I loved this scene from the movie "Jerry McGuire." And isn't it so true? If we can cooperate together, we can accomplish so much more by putting our heads together rather than trying to do things on our own. Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.
How can you help us help you, you ask? Well, take our advice! We've had the privilege of working with many friend and members over the past few years, and are beginning to build a path of success. We see what works, and what doesn't work so well when it comes to approaching the whole dating scene. And with the help of our experts, we're learning some valuable dating tips that we'd love to pass on to you.
For instance, I had a Facebook friend message me because he was so excited he had a "first date" lined up. He said he wanted to chat with me, barely able to contain his excitement. I assumed he wanted some advice, so here's what I told him:
1. Guard your heart. Don't get too excited! Keep expectations now, then you will not be disappointed.
2. Don't talk too much; concentrate on listening. Really listening.
3. Don't ask personal questions.
4. Coffee or lunch is great. If things go well, invite her for a walk :)
His follow-up question was, what is too personal?
Answer: Like where do you work, where you live, money questions. Oh, stay away from politics to be safe. Okay to discuss "religion," LOL. Don't let her feel she is being interviewed. Again, be interested, not interesting and you will have her wrapped around your finger.
Lastly, he asked about texting, as he was texting her at that moment. My advice: don't over-text! It can be dangerous!
Follow our blog, find Kim Whitaker, Linda Martin, and Cache' Connections on Facebook, read the expert articles, and join in the online chats to learn dating tidbits that just might change your path!
Oh - and come to the Cache' Connections events! We usually have a speaker on the topic of relationships. Even if we don't, such as our Coffee Connection events, you will get great practice interacting with the opposite gender.
~ Linda
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