch" which is 45 to 1 min long. Write it before, memorize it, and feel comfortable with it. This is a brief summary of who you are, where you work, and some positive aspects you have (i.e. good leader, great listener, etc.)
Rule #2 Ask the person interesting questions (appropriate and upbeat)....not too deep, but something that makes you look like you care to know more about them and are an interesting person....
Rule #3.... Use this as an opportunity to meet others and get more comfy with getting out there and putting your best foot forward...have fun!
Remember how important body language is. Look the person in the eye...I know this sounds so simple but it is imperative! You must look the other person in the eye or it communicates a lack of confidence or insecurity.
Another important body language tip is keep your arms open, moving, etc....don't cross them! Keep them to the side, use them in your speaking, or whatever, but don't cross them because that communicates that you are closed off.
It is important to let the person know that you are interested in knowing them more....they cannot mind-read.
Remember ladies and gentleman. If you are interested, let him/her know. If you are not, say, "nice to meet you" and go to the next person. You don't have to be rude but you also want to make sure that you are as efficient as possible. If they give you a card, gently thank them and then say, I'm looking at other options or simply try to communicate that you are not interested.
Yes, I suggest prayer be involved in the entire process. God is with you everywhere and He is going to walk with you into this situation as well!
Yes, smile....people are watching you, not only the person you are talking with but others in the room...let them know that you are approachable and easy to talk with.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Speed dating advice from Dr. Steve

... a/k/a Dr. Stephen W. Simpson, professor and Director of Clinical Training in the School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary, and one of Cache' Connections' experts:
1) You will give everyone you meet at least five minutes before forming a firm first impression. This means you don't dismiss anyone right away.
2) You will be in the moment. This means that you think about enjoying the conversation instead of trying to decide if you can marry the person you just met
3) will be honest but not necessarily transparent. This means that you are authentic and you don't change just to impress someone, But . . . you also don't hit them over the head with your most intimidating secrets, either.
Simple yet great advice given in the Cache' Connections chat room this past Monday night. We would add this advice on introducing yourself for the impending Cache' Quick Introductions events: keep it brief and common, such as city in which you live, your church, favorite ministry, work, family, marital history, etc.
Oh, and keep expectations low! Keep a mindset of enjoying the opportunity to make some new friends!
~ Linda
Monday, October 26, 2009
Dating Game "date feedback" :)

We received a note from Craig, who recently chose Phillis at the Peoria Dating Game on 10/16. Craig gave us permission to share:
As you requested, I’m keeping you informed about my dates with Phillis. The quick version is that we both enjoyed our first date very much.
Spending the evening with her last night confirmed my first impressions – she is a very intelligent, attractive, caring person with a lively personality. What’s not to like?
We have two more dates lined up ...
Thanks Kim and Linda for your good coaching and especially for caring about us singles who want to find someone. As Southern Baptists say: “God bless you real good”.
By the way, Phillis has checked in too and has great things to say also about Craig. We are praying for these two, as well as all of our current connections.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Here's what's cooking ...

Thought I'd update you on some things that are coming down the Cache' pipeline.
1) We're happy to announce an advice column authored by our own "Expert Emily." Check out her blog here. Be sure to send your dating questions to her!
2) Emily Shupert is also offering personalized date coaching. For just $50, you can have a personal phone conversation with Emily and she will answer questions to your unique situation. Click here for details!
3) How does a Florida trip sound for this winter? We are considering a weekend singles conference in the Orlando area for January or February 2010. Will you come? Preliminary calculations indicate your cost, including hotel for two nights, would be around $150 plus airfare and food, if you share a room. We are currently securing accommodations, speakers, sponsors, etc. Stay tuned for details!
4) We look forward to meeting some Chicagoland singles pastors and leaders at a luncheon at Calvary Church this Friday. We're meeting to network on how we can better minister to Christian singles - together!
5) Don't forget the great October special - 50% off one month or more with this code: OCT1495.
~ Linda
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Feedback from other Christian sites ...

Here's an email we received from one of our members recently:
FYI, I also joined another Christian dating website, Love And earlier this week. You might be interested to know that that site seems to have quite a number of people who are NOT Christians on there. In fact, some seem downright predatory, with less than honorable intentions. Apparently, there are no filters in place for ensuring that those who post profiles actually are Christians. In fact, some of the profiles even state "rarely attends church" or "only at holidays." I believe one man's profile I saw was an attempt to thumb his nose at Christians in general, as his photos showed him smoking cigarettes and cigars, as well as beer and wine. First line of his profile went something like this: "Must love Jesus Christ. If you're tanned, taut, tawny and tasty, send me an email..." Frankly, I find that shamefully astounding, and I took great offense at that. Looks like the enemy infiltrates everything! Why would you want to be on that website if you weren't interested in actually meeting a fellow Christian? My purpose in telling you this is to say that your site does a far better job in having filters in place so that there is a greater assurance that those who post profiles actually are Christians. Thanks so much for that! ... Have a blessed day!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dating Game Feedback
I remember the first time I went to a Christian concert. The atmosphere was relaxed like a church home. Being at the Cache Connections "Dating Game" event in Peoria had the same comfortable environment. I had the pleasure of volunteering as a greeter. From the start everyone was open and friendly. When the heart of a business is based on Biblical principles and Jesus Christ, then the motivation behind the events comes more from compassion than financial gain.
You can feel the difference and that alone helped me relax and prompt me to approach other singles. Founders Linda & Kim were friendly and always available to talk to us throughout the evening. The Dating Game itself was highly entertaining. There were door prizes and I liked how we sectioned off into age groups so we had a chance to break the ice and get to know others. We were all there for the same reason so there was no pretense.
The object of the evening was to enjoy ourselves & possibly make connections, and we all knew it. So if I approached someone I felt free to do so because I knew they were single.
The last hour we all mingled and by then there was plenty of subjects for conversation. I felt it was fun, creative & well organized. I've tried Eharmony and a couple of other dating sites, but the reason I like Cache is because I believe in the K.I.S.S. factor, in this case it's "keeping it simple singles." This was my first event and I hope to attend another soon! - Peg, Springfield, IL
Thanks Peg!
You can feel the difference and that alone helped me relax and prompt me to approach other singles. Founders Linda & Kim were friendly and always available to talk to us throughout the evening. The Dating Game itself was highly entertaining. There were door prizes and I liked how we sectioned off into age groups so we had a chance to break the ice and get to know others. We were all there for the same reason so there was no pretense.
The object of the evening was to enjoy ourselves & possibly make connections, and we all knew it. So if I approached someone I felt free to do so because I knew they were single.
The last hour we all mingled and by then there was plenty of subjects for conversation. I felt it was fun, creative & well organized. I've tried Eharmony and a couple of other dating sites, but the reason I like Cache is because I believe in the K.I.S.S. factor, in this case it's "keeping it simple singles." This was my first event and I hope to attend another soon! - Peg, Springfield, IL
Thanks Peg!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cache' Quick Introductions - Price Reduction!

Sign-ups are already coming in for Cache' Quick Introductions parties. Now, they are more affordable for you! For just $20, members and non-members can attend one of these social gatherings to meet other Christian singles of all ages. (Appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages included.) The feedback is always great from these get-togethers. Read what Markita had to say:
"I just wanted to thank you, and tell you what an awesome time I had on Sunday! Not only meeting new people, but seeing those I already knew! I really appreciate what you are doing for us singles. There is none out there quite like Cache. I have searched, and searched. I am asking for God to bless you all especially for this reason. It's no secret that my personal life has been a roller coaster these past several months, however, when I get those emails about a new event, there is something in me that makes me want to give it another shot! I always know I'll have a great time even if I don't meet "Mr. Right." Who knows, one of these events just may lead me to "Mr Right."
... I also love the fact that I know with all certainty that you ladies love God and love God's singles. Christian Singles have been ignored for so long, it is refreshing to be a part of a singles ministry that has dedicated itself to connecting Godly, like-minded singles together, to give us an opportunity to meet people we may have never met! And to do this in such a tasteful, fun way! I had stopped going to singles events because honestly, they were quite lame!!! I pray that God would grant you both continued favor, many open doors, continued wisdom, fresh ideas, explosive membership, and abundant resources to carry it all out! I Know He has put a passion and fire inside you ladies to carry out this mission... I just wanna say "Thanks for answering the call"....
Times are 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Here are the venues:
Tuesday, November 3
Carrabba's, Cincinnati, OH
Tuesday, November 3
Pompei, Schaumburg, IL
Monday, November 9
Carrabba's, Detroit area, MI
Monday, November 16
Carrabba's, Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, November 17
Johnny's, Peoria, IL
Please pass this information along to ensure great turnouts at all venues! Click here for more details and to register.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Questions For Expert Emily

I few tidbits of advice from "Expert Emily" that she shared in the Cache' Connections chatroom last night:
Cache' Member: Ok, Here's my problem-- I'm 63 and divorced. I do't have any idea what the rules are now. First I'm in Ga. I'm not looking for long distance dating. I'm a very social person. I'd like someone to do things with like eat, etc.
Expert Emily: I would suggest that you contact guys on Cache while also making efforts to talk to at least 5 new guys a week....this can be in the groccery store, in the starbucks line, at church... If you can talk with more and more guys, the more you will see that they are out there. Over 50% of people in the nation are single and many of these are divorced folks. They are out there, but it takes several modes to see this sometimes .
Cache' Member: I've sent a few messages online.
Expert Emily: In regards to the message...i would state your name, where you live and what you like to do. Short, brief but letting them know "hey, I'm here and I'm interested in knowing more about you" I would suggest you put in a question so you are able to get them to respond. Like, what is your favorite thing to do in Georgia? or something like that....
Cache' Member: I'm getting one on one counseling.
Expert Emily: Good for you for doing that as well! It is so important to work on yourself as you go through the dating process.
This is just a small glimpse of the great advice that is given through the weekly expert chats in the chatroom at Cache' Connections. We invite our members to login and ask those questions that have been on your mind. Our experts are happy to help!
....and remember, love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.
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