We are honored that we are becoming known as experts on dating among Christian singles, and more and more members are reaching out to us for advice. Yesterday in particular seemed to be a day where the questions were flying in from several directions: Facebook, phone calls and emails. Oh, I believe I received a text message too:) So, we thought it might be helpful to share a few of those questions and answers:
From a young lady: She has been talking to a guy many years her senior, although it has never materialized into a dating relationship. In the meantime, another guy has come onto the scene who is closer to her age and she wants to pursue a relationship with him. So the question is ... should I tell guy number 1, or just keep talking to him and keep it quiet about guy number 2?
Our answer: Since you are clearly interested in guy number 2, it is important to be truthful and upfront with guy number 1. First of all, you do not want to risk a relationship with guy number 2 when he finds out you have been talking to another guy without telling him about it. Guys can have rather fragile egos when it comes to their relationships, so discovering this little secret would be quite a blow. Besides, you want him to treat you with integrity and honesty, so it is important that you treat him the same way. Even though it's hard to break the news to guy number 1, he too will respect you for your truthfulness.
From a young man: "When is it appropriate to ask for a girl's contact information? We have had some emails go back and forth, but I don't want to come across too pushy or forward and scare her away."
And then after posting this question on my Facebook wall, I received a similar question from a 40'ish male: "I was at a party and met someone I liked and we talked for 15-20 minutes, however I didn't feel it was appropriate to ask for a woman's phone number after such a short conversation. She seemed receptive, but some people need some time before giving out contact info."
Our answer: There is a fine line of showing your interest and coming across as a little "scary." First of all, it is important to try to "read the signs" that the girl might be conveying through her words or body language. We understand that this is a little more difficult for guys though. So, we would suggest letting her know you are interested because it's important to be intentional, but after that, it's all in the delivery. For instance, in the case of the emails, we suggested sending an email telling her that he has enjoyed talking to her and why he's enjoyed the conversations and that he looks forward to communicating further. Then, let her respond back and see if she too shows a similar interest. That sets the scene to now ask her how she feels about talking over the phone. So, you've stated your intent, but you've given her the power to decide when she's ready which takes away the "scary" factor.
In the case of meeting in a face-to-face setting, remember, you have a small window of time in these situations. As the conversation is coming to a close, let her know that you really enjoyed talking with her and would really like to continue the conversation. Remember, guys are supposed to be the pursuers and women appreciate men being intentional. But, a woman likes to know she is in control of the circumstances... (am I freaking you out yet, guys:) So the next step would be to ask her how SHE feels about talking further. (So you're letting her know you're interested, but still letting her make the decision on whether to exchange contact info.) If she seems agreeable, then ask her if she would like to exchange contact information and let her decide what and how. Shoot, just reading this over makes me feel real sorry for you guys sometimes:)
From a young lady: "I'm thinking I should wait to kiss until I get married because I'm worried kissing can lead to compromising on my commitment to abstinence until marriage." Well... don't get us started on this one. It kind of reminds us of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." We actually don't see anything wrong with kissing before marriage and honestly we recommend it! Intimacy is an important part of a love relationship... it is just important to state the boundaries when you reach this point. Kissing, holding hands, light cuddling are exciting, wonderful things in a relationship. But, we know that God has planned intimate sexual relationships for marriage only. So if you find yourselves "pushing the envelope," then it's time to pull back and set some new boundaries; such as, we are not going to put ourselves in circumstances that are conducive to making it easy to cross these boundaries. And, as relationships grow and a couple becomes closer, obviously it will become more difficult, but an agreement to keep to this commitment will get you through. And remember, that God's blessing will follow, so it's worth the wait!
So, feel free to shoot us your questions. We'll do our best to get you an answer as soon as possible. Don't forget about our chats that provide some excellent advice also. Check out "Scheduled Events" for our chat schedule.
Take care - Kim
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Is Chivalry Dead?
We had a good time in last night's chat in The Meeting Room at Cache' Connections. We were discussing nitty gritty annoying things that pertain to men such as manners, grooming and what not to wear from Dr. Stephen Simpson's book, "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating." Here are some of the comments:
Linda: Dr. Steve says being a man with a woman is kind of a pain. You have to be aware of the impression you are making. He always compares guys to men. Guys are less mature. I guess men would rather not have to bother with manners, spiffing up, but it is necessary. So here we go: Most annoying part first, he says. Grooming. Unfortunately for guys, women have a keen sense of good grooming. So here's a list of things she'll notice: bad breath, stained teeth, body odor, long or dirty fingernails, razor burns/bad shave, long nose hairs, other long hair growing on your head Where It Shouldn't Be. Any surprises here guys?
Guy: Nope. My platoon sergeant does that basic checklist everyday anyway.
Girl: Yeah, marines do have the grooming thing down...
Linda: So as to those grooming things, the antidote is self-explanatory so I won't expound. Next: Clothes. Ladies, do you think single guys need help here?
Marine guy: If it's not a suit, i could use advice.
Linda: Suggestions, ladies, for a first date?
Marine: Jeans and polos.]
Girl: It is a little hard to give advice on this. I guess start with something clean and unwrinkled. So many variables.
Linda: Dr. Steve gives a few essential regarding clothes starting with shoes.
Get something other than sneakers.
Girl: and no shoes with velcro....
Girl: lol! Do they still sell those?
Linda: Keep them clean and polished, make sure the leather matches your belt, leather jacket, etc.
Linda: Clothes: nice jeans and a collared shirt are fine. Might be able to get away with a funky t-shirt but I'd be careful with that.
Girl: I like a guy in a t-shirt...as long as its not an old dingy t-shirt.
Linda: Get a woman's advice on clothes!
Marine: As a guy who has worn many odd t-shirts, the hit-and-miss responses would keep me away from them on a first date.
Linda: If you're not sure whether to go hip or trendy, better to settle on classic. Can't go wrong. (And by classic we don't means red and white stripes/white and blue stars Lol.)
Marine: What constitutes 'classic?'
Linda: Something that always is in style. Nothing flashy. Solid or striped shirt.
Marine: So my mesh sleeveless shirt is a no go?
Girls: No go!
Girl: A men's department store representative can be of help, if needed...
Linda: Now onto Etiquette. Do guys know what etiquette is?
Marine: I'd like to say that I do, but you ladies might dispel that foolish notion shortly.
Linda: General manners. Let's start with doors. Dr. Steve says you should trip over yourself to open all doors, including the car. So make sure you are a few paces ahead when approaching a door. Walking first and holding the door for her doesn't cut it.
Marine: If we are walking together, why would I make a point of being a few paces ahead at any point?
Linda: You gotta pick up the pace when close to the door. Skip if you must!
Girl: I think it is more just pick up the stride as you approach the door - don't ever walk a few steps in front at any point - especially when we wear crazy shoes and need to walk slower.
Girl: A man has never pulled out a chair for me. Is that still being done these days?
Marine: I do.
Linda: Good for you! Dr. Steve says it's a bit archaic, but it will make an impression. Don't be first to sit down.
Marine: Thanks, my dad trained me well.
Linda: Now, take her coat, get her coat, hold her coat while she slips it on. Walking - complicated. When by street, walk on street side. In a movie or restaurant, let her walk slightly ahead of you. Exceptions: navigating thru a crowd - you can grab her hand. Go for crowded placed! lol
Girl: I'd feel like the guy was trying to check me out from behind. I'd rather he lead...
Linda: Not so far back that he can see That, (Girl). Here's a tough one. Don't talk with your mouth full.
Girl: I never help with this. I have horrible timing and always start to talk as soon as someone takes a bite.
Linda: That's something I've never tried to time. But the guy can put a finger to his mouth, smile a bit indicating he needs to chew/swallow.
Marine: Awkward speaking cadences tend to make things weird. Trying to time a comment or sentence will make you look just a little bit crazy after the third time.
All: agreed.
Linda: Let's wrap this up with the last part - authentic vs. blunt. Dr. Steve said he struggled for years on this one. Thought he was being fake if he dialed down his humor. Thought wasn't being "real." Apparently it caused him a lot of trouble. so.. it's important to censor your thoughts before they leave your lips. For instance, don't say: "Dave Matthews music makes me want to vomit and wretch." Instead, say "I'm not a big Dave Matthews fan." Save the wretching for the Guys.
Linda: Any other examples my friends?
Marine: On the topic of humor, I am a sarcastic guy, thoughts on sarcasm ladies?
Linda: I'd be careful with that. Give her time to get to know you.
Girl: Reserve the sarcasm at least until you both know each other much better.
We ended the chat discussing men plucking nose hairs, but I digress. Join the fun - everyone is welcome, even if you are married! We'll be discussing Dr. Stephen Simpson's book on Mondays all summer. And Dr. Steve himself will be leading the chat on 7/18!
Here's to chivalry!
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Monday, June 28, 2010
First Dinner Party Reviews
The first Cache' Connections Dinner Parties took place on Saturday and Sunday nights this past weekend. Early reports that have come in are quite positive! All of the hostesses (who were also participants) have checked in with their official feedback, and a few guests have written to us as well.
Here are a few quotes:
From the 40's at Maggiano's:
"Just wanted you to know I had a great time. It went very well. Everyone talked as if we were old friends. Very nice people. Thanks for having me....My only suggestion would be an earlier start : ) I got home at 12:44 : ) Two Thumbs up! I would do it again!!"
"I really enjoyed my time ... We all seemed to do well together and hope to get together as a group again. Keep me posted if you plan to do these again in the near future."
"I so much enjoyed the dinner party the other night. It was probably the best time I’ve had in several years. Conversation was light and fun, the food was excellent, and the atmosphere was great. It was probably the best way to meet people of the opposite sex because we had a chance to talk to each other face to face and actually engage in 2-way conversation without a lot of structure. I’ve been single all my life and have attended a lot of singles functions, and I feel this was the perfect way to meet women. Ever since I heard of Cache’ Connections, I realized that you really have a heart for singles and that you “get it.” You guys are the best I’ve ever seen or been involved with. We want to meet each other but we want to be engaging with each other, not just go to a program. Your events give us plenty of time to do that."
From the hostess: "I had such a great time at the Oakbrook dinner party tonight and wanted to thank you and Linda ... The entire evening was great fun. Thanks for the invite. I would certainly do this again. I've enjoyed a number of your events but I would consider this the best Cache event I have been to. Let me know if you have any openings for any other dinner parties in my area and age group."
"We had a wonderful night at Maggiano's! Our initial table group connected like we were old friends. I especially enjoyed the ladies, as we were all encouraging and supportive of one another. We genuinely liked and enjoyed each other! The guys were a lot of fun! We had such a good time together that we have made plans to all get together again at one of the participant's upcoming beach parties. We all had so much fun together that we decided to each pass one card around, on which everyone at the table who wanted to wrote their emails so we would each have each other's information, as we all wanted to get together again as a group."
From the 40's at Carrabba's in Naperville:
"Hi Linda, I had a good time ... The food was fantastic by the way!"
The hostess had this to say: "Everybody had a good time and the food was great. It was a little hard to hear from one end of the table to the other, but I do like the number of eight. All of the people were very nice. Not sure how many connection cards were passed out, but as one of the gals said, she just likes new opportunities to meet other Christian singles."
From the 30's and 40's in Arlington Heights:
From the hostess: "Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this. Everybody had a wonderful time, we were talking and laughing. The others were teasing me that I had to work more than them, but I didn't mind. As you know I've had a rough week; thank you for encouraging me to stick with my commitment to serve as hostess. I'm really glad I came out!"
If you are interested in being invited to a Cache' Connections Dinner Party, please CLICK HERE to read more about it and to add your name to the waiting list for a party in your age range near you!
Cache' Connections
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Knock Knock - Housekeeping!
For many of us, Saturdays are chore day. Time to spiff up the place and recover from a lightening-fast week. From time to time, it's necessary to do a little housekeeping at Cache' Connections. Actually ... Kim and I are constantly keeping house, but today we ask you to join the force! So here are a few VERY IMPORTANT reminders:
1. If you haven't done so already, please complete your Questionnaire and "Submit" it so that you can receive connections! There are members waiting to see you ;) And don't forget to make sure your address is listed under My Account Settings so that the system can properly send your connections. Phone numbers are helpful too for us to reach you!
2. Please (pretty please, almost begging here) upload your primary headshot and bodyshot taken against a plain wall or door. We've had a taste of this frustration ourselves as we've been sifting through profiles for the Cache' Connections Dinner Parties and find no photos on profiles. Unfortunately it is true that photos are very important in this arena, and the lack of photos is a sure-fire way to ensure little to no interest.
3. Send a message - answer your messages! Ladies and gentlemen are encouraged to reach out to their new connections and welcome them to Cache' Connections. It's always a good idea to ask a specific question to encourage a response. SPECIAL NOTE: Even if you are not interested, kindly send a note such as "thank you for the note but I do not feel this would be a good connection." Trust us, he or she will appreciate the gesture. But! Don't make any hasty decisions based on photos alone!
4. The matching system. We get a lot of questions as to why there is no option to search on the website. You are receiving ALL connections within your age and mileage range. We do not hand select your connections - it is a computer system that will connect you with everyone within your specified parameters. Keep in mind that your "Pending" folder will only hold 30 connections at a time, so once you reach that maximum, it is necessary to sort to receive more.
5. We often receive inquiries from men about younger women highlighted in the Single Spotlight. It is very uncommon for a female to be interested in meeting someone more than 15 years her senior. Also, when structuring the age parameters, our expert advisers, Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers, recommended no more than a 15 year age difference based on their years of counseling experience and education. Your best alternative for this type of search is to attend the larger events such as Cache' Connections Live! or the Cache' Coffee Connections.
6. Chats a/k/a The Meeting Room. The scheduled chats are listed under Events>Schedule Events. On Monday nights this summer, I'm leading a chat based on Dr. Stephen Simpson's book, "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating." Join the fun and don't sweat it if you haven't read the book. Few of us have. "Dr. Steve" will lead the chat himself on 7/19/10. Also, "Expert Emily" Shupert leads a chat once a month on Sunday nights. Bring her your dating dilemmas!
7. Want to chat with your connections? Invite them to The Meeting Room! It is always open, so you can schedule a live chat with your connections via the messaging system. Enter The Meeting Room with your first name or username and the password: cachecommunity.
There's more we could say but this covers the biggees. As always, feel free to contact us if you have issues logging in, uploading photos or making a transaction. Have a great weekend - now back to the chores!
Cache' Connections
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Only interested in events? Think again ...
I was chatting with a Facebook friend this morning who is enjoying the thrill of new love with another Cache' Connections member. If any of you have been there, you know the magical feelings associated with this period. (Studies show that there are actually chemicals in the brain that are making you feel sooooo good!)
So any, let's call them Harry and Sally. Harry has been a Cache' Connections member for some time, off and on. Actually, he was one of our first members before we had the online matching system. He would call periodically asking when we were going to build membership in his area, a Chicago suburb. We encouraged Harry to hang in there and assured him it was all in God's timing.
To my surprise, my research shows that Sally joined Cache' Connections during the same month in 2008! A friend of hers met us at the Ignite Chicago Festival and gave Sally our promotional material. She joined and soon connected with another member, and they saw each other for about a year, but it wasn't meant to be.
Harry and Sally both attended Cache' Connections Live! in St. Charles on 4/23/10. Sally was a volunteer door greeter. I think she recognized Harry when he walked through the door (we joked that he got past Security :) Here's the interesting part: they did not connect at the event.
Both Harry and Sally were encouraged by the success story of Markita and Darrick, who had testified about how they met through Cache' Connections as they shared their rapid-paced love story. So both Harry and Sally decided to re-subscribe to the online matchmaking system that weekend, taking advantage of the special offer at the event.
Soon thereafter, Harry sent Sally a message through the website. They started an online friendship that moved quickly to the phone, and then a personal meeting. They both have been very pleasantly surprised at how quickly and easily they meshed on such pertinent topics as faith, family, lifestyle, etc. I do believe the word "love" has been mentioned and they spend as much time together as they can, despite the 45-minute drive between them.
We look forward to seeing this love story develop. It's interesting to us that Harry and Sally were both at the same event, but didn't actually meet there. It took that extra step of faith - "pro-activity" if you will, to get connected. It is impossible to meet everyone at a large Cache' Connections event, or even see everyone for that matter. So if you are serious about finding a Christian mate, what are you doing about it? Cache' Connections is a good way to put feet on your faith :)
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Free membership - spread the word!
It's time to blow this website out of the water! Singles from all across the country are hearing about Cache' Connections! Help us spread the word to your single friends from coast to coast!
Cache' Connections is offering a free membership that you can extend to your single friends and acquaintances.
Here is the offer for Free Membership:
IL and IN NEW MEMBERS- one free week
All other states - three free months
Facebook friends - same as above, even for prior members!
And... if you have signed on but never completed a profile at Cache' Connections, now is the time! Simply reply to this email and ask for the free trial offer.
As you know, Cache' Connections is intentional about having a positive impact on the dating culture in our society. So, please share this blog with your single friends, regardless of where they live in the United States. Word of mouth campaigns are so important in today's diverse society. (See the "share" button at top.)
For those who are current members in the Illinois and Indiana areas who would like to extend your membership, feel free to take advantage of the June special, which is 55% off one month OR one year with the promo code "June2010." DON'T FORGET THAT THIS FANTASTIC OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30TH!
Cache' Connections
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I Want a Girlfriend. Are My Reasons Healthy or Unhealthy?
Last night's focus was (supposed to be on ...) Chapter 4 of Dr. Stephen W. Simpson's book, "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating." - Why Do You Want a Girlfriend? Well the chatters were in high gear and we got off on more than a few tangents, so we've had some requests to review the points from this interesting chapter. You gotta love "Dr. Steve" who is famous for telling it like it is. Brace yourself:
There's nothing wrong with wanting a girlfriend, but what's your motivation? There are healthy and unhealthy reasons, but the trick is that what is healthy for one man may be unhealthy for another. So here are the reasons, followed by unhealthy and healthy motivations for you to ponder:
Reason No. 1: Because it's time to get married.
Unhealthy: If getting married is something to check off of your to do list and everyone else is doing it, this doesn't mean that you are ready for a relationship. Relationships are not something you can schedule. Dating starts because you meet someone, not because of a deadline.
Healthy: If you are on the other side of a period of your life when you would not have had time to pursue a relationship, such as education, job, spiritual and emotional needs, then this might be the right time for you. However, the same rules applies. It has to be because you meet someone special. But dating goes a lot better when something else isn't sucking up your time.
Reason No. 2: Because of your sex drive. (I told you he tells it like it is!)
Unhealthy: Never start dating just because you want to have sex, or even want to kiss a girl. Men plunge into relationships as an outlet for their sex drive with little regard to anything but how physically attractive the girl is. Recipe for disaster! Broken hearts!
Healthy: Men start a relationship with their eyes and complete it with their hearts, nothing wrong with that - it's God's design. But, the spiritual and emotional connection men feel with a woman is what sustains and nurtures the relationship. It's a man's sex drive that gets him off the couch when a woman enters the room.
Reason No. 3: Loneliness and Boredom
Unhealthy: Why don't you have something to do already? If you don't have friends, hobbies or interests, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.
Healthy: "Famous psychoanalysts Heinz Kohut and W.R.D. Fairbairn said that the primary thing that drives our personality and behavior is a need for attachment, a need for relationships." Think second chapter of Genesis (it is not good for the man to be alone). Desiring a close relationship with a woman is natural, and much more intimate than what you get with your male friends.
Reason No. 4: Because a woman is interested in you.
Unhealthy: There's nothing wrong if a woman expresses interest in you. The problem is if you date for that sole reason. Dr. Steve tells of a friend who tore through relationships like a starving man at a buffet. Never a pretty sight.
Healthy: No brainer - when she is someone you would date if she hadn't made the first move. If she asks you out first, be grateful, and make sure to work to let her know how interested you are. (Emphasis added by blogger :) Also, be sure to be the one to ask for the 2nd date!
Reason No. 5: Low self-esteem.
Unhealthy: Many men aren't aware that low self-esteem is the thing that makes them ache for a girlfriend. They just know they feel better when dating someone. This is the most common unhealthy reason that men begin dating. This man is in love with the idea of love, not a woman. It provides validation for his fragile ego. Dr. Steve says "Expecting your girlfriend to shoulder the burden of your self-esteem is too much to ask." Counseling will benefit a man in this predicament more than anything else.
Healthy: Never.
Join us on Monday nights this summer as we continue to chew on Dr. Steve's wise counsel. Males and females are welcome! Be sure to mark your calendars for July 19 when "Dr. Steve" will be leading this chat!
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
For more info on Dr. Stephen W. Simpson, click here.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Here are some thoughts and a challenge in the weekly email reminder for the group across the nation that is fasting and praying for singles desiring marriage on Mondays:
Got Respect?
June 20, 2010
This is your weekly reminder that we are praying and fasting this Monday during lunch (or however God leads). Hopefully, you can find a friend to pray with you. And as you pray, please remember to pray for 1) marriages for those who long (or should long) to be married, 2) courage for men to move into relationship and marriage with a woman, and 3) courage for women to see where we need to change.
As well, here are some things you might consider:
Sometimes in navigating this whole relationship thing, the question of respect pops to the forefront. So much has been written recently about men's need for respect. There's that Love & Respect book. There's Man Enough. And it's not just in books. One man (whom I respect very much) told me that women often seem comfortable with their own longing for unconditional love. But when it comes to men's longing for unconditional love--which for them equals respect--well, that can make women blanch. "How," he reported many women asking, "can I unconditionally give respect to someone I often don't actually respect?"
Actually, that's a good question, especially in the realm of dating (though beyond, I believe, too). We're all called to be good stewards and have basic guidelines for who we let into our hearts. In dating, wouldn't "a basic intrinsic respect" for the guy be one of those guidelines? And is that something a woman just gives or is it something a guy needs to earn? A bit of both? Also, what's respect-worthy? And what does respect look like anyhow? Is it something we do? We think? Feel? And what does respect look like outside of marriage, when there's no discernible mutual commitment?
Here's our dilemma: we know that the men around us are longing for respect--and we even sense that women have an ability to give or block this--but we're filled with genuine confusion about what respect means in practice, especially when our hearts, which God calls us to steward well, are rightfully involved. Should we then just try and swallow our anti-bitterness pills, shake our heads, say wistfully, "Who knows?", grabbing our girlfriends for a glass of wine?
I want to suggest an alternative. When we are lost or confused, that's when we actually have the motivation to seek God's guidance. Jesus says that when we seek, we will find (Mt. 7:8). Solomon says that when we humble ourselves before God--honoring his perspective--we begin to get wisdom (Pr. 9:10). David says that taking refuge in God and receiving his counsel opens us up to the path of life and joy in his presence (Ps.16). And Paul, Peter, James, Luke--and all the rest of those NT writers--repeatedly point out that a person being and doing the above, indwelt by God's Spirit, will be a person whose heart can and will really love.
So, putting the pieces all together: What if our confusion around respect is in fact an invitation to seek God? What if finding more of God looks like receiving his joy-filling Presence and gaining wisdom to travel in his path of life? And what if becoming this kind of person means becoming far less likely to blanch and far more able to give and receive love, in whatever expressions would best serve the other, including respect? How cool would that be? It takes faith to believe it could be possible (especially in light of such genuine uncertainty). But if you'll risk it....
DO these four things this week:
* Take one hour to pour out your confusion, concerns, and questions about men & respect to the Lord. Seek his Presence. Open yourself up to him. And if possible, talk and pray about it with a wise friend as well.
* Take your concordance (or go to Biblegateway.com) and look up the word "respect," writing down as many of the the verses as you can and meditating on them. Begin saturating yourself with the idea of respect in general, whether or not it has to do with men and women in particular.
* Ask a man you trust what respect looks like to him, both within and outside of marriage.
* Ask the Lord to show you: what might respect look like this week in my current relationships even with just one man? Ask God for wisdom. Write down what comes to mind. He can & will lead us tenderly, daily and concretely.
Why? He loves us. He does. He loves you, me, and all of us who are swimming in this crazy, chaotic culture. When we bow down, he is relentlessly committed to lifting us up, revealing to us the path of life and filling us with joy in his presence. And he is committed to making us--married, single, or in between--wise & great lovers, even when love needs to be respect.
Many Blessings in the Journey,
Cache' Connections encourages its members and friends to join in this movement to adversely affect this "singlehood phenomenon" that is rampant in our times. Please write to fast.pray@gmail.com to be added to the weekly email/prayer list.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Taking it to the Streets
As you can see, we had quite an adventure (and got a lot of curious looks) getting these opinions about the new Cache' Connections Dinner Parties. Click here for more information!
~Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
Blind Group Dating - What People Are Saying
Cache' Connections Dinner Parties are busting out all over the place! Several are booked for the Chicagoland area; two for Peoria are in the works ... and there are several on the waiting list in other states. These matchmakers are busy researching profiles, calling singles and setting them up to enjoy dinner with a group of 8 people they don't know - yet.
We can't really explain why this idea has been so popular - maybe it is simply the mystery factor? Attendance is by invitation only ... so it's a little underground. People don't know for sure who all they are going to be meeting, but they are (trying) to trust our judgment and experience. It's a bit of a risk, but then we got to thinking ...
For the men: this is a no-brainer. Research tells us that men are hesitant to ask a girl out and plan a date for many reasons. And - there is always the question of whether they should pay for the date. So, what a deal! Cache' Connections does the inviting, the planning, tells me where to go and when to show up, I get to meet 4 women and possibly walk away with 4 phone numbers. Plus, I'll have 7 new single friends to network with! For the price of a date with one girl, I get a date with four and the "easy button." Sign me up!
For women ... they love the personal touch - and the adventure! Our members trust us as we look over their profiles for what type of person they are looking for. Although there are no guarantees, this is a great way to spend a Friday or Saturday night! And - they don't have to sit around and wait to hear from a guy, or struggle with the ongoing question of "should I contact him?"
Here are a few other things that singles have said about The Cache' Connections Dinner Parties:
*I like it because you can spend more time together
*It's more targeted to my age range
*It's not too scary since there's a group
*I think it will be fun to meet some new girlfriends
*I like that you are matching me up with some other people according to compatibility
*It's less awkward than a regular blind date
Contact us to be added to the waiting list for future parties!
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It's Tough Out There!
Ever since the inception of Cache' Connections, Linda and I have started each day in prayer which includes prayers for the business and our decisions, our members and couples, and any prayer requests that have come our way. If you're not familiar with our site at Cache' Connections, our "contact us" form has an option of sending a prayer request. But it is becoming even more common now, as we have developed relationships with many of our singles, they look to us as friends and often turn to us with their struggles and ask for prayer. We are so honored to be trusted with some of the most private issues, and each day we put our prayer list in front of us before we begin praying.
And, as we mentioned yesterday about the power of Facebook for marketing, we have found that Facebook has been such a great way to share this journey of "life" and has helped us make new friends even though it's just through the internet. Just last night, I felt led to ask a single FB friend how she is doing which led to a few messages back and forth where she shared a struggle she is experiencing.
Also, just a few nights ago, after working until about 10:00 p.m., and I was ready to shut down my computer, I was "chatted up" by a guy who had been trying to talk to me for a few days. I felt led to see what was on his mind, and then quickly found this was no casual conversation. This guy had a point to make and he came on pretty strong. It quickly became obvious he is not a Christian and wanted to argue his stance against my belief. Well... I did the best I could, but most times when witnessing to someone, I never feel like I communicated it all quite good enough. But, I had to remind myself that it is just my place to plant the seeds and God will take care of the rest. So please pray for my new friend, that the truth will be revealed.
Here's what one friend recently wrote:
By the way....thanks for your prayers for all singles, and for me during the last 6 months. God has been doing some amazing things in my life. Not sure where things are going with ______ (and I don't need to know....smile) but I appreciate how much you and Kim both care for him and everyone on Cache.
I don't want to forget to mention that WE have been blessed by the prayers of our new friends too. We hear daily that many are praying for us... so thank you everyone who has remembered us in your prayers! it is a wonderful thing to be in a family of believers :)
Please let us know if we can be praying for you. And if you want to slip Cache' Connections in your prayers, we wouldn't mind at all:)
And, as we mentioned yesterday about the power of Facebook for marketing, we have found that Facebook has been such a great way to share this journey of "life" and has helped us make new friends even though it's just through the internet. Just last night, I felt led to ask a single FB friend how she is doing which led to a few messages back and forth where she shared a struggle she is experiencing.
Also, just a few nights ago, after working until about 10:00 p.m., and I was ready to shut down my computer, I was "chatted up" by a guy who had been trying to talk to me for a few days. I felt led to see what was on his mind, and then quickly found this was no casual conversation. This guy had a point to make and he came on pretty strong. It quickly became obvious he is not a Christian and wanted to argue his stance against my belief. Well... I did the best I could, but most times when witnessing to someone, I never feel like I communicated it all quite good enough. But, I had to remind myself that it is just my place to plant the seeds and God will take care of the rest. So please pray for my new friend, that the truth will be revealed.
Here's what one friend recently wrote:
By the way....thanks for your prayers for all singles, and for me during the last 6 months. God has been doing some amazing things in my life. Not sure where things are going with ______ (and I don't need to know....smile) but I appreciate how much you and Kim both care for him and everyone on Cache.
I don't want to forget to mention that WE have been blessed by the prayers of our new friends too. We hear daily that many are praying for us... so thank you everyone who has remembered us in your prayers! it is a wonderful thing to be in a family of believers :)
Please let us know if we can be praying for you. And if you want to slip Cache' Connections in your prayers, we wouldn't mind at all:)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Do you Facebook?
That's right: "Facebook" is now a verb, among other things. To many, it seems to be their world. And we confess we are drawn into this dimension, where we find ...
- a seemingly very lonely friend in New Mexico who chats me up nearly every morning just say good morning, and for some reason ends every sentence with "oh ok" or just "ok." I was thrilled when about a week ago she finally said more than good morning. She shared a prayer request about an ankle injury.
- singles, marrieds, widows, pastors, musicians, teenagers, all happy to have a friendly meeting place "where everybody knows your name"
- one pastor in particular who accepted my friend request and has taken kindly to our efforts and now seems to want to add some wind to our sails. Let's say he has some gale force winds behind him!
- long lost friends from my childhood neighborhood and school days. How fun to catch up with everyone, even trying to figure out where we lost touch.
- friends who really weren't friends until the Facebook relationship. Admittedly, some of us use it to gain friends or an audience for the message we are trying to spread. Some of these friends don't know Jesus Christ, and we are able to witness to them. Sometimes quietly through our posts of scripture and encouraging words, and sometimes through deep conversations in the chat box. God can use ANY means to spread his message!
- Cache' Connections members, and new members. It's fun to get to know them better, but there is a caution in that your last name is available on our friend lists!
- Want to join my Facebook world? It's fun! Click here.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
How Not to Act at a Cache' Connections Dinner Party
Okay, we hope that none of our guests turns out to be a "me monster." Here's a little bit of what you can expect at a Cache' Connections Dinner Party:
1. Your "blind group date" will consist (most likely) of 4 women and 4 men who have been hand-selected by the founders. We spend time researching and inviting singles that we feel might be compatible, in a similar age range.
2. Everyone is responsible for their dinner. The registration fee is for Step 1 and to reserve your spot.
3. There will be one guest appointed as host or hostess. He or she will make sure that everyone is introduced as they arrive at the table, reserved in the name of Cache' Connections.
4. The host/hostess will provide connection cards, on which you can write your name and contact information that you may wish to share with others at the table.
5. Natural conversation. This is a dinner party. No script. No timers. No musical chairs. No bells. Not even a whistle.
6. When does it end? Whenever the group decides to break up, or you feel inclined to leave.
7. Too shy to pass your contact information along? Contact Cache' Connections within 48 hours of the dinner party with your request, and we will email your contact information to the person you are interested in.
Contact us to have your name added to a growing waiting list. Include your age, city and state. Please note that all guests must have a profile available at www.cacheconnections.com
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Let's Not Forget About This....
I know the subject of submission and obedience is something we prefer to ignore, but it is definitely important in our daily walk with God when seeking his blessing, including the blessing of a future spouse. Here's a great reminder from the Monday Prayer and Fasting Group. Quote by Drayton Nabers in his draft, "The Hidden Key to Happiness."
Linda and I will be fasting and praying along with this group. We encourage you to join us! You can join their email list at fast.pray@gmail.com
Our relationship with Christ is that of Lord and servant. We are subjects in his Kingdom. True, he is our friend and our relationship is one of mutual love. Nevertheless, our friend is the King of the universe, and we can never forget this. He is in authority over us more so than any earthly executive. When he makes his will known to us by his written word or his Spirit, we either do it or create disorder in our relationship, just as ignoring or disobeying the instruction of our boss or coach would create problems in that relationship.
On the other hand, when a relationship such as that between parent and child is founded in mutual love, that relationship deepens and flourishes when the two wills are aligned and function in harmony. That is simply how all authority works.
And this is equally so in the spiritual realm. As we have seen, Jesus and his Father are in "complete unity." Their wills are perfectly aligned, as Jesus does "nothing on [his] own. . . . [He] always [does] what pleases him" (John 8:28-29). We need to seek the same perfect alignment by submitting our wills wholly to God.
On the other hand, when a relationship such as that between parent and child is founded in mutual love, that relationship deepens and flourishes when the two wills are aligned and function in harmony. That is simply how all authority works.
And this is equally so in the spiritual realm. As we have seen, Jesus and his Father are in "complete unity." Their wills are perfectly aligned, as Jesus does "nothing on [his] own. . . . [He] always [does] what pleases him" (John 8:28-29). We need to seek the same perfect alignment by submitting our wills wholly to God.
This is your weekly reminder that we are praying and fasting this Monday during lunch or all day, or however God leads. Hopefully, you can find a friend to pray with you. And as you pray, please remember--in addition to your own things--to pray for 1) marriages for those wholong (or should long) to be married, 2) courage for men to move into relationship and marriage with a woman, and 3) courage for women to see where we need to change.
Linda and I will be fasting and praying along with this group. We encourage you to join us! You can join their email list at fast.pray@gmail.com
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Cache' Connection Show Highlights
Although the video is not the best, here are a few highlights of "The Cache' Connection" show on June 4th. The show went off without a hitch and there was a good time had by all. Brandi was the winner of the date with Big Lee.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Favorable Feedback from Cache' Mentoring Services
We received this lovely note from one of our recent mentoring clients from the Detroit area. Sue had this to say about her experience:
"I would highly recommend the mentoring program at Cache Connections. I spent an enlightening two weeks working with Linda one on one. She talked with me on the phone several times and asked some insightful questions to find out who I am, who I am looking for, and what I would bring to a relationship. She had great suggestions to make my profile speak for me and about me. Although I am in Michigan, I did get a chance to meet her when Kim & Linda came to my area for an event. I was able to talk with her face to face, which was lots of fun. She contacted men I had met at an event in my area, as well as emailing other members she thought should read through my profile. She made suggestions to me about whom I should email that I had not previously considered, and told me why she thought it would be a good idea to do so. I felt very comfortable emailing the men Linda suggested because I knew she had already had previous contacts with them. She knew them and she was getting to know me.She put a lot of time and effort to find men that would have common ground with me, and who would be looking for someone like me.
I am working on implementing her suggestions regarding my personal appearance and life style. I appreciated the truths she told me about what a man would like to see in a woman. It was a very rewarding experience, and well worth the price I paid. The personal touch of being able to mentor with Linda, one of the founders of the site, is something I think everyone should consider taking advantage of. I am having fun using the knowledge I gained through this process. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow through this experience with Linda. Please do signup for your own one on one mentoring session as soon as you can. You will be glad you did!" ~ Sue
If you would like some personal assistance and a third party's view of your bio, communication tactics, etc., consider Cache' Connections Mentoring Services for yourself. It's a great value at $55 (regular $139) for a two-week session.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Group Blind Dating?
Actually the response has been quite positive! Everyone says it's a great idea, but we must confess we did not originate the idea. Although ... we may be the only Christian organization that is doing this!
So, here's how it works. This is by invitation only. The founders (and proven matchmakers) of Cache' Connections, Kim and Linda, will choose 4 women and 4 men to attend an exclusive dinner party at a moderately-priced restaurant. One person will act as hostess. Everyone is responsible for the cost of their dinner, and there is a registration/matchmaker fee, now priced at the introductory rate of $25.
Guests are chosen based on age, appearance, interests, vicinity, and other factors. Parties are now being scheduled in Chicagoland and waiting lists are being built in Atlanta, Raleigh, Cincinnati and Peoria! Contact us if you would like to be added to a waiting list. All participants must have a profile available at www.cacheconnections.com. It's a great time to sign on and save 55% off of one month or one year with promo code: June2010.
Click here for full details.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Craig and Phillis' Love Story
Here's a video testimonial of a couple who connected as a result of stepping out and participating in The Cache' Connections Dating Game last October. CLICK HERE to read the full story. This is just one of many couples that have connected through Cache' Connections.
Are you a Christian single who desires a Christian mate? Cache' Connections is the place for you! Check out the June special, which is 55% off ONE MONTH or ONE YEAR. Promo code: June2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Excerpts from last night's chat with "Dr. Steve"
We had a terrific time in The Meeting Room last night with Dr. Stephen W. Simpson, author of "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating." Here are some snippets:
DrSteve: So, lady and gentlemen, what shall we discuss? Quantum physics? Dating?
Chatter: I vote for quantum physics - at least there are answers :-)
Linda: How about we open a can of Chapter 2?
Chatter: Dr Steve I had not idea there were guys and men out there until I read this chapter in black and white. And the examples were great and insightful.
DrSteve: Indeed there are guys and men. Big difference. Glad it was helpful.
Chatter: that's definitely true.
DrSteve: Do you think women can tell the difference between the two? If so, how?
Chatter: Men are more mature and self confident?
DrSteve: Yep. Not a quiz, I'm more curious about what women pick up on the differences between guys and men.
DrSteve: First of all, only men use Cache Connections . . . right?
Linda: Right!
Chatter: I have a question statement for you all. Why is it that men don't respond when we are matched? I would even like one to say not interested just to see it in writing.
DrSteve: (Chatter), I think you probably know the reasons . . . But what would you say if a guy did write and say he wasn't interested?
Chatter: It doesn't leave you hanging waiting for a reply wondering. You know the score.
Chatter: That is an interesting dynamic. Usually on both sides no response means "not interested".
Chatter: Dr Steve, what if he does respond but you find out later that he really is not interested. What causes that kind of behavior? Fear of what?
DrSteve: some guys can't find a nice middle ground between being a total nice guy and blowing you off. It's hard for most of us because it requires us to live in tension, which requires a lot of maturity.
Chatter: ohhh well I for one would not want anyone to live in tension.
Chatter: Maybe it would help if they learned a "blow off" haha phrase to use and practice it nicely?
Chatter: That works both ways though, women blow off guys by not responding all the time.
DrSteve: The problem is that there's really not a way to "blow off" someone that's pain free for either person. That's what I mean by tolerating the tension.
Chatter: I have heard men say they don't like being rejected if they make the first move. So I have tried it and gotten rejected but I don't think I took it as hard as the guys do. As (Chatter) said once guys just don't talk about things.
DrSteve: It's more about integrity than finding an easy way to do it.
Chatter: something simple like you live too far away. I know your not interested then.
Chatter: Dr. Steve...should men always do the pursuing?
DrSteve: Not necessarily. A lot of that comes down to cultural and personal preference issues.
Chatter: I don't mind being rejected, but I want to know Why? not some fabricated, statement. I am secure with myself enough to accept the truth, unlike Jack Nicholson "who could not handle the truth" Ha Ha!!
DrSteve: By integrity I mean being honest that it's not a good match instead of dragging things out trying to find an easy way out.
Chatter: Would something simple like thank you for the compliment in contacting me, but I do not feel we are a good match be too vague?
DrSteve: Nope. That does the trick.
Chatter: it would be too vague (chatter). It might just be something like you are too old, or too young, etc.
Chatter: Good point, if you don't know it is hard to learn and move forward successfully....
DrSteve: I'm going to respectfully disagree, and here's why. Finding out the specifics of why someone rejected you won't help you much because . . . 1) It's far too subjective. Something one person doesn't like might not register for another person. And another person might like the thing someone else dislikes!
Chatter: Good point, Dr. Steve.
2) It's going to hurt in a way that's not helpful 99% of the time.
Chatter: aahhhh.
Chatter: I think a number of guys take a rejection as an assault on their manhood or self worth, where it is really just two puzzle pieces that just don't fit.
Chatter: My security is not in another person, so no matter the reason she rejects me, i am Ok with it. It's more about that person and a reflection of who they are and not me.
DrSteve I agree.
Chatter: True. Taking rejection personally is counterproductive.
Chatter: Well I look at it this way so if a girl does tell me she isn't interested what is the worst than can happen? Will i die? Will I get sick? I say go for the the gusto.
Chatter: So Dr.Steve what do women want?
DrSteve: It's impossible to say what "women" want. Dating is about finding out about what one woman and one man want.
Chatter: Exactly, Dr. Steve.
Linda: I know! Women want to be pursued.
Chatter: So why do so many "men" not want to pursue?
DrSteve: The problem is that "pursued" means different things to different women. And ... Pursuit can devolve into game-playing without clear communication of intention. Not cool.
Chatter: I pursued someone yesterday and want to know what happened?
Linda: Sure.
Chatter: She told me today how she did not want to go out on a "coffee date" with me because she was working on her relationship with God, after she told me the other night how excited she was when she walked into a restaurant filled with attractive professional men. Riddle me that Batman? If you would please. I am not very confident that she was telling me the whole or true story.
DrSteve: Note to everyone in the room: Do not play the God card when rejecting someone.
Chatter: (Chatter), she wasn't interested. She was a little uncouth about it. Maybe more than a little. I think she did you a favor.
Chatter: Probably so!! and that's ok, remember, it's more about her, than me!
Linda: Explain the Dr. card Dr. - God card I mean.
DrSteve: Same thing. JUST KIDDING!
Everyone: LOL!
DrSteve: Don't say you're not going out with someone because of anything related to spiritual reasons, even if you fully believe it's true (which it's probably not).
DrSteve: Here's an observation for everyone: Do you guys notice the hurt behind a lot (not all) of the questions?
Chatter: no questions are good - LOL!
Chatter: I do, Drsteve, honestly.
Chatter: And it is on both sides.
Chatter: Yeah, it does hurt to be lied to. It's disrespectful.
DrSteve: The questions are great, but I think a lot of them are coming from feeling wounded at some point.
Linda: We can always tell how a member has been burned by their dealbreakers and what gets them fired up.
Chatters: agreed!
DrSteve: I bring it up to say this -- though we need to protect our hearts, we can't let fear, hurt, or anger rule us as we try to move forward in love and life. (sorry for sounding a bit like a Hallmark card there).
Chatter: I'm of the opinion that anger and hurt can be overcome. That's what our faith in God is for... right?
Dr.Steve: Amen!
Chatter: I have a question, should I confront this person and tell them I don't think they are being forthright in their response Dr. Steve. The woman that's playing the God card?
DrSteve: You can, but it will be more for you than her. You probably won't be affecting her much, but it's fine for you to express your feelings if it will help you.
Chatter: Might it help her to confront her dishonesty and how she deals with men?
Chatter: Some tough love for you (Chatter). You're making this woman too important. Anyone that acts that way is not someone you want to be with anyway, so why waste time and energy on her that you could spend on someone who is worthy?
Chatter: This is going to come out sounding harsh - but you are going to validate her saying no by trying to prove yourself right.
Chatter: hmmmm im in Sales for 23 yrs this rejection thing is easy!
Linda: Next Chat: (Chatter) teaches on rejection!!
Chatters: LOL!
Chatter: I guess you're right, just accept it for what it is and move on.
DrSteve: She's probably not lying, per se. She's more likely lying to herself. Most of the time people believe the things they say in these situations. We're good at talking ourselves into believing things that make life easier.
Chatter: I just find many times it isn't me they are rejecting they don't understand themselves.
DrSteve: Dating requires boldness, there's no question about it. That's why you need an exciting, interesting life going outside of romantic pursuits. If your life is about finding love, the stakes become too high.
Chatter: dr steve amen i like that. So I should take up hang gliding I guess or cliff diving?
DrSteve: It doesn't have to be dangerous . . .
DrSteve: We should talk about that whole "God has someone picked out for you thing" sometime. Maybe after you guys get to the chapter on myths in the book.
Chatter: Dr Steve this is a good book and I have to force myself to not finish in one evening.
Chatter: So is being a guy vs a man a choice?
DrSteve: Most guys have to make a conscious decision to become men.
Linda: I'd love for the good dr. to chat about seeking an equal match, what that looks like. Seems about 95% of the men have their sights set on 9's and 10's.
DrSteve: The whole "9 or 10" thing can come from a lot of sources. A lot of guys just haven't dated enough to learn that there is more to it than that.
Linda: more to it than Looks????????????????????????? (sarcasm implied)
Chatter: Linda what do you mean by equally matched? Equally yoked?
Linda: No I mean based on what you bring to the table: looks, fitness, earning power, personality, all that stuff.
DrSteve: Hmm, there's a difference between Social Exchange, which is what you're talking about, and superficiality, which is where you get the over-emphasis on looks.
DrSteve: Appearance can also be a status thing for guys -- they want the trophy wife as much as someone who turns them on.
Chatter: guilty dr steve.
Linda: how can we crank down the expectations of the 40- 50- something never marrieds who still are holding out for a 10?
Chatter: Miracle?
DrSteve: Tell them that they seem to be putting the emphasis in the wrong place and not giving intimacy a chance to develop.
Linda: ever talk to a wall, doc?
DrSteve: They could be missing out because they're hyper-focused on only one aspect of a relationship -- one that diminishes in importance as time goes on.
DrSteve: You really can't do much to change their minds, it's true.
DrSteve: I just told you what to say -- not that it would work.
Chatter: Linda....i think you should ask them how's that working for you?
There are more silly and insightful comments, too many to quote. Join us next Monday at 8:00 pm CST as Founder Linda continues this discussion with Chapter 3 of the book.
Click here to enter The Meeting Room. Password: cachecommunity
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Sunday, June 6, 2010
May - June Newsletter
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 We love spring at Cache' Connections! It's always a treat to enjoy watching God's creation return to life after a long winter.
Cache' Connections sprung into action at Christ Community Church in St. Charles, Illinois on April 23 with Cache' Connections Live! A few hundred singles came out to enjoy worship with Brian Hunt and to hear the wise words of Pastor Bob Moeller on "Is This Mr./Ms. Right?"
In May we celebrated Mother's Day by offering a free week to singles mothers, and many took advantage of this gift. Also in May, we hosted our popular Cache' Coffee Connection events in Barrington, IL, Peoria, IL and Orland Park, IL. Connection cards were flying at all events, and we've heard of some budding romances as a result of attendees stepping out of their comfort zone a bit to enjoy time getting to know other Christian singles.
During the month of May we were busy preparing for a new production called "The Cache' Connection" show. This idea springs from the popular "Cache' Connections Dating Game" series that we ran last summer, but with a few changes. We wanted to make sure that the show supported our mission to help Christian singles make healthy choices in their relationships. So, we added a panel of Consultants (think: American Idol) and took down the wall between the featured bachelor and his contestants. The entire cast had an opportunity to meet one another at rehearsal, which is more in line with the popular TV show, The Bachelor. The unique element, of course, is that this was a completely Christian cast and the faith element came out by way of certain questions the contestants asked, and how the Consultants formed their advice and rendered their opinions.
Much time and effort went into the planning of this production, beginning with choosing The Bachelor, Lee Roupas, and finding willing, Christian single ladies in his age range to participate. There was a new logo to design, videos to shoot, scripts and bio's to write, music to choose, ticking clocks, etc. Whew! The big night went off without a hitch at Parkview Christian Church in Lockport, IL on June 4. After some question/answer segments, and on the advice of the Consultants, Lee Roupas chose Brandi from St. Charles for his winning date. Many thanks go to our panel of Consultants: Pastor Wally Marshall, Camerin Courtney and Andy Linder; the other two contestants, Amy and Casi; our terrific emcee, Kevin West, Pastor Brian Hunt and all the fine folks at Parkview who made this complicated event possible!
Kim and Linda have also been busy helping some online members through the Cache' Mentoring Program. This is a great way to get some personal assistance with your profile and connections. Check it out here.
June special: the "One or the Other Sale." Save 55% off of one month or one year with the promo code June2010. One month sale price: $13.48. One year: $67.48.
We welcome our new members. Here are a few reminders:
- Please post your photos! First we need your headshot and bodyshot taken against a plain indoor wall or door, then we can approve 6 casual photos
- Consider widening your age and mileage ranges under My Account Settings to increase your connections
- Don't forget to find Kim Whitaker and Linda Martin on Facebook; also join the Fan Page!
- Join in the live chats! We are currently doing a light book study of "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating" by Dr. Stephen W. Simpson. "Dr. Steve" will be leading a few of these chats, beginning this Monday, June 7. Click here for scheduled chats and other events.
- Lastly, remember that all subscriptions will automatically renew unless you cancel your subscription under Billing Management.
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
Click here for March - April News
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Glen and Kelly's Cache' Connection
Glen and Kelly met at a Cache' Connections event on Valentine's Day, 2010. This is a great testimony to Christian singles stepping out in faith and trusting God to guide their relationships.
Start connecting yourself! Check out the online matchmaking and events for Christian singles. CLICK HERE!
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Cache' Connection show Rehearsal - including bloopers
Join us Friday night at Parkview Christian Church in Lockport, IL for The Cache' Connection Show! Doors open at 7:00, show starts at 7:30 p.m. Click here for details:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
It's a BOGO at Cache' Connections!
"What's a bogo, you ask?"
Today only, buy one event ticket to "The Cache' Connection" show, and get another free! For just $15, you and a friend can enjoy an evening out with other Christian singles at Parkview Christian Church, Lockport, Illinois. Simply register today by midnight, and you will receive an email confirmation for two admissions to this fun game event, where you can sit back as an audience member and enjoy the show! CLICK HERE for more details and to register.
The Bachelor and his three contestants have been chosen and are looking forward (with nervous anticipation) to see how this light-hearted game will play out. Our own Christian version of some popular TV shows such as the old Dating Game, American Idol and The Bachelor, we even have an esteemed panel of experts to help "Big Lee' make his decision. This panel consists of Pastor Wally Marshall from Willow Creek, Author/Speaker Camerin Courtney, and Any Linder, an experienced relationship counselor from Meier Clinics. The premise of this production goes along with our mission to send a message to society about forming healthy relationships based on a biblical approach.
Not in the Chicago area? Check the June special! It's the "One or the Other" special for the online matchmaking. Save 55% off of a one-month or one-year subscription with this promotional code: June2010.
One Month Sale Price: $13.48
One Year Sale Price: $67.48
Have a bogo day!
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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