My wife Beth and I met at a concert several years ago. It was a brief encounter. Two and a half years later we met again online. While we did not meet on Cache Connections, Cache was instrumental in my wife and I moving forward in our relationship. I had been with Cache for a few months and was active on the site including the chat room. I had also attended several Cache functions, I believe two speed dating and five Cache 'Live' events. It's been said the Lord moves in mysterious ways. The reconnection with Beth I mentioned came just a few days before the second Cache speed dating event. I had written her, and we wrote back and forth a couple of times. I went ahead and attended the speed dating, and while I met a couple of interesting ladies, my mind was going back to Beth. Days later I saw her online on this other site, and she said yes to instant messaging. We talked (IM'd) for 4 1/2 hours! At the end of our conversation, Beth invited me to hear a special speaker at her church that night. One small problem, I was to host the Cache chat room that night. I was able to reach Linda, who graciously covered for me that night. (Thanks Linda!) I picked Beth up. We went to her church, and as we walked in we took each others hand without a word. We sat close to each other immediately. There was a comfort level between us that I had never experienced before with a woman. We saw each other after that, and on one of our next dates we talked of the concert that we both were at 2 1/2 years earlier and how we briefly spoke there. What a small world right? If you've been a Christian for any length of time and still believe in coincidences or worse yet luck, you're fooling yourself.
Anyway, while Beth and I were getting along well, I was not really moving forward. We were not only hitting it off, but we were discovering ALL kinds of things in common! Still we were 'dating'.
Cache 'Live' in Chesterton Indiana was coming up in May 2009. A bunch of Cache people were carpooling from the western suburbs. Beth came and of course we sat together. At the event Drs. Tom and Bev Rodgers spoke. It was there that I realized that I needed to take the next step forward in my relationship with Beth. You see, I had been in a previous relationship that was like a roller coaster. While I did get in it, I really didn't have any control over where it was going, and quite the ride it was. It was far from a good situation. You would think after eight years of singleness and this woman that I had so much in common with, that I would just move forward. As the Rodgers spoke I realized that I had put up some barriers to a relationship. I had erected defensive walls. I was NOT going to be hurt again. The Lord used the Rodgers that night to help me begin to take them down. In all those years of being alone, I truly wanted a real relationship with a real woman. Yet I was holding myself back. I left that night knowing I was to move forward with Beth. October 24th, 2009, Beth and I were married. It's good to be home. Today we STILL find things we have in common. (So much for 'opposites attract'.) We are growing deeper in our relationship with each other and our Lord and Savior.
Cache Connections is arguably the best single meeting service that is available for the Christian today. But it's not just a singles service, it's a ministry. It's owned by two godly Christian ladies. Kim and Linda clearly have a heart for the Lord Jesus Christ, His design for marriage, and bringing like-minded Christian singles together. These ladies do a tremendous job as they require a person sign a statement of faith and have real and current pictures. The events I attended were all top notch. Kim and Linda only made each that followed better than the previous. They have speakers like the Drs. Rodgers and Dr Paul Meier. Brian Hunt exalts the name of the Lord in music.
I came to appreciate Kim and Linda and all they do for singles. Thanks ladies for being a part of my future.
Blessings to you, Tim Kochan
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