See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 We love spring at Cache' Connections! It's always a treat to enjoy watching God's creation return to life after a long winter.
Cache' Connections sprung into action at Christ Community Church in St. Charles, Illinois on April 23 with Cache' Connections Live! A few hundred singles came out to enjoy worship with Brian Hunt and to hear the wise words of Pastor Bob Moeller on "Is This Mr./Ms. Right?"
In May we celebrated Mother's Day by offering a free week to singles mothers, and many took advantage of this gift. Also in May, we hosted our popular Cache' Coffee Connection events in Barrington, IL, Peoria, IL and Orland Park, IL. Connection cards were flying at all events, and we've heard of some budding romances as a result of attendees stepping out of their comfort zone a bit to enjoy time getting to know other Christian singles.
During the month of May we were busy preparing for a new production called "The Cache' Connection" show. This idea springs from the popular "Cache' Connections Dating Game" series that we ran last summer, but with a few changes. We wanted to make sure that the show supported our mission to help Christian singles make healthy choices in their relationships. So, we added a panel of Consultants (think: American Idol) and took down the wall between the featured bachelor and his contestants. The entire cast had an opportunity to meet one another at rehearsal, which is more in line with the popular TV show, The Bachelor. The unique element, of course, is that this was a completely Christian cast and the faith element came out by way of certain questions the contestants asked, and how the Consultants formed their advice and rendered their opinions.
Much time and effort went into the planning of this production, beginning with choosing The Bachelor, Lee Roupas, and finding willing, Christian single ladies in his age range to participate. There was a new logo to design, videos to shoot, scripts and bio's to write, music to choose, ticking clocks, etc. Whew! The big night went off without a hitch at Parkview Christian Church in Lockport, IL on June 4. After some question/answer segments, and on the advice of the Consultants, Lee Roupas chose Brandi from St. Charles for his winning date. Many thanks go to our panel of Consultants: Pastor Wally Marshall, Camerin Courtney and Andy Linder; the other two contestants, Amy and Casi; our terrific emcee, Kevin West, Pastor Brian Hunt and all the fine folks at Parkview who made this complicated event possible!
Kim and Linda have also been busy helping some online members through the Cache' Mentoring Program. This is a great way to get some personal assistance with your profile and connections. Check it out here.
June special: the "One or the Other Sale." Save 55% off of one month or one year with the promo code June2010. One month sale price: $13.48. One year: $67.48.
We welcome our new members. Here are a few reminders:
- Please post your photos! First we need your headshot and bodyshot taken against a plain indoor wall or door, then we can approve 6 casual photos
- Consider widening your age and mileage ranges under My Account Settings to increase your connections
- Don't forget to find Kim Whitaker and Linda Martin on Facebook; also join the Fan Page!
- Join in the live chats! We are currently doing a light book study of "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating" by Dr. Stephen W. Simpson. "Dr. Steve" will be leading a few of these chats, beginning this Monday, June 7. Click here for scheduled chats and other events.
- Lastly, remember that all subscriptions will automatically renew unless you cancel your subscription under Billing Management.
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
Click here for March - April News
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