We have two Cache' Coffee Connections events coming up in Chicagoland. These events are always popular, but they also raise a lot of questions. Here's a little bit of what you can expect:
The recommended age is 30+. All ages are welcome, but those in their twenties may not feel comfortable. We will have some guests in their 30's and 50's and a few 60's, but the majority of them are usually in their 40's.
These events are priced just right at $10 plus the purchase of a beverage at the venue. What a great value for a rare opportunity!
Wear whatever you might wear on a first date at a casual-to-nice restaurant. Jeans dressed up, collared shirts for the guys and brown or black shoes, capris, skirts or slacks for the gals would be great. Shorts, sneakers and t-shirts ... well they rarely make a good first impression.
There are different ways to conduct speed dating events, and there is no one perfect method that will please all of the people all of the time. The challenge is that we never know if we will have the same amount of men and women, as walk-ins are always welcome. So our structure is to seat guests in groups of 4, usually 2 men and 2 women, or 1 man with 2 women. After signing in, you will be directed to a table, where you are encouraged to go ahead and fill out your connection cards. This is for your personal information that you would like to share with those you meet and would like to get to know further. Feel free to chat with those you are seated with before the event begins. The host or hostess will give instructions and let you know when to begin. The time segments will be 6 to 8 minutes. Each person is to take 1 minute to introduce himself or herself. After these initial introductions, you can chat for the remaining few minutes.
When notice is given, the women will be asked to get up and move to the next table, which are usually numbered. Be sure to take all of your things with you: beverage, pencil, cards, etc. As soon as the women are seated at the next men's table, you are free to begin introductions again. The host will announce when the next 6 or 8 minute segment has ended. By the end of the evening, everyone will have met all guests of the opposite gender.
As you are going about the activity, you are strongly encouraged to exchange connection cards on the spot. There are a couple of reasons for this: 1. placing a name with the face (invaluable) 2. easier on the host. If you are not comfortable passing your card to someone, you can write his or her name on the back of one of your cards. Then give these to the hostess after all of the introductions. Before the guests leave, the host will disburse the cards, so stick around a little while while she sorts through them.
We recommend that if you intend to follow up on a connection, please do so within one week. Also, it is far better to err on the side of extending your information as the possible beginning of a friendship. Too often people get nervous or second guess themselves and do not exchange their information. Remember, this is not a marriage proposal, just "I found you interesting and would like to talk to you again."
CLICK HERE for details on the Cache' Coffee Connections events coming up in Orland Park this Sunday, 8/8 at 6:30 pm and next Sunday, 8/15 in South Barrington, Illinois at 2:30 pm.
Come on our and enjoy this fun opportunity to meet other Christian singles! You never know - this could change your life! Many friendships and couples have formed from those who've stepped out in faith. Remember, it's easier for God to steer a ship that's already sailing :)
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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