Thursday, December 24, 2009

Great Statements of Intention by Dr. Torri Griffin

If you were in last night's chat, you enjoyed a treat as Dr. Torri Griffin led her first chat. She included several of her statements of intention regarding love and encouraging God's blessings in your life. I promised the members I'd post them here today so that they are readily available to use every day. Some of these and more can also be found at

1. It is my intention to experience supernatural, abundant provision and favor in every area of my life on a daily basis.

2. I am a money magnet. Money comes to me from the North, South, East and West easily and daily from a variety of sources–known and unknown to me.

3. People love helping me live in abundance and they connect me with resources, gifts, opportunities and benefits happily and regularly.

4. It is my intention to welcome positive, healthy love into my life in all the forms it may be in, for whatever time it may last, from any distance and from any source.

5. It is my intention to be in the right place at the right time for the right reasons with the right people doing things that give glory to God every day!

6. It is my intention to live a purposeful peaceful and prosperous life in every area.

(Okay. The general love intention gets the ball rolling in your direction. Love takes many forms and the more you encounter in a day the better you feel. the better you feel the more love you exude. the more love you exude, the more you attract.)

7. It is my intention to welcome and enjoy my True love, who is available, interested, interesting, spiritually matched with me, and eager to be connected to me beginning now and on a daily basis. (Welcome and enjoy are the key words.)

Let's expect great things from our Great God! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

~ Linda

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