There seems to be a running theme of our journey. It goes something like this: "This is the longest and coldest spell we've ever had in the ___ years I've lived here." Great ... The FL news is almost humorous in that the power companies can't keep up with so many consumers firing up their furnaces. It's 37 degrees - which is a slight improvement from Central Illinois.
Let's see ... oh, here's the house where we enjoyed staying in a garden level apartment for the past few days. The hosts were so kind to even lead us out of town. (Wait a minute, I THOUGHT he was being kind ... hmmm ...) So we hit 285 or 685 or whatever that Perimeter Road is Southbound toward JAX (that's Jacksonville for short. We catch on quickly.)
First stop: Trinity Baptist in JAX. (sorry, no photo.) Had a nice little chat with the singles pastor there. Then we met another singles leader for dinner at Mama Fu's(?) It was yummy!
Then we got to hit the road again and continue South toward beautiful Orlando just as the sun was setting. The buildings and lights are pretty driving through on 95, but we are anxious to see where we are tomorrow. We are staying in a friend's condo, for which we are very grateful.
We reflected that by and large, every pastor that we have asked has agreed to promote the Cache' Connections Disney Getaway! Thank you God!
Goodnight Everybody!
~ Linda
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