For many of us, Saturdays are chore day. Time to spiff up the place and recover from a lightening-fast week. From time to time, it's necessary to do a little housekeeping at Cache' Connections. Actually ... Kim and I are constantly keeping house, but today we ask you to join the force! So here are a few VERY IMPORTANT reminders:
1. If you haven't done so already, please complete your Questionnaire and "Submit" it so that you can receive connections! There are members waiting to see you ;) And don't forget to make sure your address is listed under My Account Settings so that the system can properly send your connections. Phone numbers are helpful too for us to reach you!
2. Please (pretty please, almost begging here) upload your primary headshot and bodyshot taken against a plain wall or door. We've had a taste of this frustration ourselves as we've been sifting through profiles for the Cache' Connections Dinner Parties and find no photos on profiles. Unfortunately it is true that photos are very important in this arena, and the lack of photos is a sure-fire way to ensure little to no interest.
3. Send a message - answer your messages! Ladies and gentlemen are encouraged to reach out to their new connections and welcome them to Cache' Connections. It's always a good idea to ask a specific question to encourage a response. SPECIAL NOTE: Even if you are not interested, kindly send a note such as "thank you for the note but I do not feel this would be a good connection." Trust us, he or she will appreciate the gesture. But! Don't make any hasty decisions based on photos alone!
4. The matching system. We get a lot of questions as to why there is no option to search on the website. You are receiving ALL connections within your age and mileage range. We do not hand select your connections - it is a computer system that will connect you with everyone within your specified parameters. Keep in mind that your "Pending" folder will only hold 30 connections at a time, so once you reach that maximum, it is necessary to sort to receive more.
5. We often receive inquiries from men about younger women highlighted in the Single Spotlight. It is very uncommon for a female to be interested in meeting someone more than 15 years her senior. Also, when structuring the age parameters, our expert advisers, Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers, recommended no more than a 15 year age difference based on their years of counseling experience and education. Your best alternative for this type of search is to attend the larger events such as Cache' Connections Live! or the Cache' Coffee Connections.
6. Chats a/k/a The Meeting Room. The scheduled chats are listed under Events>Schedule Events. On Monday nights this summer, I'm leading a chat based on Dr. Stephen Simpson's book, "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating." Join the fun and don't sweat it if you haven't read the book. Few of us have. "Dr. Steve" will lead the chat himself on 7/19/10. Also, "Expert Emily" Shupert leads a chat once a month on Sunday nights. Bring her your dating dilemmas!
7. Want to chat with your connections? Invite them to The Meeting Room! It is always open, so you can schedule a live chat with your connections via the messaging system. Enter The Meeting Room with your first name or username and the password: cachecommunity.
There's more we could say but this covers the biggees. As always, feel free to contact us if you have issues logging in, uploading photos or making a transaction. Have a great weekend - now back to the chores!
Cache' Connections
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