Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Questions For Expert Emily

I few tidbits of advice from "Expert Emily" that she shared in the Cache' Connections chatroom last night:

Cache' Member: Ok, Here's my problem-- I'm 63 and divorced. I do't have any idea what the rules are now. First I'm in Ga. I'm not looking for long distance dating. I'm a very social person. I'd like someone to do things with like eat, etc.

Expert Emily: I would suggest that you contact guys on Cache while also making efforts to talk to at least 5 new guys a week....this can be in the groccery store, in the starbucks line, at church... If you can talk with more and more guys, the more you will see that they are out there. Over 50% of people in the nation are single and many of these are divorced folks. They are out there, but it takes several modes to see this sometimes .

Cache' Member: I've sent a few messages online.

Expert Emily: In regards to the message...i would state your name, where you live and what you like to do. Short, brief but letting them know "hey, I'm here and I'm interested in knowing more about you" I would suggest you put in a question so you are able to get them to respond. Like, what is your favorite thing to do in Georgia? or something like that....

Cache' Member: I'm getting one on one counseling.

Expert Emily: Good for you for doing that as well! It is so important to work on yourself as you go through the dating process.

This is just a small glimpse of the great advice that is given through the weekly expert chats in the chatroom at Cache' Connections. We invite our members to login and ask those questions that have been on your mind. Our experts are happy to help!

....and remember, love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.


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