Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Few More Puzzle Pieces Come Together

If you've been following us here on the blog or on Facebook, you have seen that we have been occasionally referring to a new project - what we call "The New Wheel."  It started out as a vision way back when we started Cache' Connections and is the premise or foundation upon everything we stand for.  We have always had the lofty goal of changing the dating landscape in our country because society in general has gotten so far away from applying biblical standards when forming relationships.  Face it, our nation is a mess when it comes to relationships... we now have the largest singles population than ever before in history - over 50%.  And we believe that any time we veer from God's plan, things can go awry.

Well, at Cache' Connections, we've been so busy getting the website and events going, that we haven't had much time to get back to this huge undertaking.  So it seems the time has come.  We can't say much yet, but here's a few of the puzzle pieces that have come together.  For now, we'll leave the rest to your imagination...

The Movement Defined
Pastor tested and approved
Redefining Christian Dating in the 21st century outlined
Relationship Expert on board
Airline tickets booked
Videographer secured
Rob Bell - Nooma format

Any guesses?
Cache' Connections

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