Cache' Connections Live! St. Charles was a huge success Friday night. The highlights were worship with Brian Hunt - always awesome - and hearing the words of wisdom shared by Pastor Bob Moeller of For Better For Worse For Keeps ministries. We were also blessed to hear from a success couple, married in 3/10, who announced they are expecting twins! Check out a video clip at the bottom with some evening highlights!
Here are some recaps of Pastor Bob's talk:
Five Areas of Critical Compatability for a Love That Lasts
1) Values Harmony
Real agreement on values in life. Do two really walk together unless they are in agreement? (Amos 3:3)
There are 4 categories of couples:
1. Vitalized Couple-same convictions about values in life, moving toward each other
2. Harmonious Couple- share same values in most areas, but not as convicted in being so important
3. Conventional Couples - share limited shared values; committed to each other, stay together because they took the vow for life
4. Conflicted Couple - daily struggle to find common ground, struggling too hard to make it work, stay in the relationship but not connected, it may be time to let it go
2)Spiritual Maturity
Each person should be at the same level of connecting to Jesus and living in Christ. (2 Corinthians Chapter 6:14 ... do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers)
-you can't build a strong house with two sets of blue prints
Both partners should have experienced regeneration in Jesus Christ and a consuming desire to grow closer to Him, desire to grow together, to serve and to know Him. How can you be sure this person is truly a Christ follower? Here are some good questions to ask:
- what has God been teaching you in the last month?
- if you would die tonight, do you know where you would spend eternity?
- what is the most important thing that God has brought you through?
- what is God currently showing you in your life?
How someone answers these questions will help you understand where they are at spiritually.
3) Emotional Availability
Do we share the same ability to give and receive emotionally? Are we emotionally compatible? - do I feel loved? Using a scale of 1 – 100, is it more than 80%? If not, this relationship may not be growing/loving. Jesus shared 9 traits of availability when He provided the Beatitudes in the book of Matthew:
The Beatitudes (Beautiful Attitudes) of Marriage (Matthew Chapter 5)
Humility, Meekness, Sympathy, Righteousness, Mercy, Purity, Peacefulness, Perseverance, Rejoicing
4) Mission Compatibility
Tell me about the pain/joy inside your heart. What are your dreams? What’s your calling? What has God created you to do???
Pastor Moeller calls this Mission Compatibility. Do you see yourself serving with this person? Do you have a bigger purpose together? What would you be doing in life if we hadn’t met?
How much disappointment will it take to keep you from moving forward in this area? What will it take for you to abandon it? How committed are you? Are the two of you able to accomplish more together than separately?
Paul reminds us to finish!
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. (Acts 20-23:25)
5) Gifted Synergy
You need to know your gifts. Use your "A" gifts and delight to be able to use your gifts, and others will delight in receiving your "A" gifts. "B" gifts are things you can get good at, but they are not as natural or appreciated as your "A" gifts. "C" gifts - dont even try :)
Do I have to bury my "A" gifts to make the other person less threatened? We should be able to be there to cheer the other person on when they are using their "A" gifts. Don’t spend your time on the things that you are not created to do ... others can do them better! Pastor Moeller suggests that we should exalt each other in joy. How much are you willing to sacrifice so the other person can use their gifts/talents? Do you want them to succeed in reaching their full potential for God and the kingdom? What are you willing to do so they can reach it? What would you do with your life? How committed are you? What are you willing to do to be productive in your life? You and your relationship should be better together than apart.
Click the video screen for a video clip of highlights from the evening!
Cache' Connections
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