Our first national conference went off without a hitch. The Cache' Connections Disney Getaway took place on February 26 and 27th at the Doubletree Guest Suites at Downtown Disney. Approximately 80 singles and singles leaders came together from various states to hear the wisdom and encouragement of Dr. David Lorenz (First Baptist Orlando) on Friday night and Drs. Tom and Bev Rodgers on Saturday. Saturday afternoon was packed with workshops not only for the singles, but for the leaders. We were thrilled to be able to bring together singles leaders for networking and to learn from each other. The feedback has been tremendous, and we look forward to returning to Florida in October (if not sooner!) where we will have Cache' Connections Live! at First Baptist Church of Naples, featuring Drs. Tom and Bev Rodgers again.
Once again, we booked several smaller social gatherings in local cities for Christian singles. We've heard the singles' cries and therefore have adapted the popular Cache' Quick Introductions into a more affordable, casual setting. We call them Cache' Coffee Connections, and they took place in coffee shops in 6 different cities during the third week of March. The Barrington, Illinois event was packed with 44 singles, and surprisingly, the Peoria event came in 2nd place with 35 singles. Connection cards were flying at both events, where everyone left having made some new friends and feeling encouraged that they are not alone.
Speaking of connections ... wow! Things are happening at Cache' Connections! We attended a Cache' wedding in February and another one in March. Couples are connecting through the website and through events, and we've heard rumors of engagements in the Chicago and Peoria areas. If you have met someone special through our efforts, please let us know! We won't publicize it if you don't want us to - but we'd love to pray for you! Check out the Couples page.
We are so excited about our new program, Cache' Mentoring Services. Check it out here. We came up with this idea because too often we find that singles don't know how or where to start, and when they decide to do something, they don't know what to say and are often too quick to dismiss a connection possibility. We kicked off the program with a contest, and George from Batavia was the lucky recipient of our expert help for the past two weeks. George has really appreciated our help, especially how we've gone the extra mile to contact ladies he was interested in but whose subscriptions have expired. He's been busy meeting a new variety of ladies, online and over coffee.
Booked a year in advance, Cache' Connections Live! St. Charles is finally coming! On 4/23/10 we will be at Christ Community Church, where we will feature worship with Brian Hunt and hear from Dr. Bob Moeller on "Is This Mr./Ms. Right?" Tickets sales look promising so don't miss this opportunity to make some new acquaintances! Click here for details and to register.
We welcome our new members. Here are a few reminders:
- Please post your photos! First we need your headshot and bodyshot taken against a plain indoor wall or door, then we can approve 6 casual photos
- Consider widening your age and mileage ranges under My Account Settings to increase your connections
- Don't forget to read the blog and find Kim Whitaker and Linda Martin on Facebook; also join the Fan Page!
- Lastly, remember that all subscriptions will automatically renew unless you cancel under Billing Management.
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
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