Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here's some blog fodder from Sunday night's chat!

"Long distance relationships get fueled by a lot of fantasy and romantic weekends, etc. The person has to be around enough to get on your nerves." (more good stuff from Sunday night's chat with Dr. Stephen W. Simpson and the Cache' Connections Facebook Fan Page)

Mark: "That may be true. So the question now is when dating someone that lives 700 miles away how do you solve that? ...(I ask for those that don't know) ... because my girlfriend and I do not seem to have that problem. We have nice dates when together but we do normal stuff too like cooking, running to the grocery, other shopping, watching TV. We do ... Read Morestuff around the house, whatever we need to get done, we do. When we see each other it's usually for 2 to 4 days in a row. We do get the romance in but the whole visit is not filled with romance. We fly to see each other once or twice a month.

We have been talking and seeing each other 3 mos. now. Perhaps part of the key is talking and praying together on a daily basis. We do bible studies together over the phone and are totaly transparent with each other. That is an important aspect of relationship. Transparency. Feelings, emotions, etc. good or bad need to be expressed openly. The ... Read Moreidea is to realize we are human and with faults and not to idealize or place someone on a pedestile. What I suggest is not easy but if you are emotionally healthy this can be done. Another key is to always keep Christ at the center and honor Him in all you do. We give the relationship over to the Lord daily."

Vicki: "I too am in a long distance relationship, but mine is only about 150 - 200 miles. We get together a few times a month. Sometimes, for a couple of days in a row and sometimes a few hours. We spend lots of time talking and getting to know one another. We have been able to keep physical temptations out of our relationship just by not going there... Read More. We have fun and we have deep conversations as well. We speak on the phone through the week, e-mail and text. But, it is very difficult without the day to day get on your nerves kind of thing. Although, because of the distance, our conversation is much more meaningful and to the point. Not the superficial stuff which I had when I dated someone who was just a few miles away. Our communication is way more meaningful."

Check out our expert-led chats on Sunday and Monday nights. Click here for scheduled events!

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