Thursday, February 25, 2010
People love Cache' Events!
New events posted and Disney discounts!
We're getting ready to fly the friendly skies to sunny Orlando for our first national conference, the Cache' Connections Disney World Getaway. There's still room for those who are still checking their schedules and weekend budgets. Speaking of budgets, here are a few price breaks:
- Saturday only with breakfast - now just $70
- Saturday only without breakfast - now just $55
- Save $10 through midnight tonight on your ticket that includes all conference amenities and activities!
For those who can't get away, we have booked some smaller social events in some of your areas. These are the most affordable options by far - JUST $10 if you preregister - so we hope to see many of you come out and bring your friends to ensure a good experience for everyone! Check them out:
Cache' Coffee Connections - Peoria
March 19, 2010
Copper River Coffee & Tea
Cache' Coffee Connections - Orland Park
March 21, 2010
Panera Bread
Cache' Coffee Connections - Detroit
March 28, 2010
Charlie's Grille
Cache' Coffee Connections - Barrington
March 28, 2010
Cook Street Coffee
Check out all details and register by Clicking here
We are still looking for roomy venues in the Cincinnati and Atlanta areas, so if you have ideas, send them our way! Have a great weekend.
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Disney or Bust
We can't believe that our Cache' Connections Disney World Getaway is finally approaching! Tomorrow we fly out of cold Bloomington, IL and head toward sunny and warm Orlando, FL! The forecast is for upper 60's; we'd prefer 70's but will take it!
Not to brag or anything, but we're getting good at this packing thing. We're at the point of having lists for our lists! Not only do we have the usual packing of clothes, which includes dress up, dress down, dress medium and ALL the appropriate shoes and jackets to go along, but of course we have to pack supplies for the conference. Who brings the guests packets, promotional materials, scripts, registration list and office on wheels? It's funny how you don't appreciate these details that go on behind the scenes until you work behind the curtain :) We look forward to the day we have roadies to pack up the show!
Although the planning began back in November, we are still making new plans - it never ends! We have thrown in a few new options to gather for meals: a Friday night pizza party at 10:00 p.m., and a BBQ lunch on Saturday that can be enjoyed by the pool, weather permitting. We're also trying to find a "designated driver" to take a carpool to First Baptist Orlando for church on Sunday morning. We're really looking forward to getting this conference underway and seeing what great things God has in store for the singles, singles leaders and ourselves to learn!
One major setback was realized yesterday. Our photographer, Jean Lachat, has been excited to come to the conference, and even made special arrangements to bring her 2 daughters and a babysitter/friend. Unfortunately, Jean received word from her doctor yesterday that he doesn't feel she is strong enough from her recent surgery to be able to make the trip. We are sad that our favorite photographer won't be there, but even more sad for her two little girls, who of course are gravely disappointed. We must trust that God has a plan, however, and trust that he is in control. Sometimes we don't understand our circumstances, but we can be assured that he is working ALL things out for our good. We are praying for a speedy recovery for Jean and safe travels for all!
~ Linda
Monday, February 22, 2010
Last night's expert-led chat
Expert Emily had some great advice last night... see below for some great questions on dating that many wonder about, but don't know who to ask.
expertemily: Feel free to shoot me any of your questions one at a away!
member1: Ok here's my question. There is a man in my yoga class that thinks I am funny. He always asks my advice for a maid or yard person, etc. I would like to be asked out but I don't want to quit my yoga class if it doesn't work out.
expertemily: Great place to start! You can suggest that you guys go out and grab coffee or something after a class...that is a really subtle way to let him know you are interested while not going overboard
expertemily: You can say, "I really have liked talking in class and would love to hang out outside of class sometime. I love coffee and like getting it after our class so I'd love for you to come with me afterwards sometime"
member1: Good idea. After all it's unusual to find a guy that does yoga. He's a doctor too.
expertemily: It is super subtle so it is a fun way to get to hang out with him without any pressure!
expertemily: Does that sound good to you?
member1: Is there a way to tell if he likes me other than the fact he thinks I am funny. Some of the stuff isn't funny. I can't pronounce a lot of the yoga poses.
expertemily: Nope, you can't tell unless you can mindread so just getting to know him outside the class would be a fun way to find out if he is/isn't interested
member1: I used to go to networking mixers. Now I am retired, I don't quit know where to go to meet guys.
expertemily: Wherever you like to be...if that is yoga, pottery class, church, etc. I suggest that you meet someone in a place/activity that you do on a regular basis. At a networking event, you have the pressure of putting your best foot forward in only an hour or so....
expertemily: However, if you have a constant contact with someone through a weekly activity, they get to know you (and vice versa) on a deeper level over time
member1: I had the elevator speech for my job. It's doesn't work well no me as retired. My last job was as a caregiver to my 96 year old aunt who died Jun 25,2009. I miss her dearly. Telling folks that puts an immediate damper on things.
expertemily: Well, let's look at how you can say that in another way...."the last job I had was caring for my aunt. I really liked pouring into others and caring for their various needs" (you can leave out the more personal stuff since they are strangers and don't need to know that info)
expertemily: If you were to say what I typed above, I think that this communicates to someone that you are a caring person who loves to help others...a great attribute!
member1: I've been watching Millionaire matchmaker. All the men talk a good game but end up with the sweet young things in the mixer. (no matter what their age)
expertemily: That is not a great show if you are looking for encouragement in the dating world. It shows a very secular mindset which is not what I sense you are about....god is bigger than the limitations you might see on that show for sure!
member2: I found a highschool acquaintance on Facebook and we were in band together.
member2: We exchanged a few emails and I'm wondering how to say let's get together without coming off like I want a date... Any suggestions?
expertemily: Great question member2! How about this...."i know that it has been quite a while since we last saw one another, so I'd love to grab coffee and catch up some. Let me know if you would be open to this..thanks!"
member2: Great idea! Thanks!
member3: How many dates should a man successfully complete before he attempts to hold a woman's hand or hug her? What are signs that she would, or would not accept these gestures of affection?
member2: Gr8 question, C3!
expertemily: Great question C3po! It varies for each person/couple. first off, how many dates have you gone on so far?
member2: Two, both very successful!
expertemily: about you look into holding hands first before kissing...that is a progressive thing that is just my suggestion. You can go to a movie and see if she is willing to hold hands or go on a walk. If she isn't willing to hold hands, then she probably won't be willing to kiss.
member2: C3, have you tried the subtle touch yet? Was she receptive?
member3: Subtle touch?
member2: Like a hand on her back as you usher her into a door, or the assistance with putting on her coat...
member3: Ok, I'll give those a try.
expertemily: Good thoughts member2!
member2: Groovy! Thanks, Ee! If she pulls away from the subtle touch, then you know not to 'go there'...
member3: Thanks
expertemily: any other questions?
member3: How long should you date before you do a "romantic" date?
expertemily: Can you explain a bit? What is the difference between the two?
member3: So far we have been hiking, picknicing, dining at casual places. When should you go to a dress up place, give her flower, that sort of thing?
expertemily: How about a nicer place don't want to scare her by giving her tons of stuff up front like flowers, gifts, etc. I would just take her to a nicer place first and then go from there
member3: Ok
expertemily: It is important for her to know that you put thought into it so go to a place she said she likes or something creative. You can then go to a movie and try out the holding hands option
member1: Put a flower and a card on her door knob inviting her out. Leave it for her to find.
expertemily Cute idea member1!:)
expertemily That is a nice gesture but it isn't over the top
member3: Thanks
To join in these expert-led chats, check out the Scheduled Events for a schedule of upcoming chats.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Enemy is Ousted Again!
Well, you know Satan does not like anything about Cache' Connections and we are always aware that he is working against us. But yesterday was one of those days that we felt we were under attack - coming at us from many directions. After getting together and briefly discussing whether we should cry or pray and settling on prayer, we picked ourselves up and chose a perspective of logic... especially in dealing with a disheartening email from San Diego. We have been working on this event for over a year now and received confirmation a few months ago that we had the okay from the powers in charge and the event was scheduled for May 21st. Things started to get quiet and then we found that there was some opposition from the leadership and singles and much rumination (word of the day) going on. Somehow the word was getting around that Cache' Connections was moving in to take over the singles group! You know how rumors get started and it all of a sudden becomes a reality to people?
After a long, late-night phone conference last week with the leadership to dispel their concerns, things started looking up. Then we received an email yesterday from the leader who is making the ultimate decision who was forwarding to us an email from one of his leaders. The email was full of negatives about Cache' Connections and even compared us to their policy on alcohol on the church;( But once Linda and I were able to set aside our emotions, step back and logically answer all his concerns, we felt a little better. We didn't know what the outcome would be, but knew we had done everything possible to squelch these rumors, but it was in God's hands now. We were tickled to receive an email late last night that the leadership had decided to go forward knowing there would be some hurdles to jump, but felt that it is time to address the "Elephant in the Room" (dating). They stated it was their hope that "emotional, relational and spiritual growth will be the outcome for many San Diego singles."
So... we're going to San Diego on May 21st. Please pray for this church and singles group!
Tips for Writing your Bio, Dealmakers & Dealbreakers
Many members struggle with what to write on their bio, and the all-important dealmakers and dealbreakers. These are good questions because your connections will take a good look at what you write. Here are a few suggestions:
Yes, they can be the same, such as a dealbreaker might be smoking, and a dealbreaker is someone who doesn't smoke. We suggest making the best use of this opportunity to express yourself. Don't reiterate one point unless you feel very strongly about it. Instead, state 9 or 10 different characteristics that you'd like to see or refuse to deal with in a connection. Here are some great ones we've seen:
Breakers :(
-Financial instability
-No desire to have children
-Bad habits
Makers :)
-Cheerful disposition/sense of humor
-Active in church/loves the Lord
-Compassionate/gentle spirit
-A family person
-Possesses leadership qualities
Now about the bio. It can be as short or as long as you like. (Caution: there is a timer on each page. If you want to spend time working on your bio, remember to save frequently, or write the document in another program, cut and paste it in your Questionnaire.) This is also a great place to further expound on your brief answers on the Questionnaire. For instance, you can explain your stance on whether you want to have children or not. Also, almost everyone loves a sense of humor and someone who is authentic, so let your true self shine! We recommend that you employ the help of a friend or sibling to discuss your bio and read it over. Also, spell check is always a good idea :)
Ladies: We've heard that men aren't typically big readers, so it would be wise to state the most important qualities in the first paragraph. Also, they like women who take care of themselves, so if you take special care of your body, how you eat, etc., don't be afraid to say so! We have also found that men are sensitive to financial issues, so stating something like "financial provider" can send them packing. Of course, if this is very important to you, feel free to say so. I also feel inclined to mention that it is more important to post your recent photos than to spend a lot of time writing your bio. Men are visual, even Christian men. God made them that way for a reason, so we might as well accept that fact and "give the people what they want!"
Remember that women react to how you make them feel. Here is where you want to write about your softer side. If you love children, deep conversations, are a good listener and caregiver, let them know. Also, most Christian women are seeking a spiritual leader, so if your walk with Christ is solid, you may explain how your faith is played out in your daily life.
Want to read some sample bio's? Check out the Single Spotlight by clicking here. These are snippets taken from what members wrote. As always, don't give away any personal or identifying information, such as where you live or work.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Photo Tips
Often times we get emails from members who don't understand the importance of posting photos to their profile. Some common remarks are "my connections should not make a decision on whether to communicate based on how I look," or "I want to remain anonymous... somebody might recognize me." Although we acknowledge their concerns, we have found members are not getting the most out of their subscription if they don't let others see what they look like. Let's face it, we are drawn to someone because we are attracted to them as a whole person which includes all aspects of who they are, such as personality traits, backgrounds, career paths, interests, faith... including a physical attraction. And we know that we are all different in defining what we find physically attractive.
It is a sad, but true fact that we have found if members don't have photos, they are often put right into the "Not Interested" folder. Their connections won't even take the time to look at their profiles, because they want to see to the photo first. We don't understand why someone would take the time to create a profile and overlook their photos.
So we wanted to offer some help! Here's a few tips on getting the best photos possible for your profile:
*Have your primary photos ready before you submit your questionnaire. As a reminder, the photo requirements are a headshot and bodyshot against a plain wall. for more information on primary photo requirements Click Here Remember, these do not need to be taken by a professional!
*Look for a spot with good lighting
*Smile and look friendly! Sometimes leaning forward or a little cock of the head can make a big difference and help you have a welcoming, inviting look.
*Dress age appropriate and take a few minutes to "spruce up." We're not talking about overdoing it here... just preparing in way that shows you were intentional about looking your best.
*Once you have uploaded your primary photos, load some other photos of your choice, which gives your connections more insight into who you are; such as your interests, family and hobbies.
And remember that your photos are going to be the first impression you'll give your connections. So, if necessary, grab a friend and have a photo shoot:)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Is singleness punishment from God?
This question was posed to one of our experts: "Is this a punishment from God? Why I am still single? So many of the friends I grew up with are married now....even the kids younger than me are all married now too. I feel like an odd-ball. I know I need to wait upon the Lord, but for how much longer?"
Emily Shupert had this to say:
Great question Shaina! Though I'm sad to hear that you are going through a struggle with your singleness right now, I want you to know that God appreciates your honesty and desires that you pour out your heart, longings, and feelings towards Him. There are no "easy answers" for this question and definitely no way for us to know why one person gets married young and another gets married later in life. We can guess and make assumptions, but ultimately, this is not ours to know's in God's control and in His timing.
However, I encourage you to be totally honest with the Lord about your desires to get married. Many times we try to shield the Lord from our feelings of anger, frustration, and discouragement. This is not helpful because when we hide our emotions, we cannot be honest with the Lord about where we are in this process. God says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden" not "come to me, all you who have it together, praising God that you are single, and always loving life without a husband/life." Think about it, it's a bit absurd to candy coat our prayers, but sometimes that is the way we think it must be with God. He doesn't want our polished prayers, He wants our hearts' desires humbly and vulnerability opened before Him. So feel the freedom to say, "God, I'm upset and angry when I see another friend getting married. I feel like you have forgotten me and I feel like I'm being punished by being single. You know my heart Father, you know I desire to be married and I'm upset that this desire has not seen any answers. I pray and ask but I get nothing in return."
While prayer is not going to find you Mr. Right, it will bring you in a closer direction because in the process of praying, He will be changing your heart and preparing you to be a life mate. He will help you to release your control and to submit to His timing, ways, and methods for your meeting potential dates. Prayer helps to calm the anxious heart and helps us to fix our eyes on His desires for us and not simply our desires alone. While honesty with the Lord through prayer is only one component of what you can do, it is a very large factor that will reap great reward in your single life and your years down the road. Praying for you in your journey!
grace and peace,
Emily Shupert, LAPC, MABC
GROW, llc
2970 Peachtree Road, Suite 110
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
w |
p | 404.844.3343
f | 404.816.2660
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sweetheart Deals
So do you find yourself measuring your self worth by whether or not your Valentine's Day has a special someone in mind?
I've got two answers for you--one, don't. Number two, both God and you should have someone special in mind--yourself! It's easy to get into "whoa is me" self pity when you are in between relationships, but the reality is God loves you more than you can know, and by celebrating that daily you're more likely to find your lifelong companion than sitting around moping.
Cache Connections offers you more choices than a smorgasbord, both online with matches and with plenty of fun events to meet people. I especially got a kick out of going to one of their Quick Connections events...there's plenty of opportunity to meet Christian friends of both genders and in fellowship in Jesus there's no such thing as being alone!
As Ed McMahon used to say, "you can't win if you don't send it in!"
So get out of that funk, get out of that boat and get out there in faith and friendship. The light you shine meeting all kind of folks online and in person will be a blessing to them and you in the process.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Cache' Connections!
Wow, I'm a little embarrassed to say I almost forgot that today marks the day 3 years ago that we launched the Cache' Connections personalized services. On February 14,2007, shortly after a rushed 6 week planning period, we had our first website in place along with a somewhat antiquated database for our members. Linda and I were both still working our "real" jobs and we found quickly that God had much bigger plans for Cache' than a hometown small business. Within a year and a half, we launched the online website and life has not been the same since. We both left the security of our other jobs and plunged into this scary, somewhat unchartered territory of bridging the gap between online dating and churches. We've definitely had our ups and downs, but it is hard to explain this amazing journey which has required us to hang onto God's promises and wait for him shine the light on one step at a time as we continue to build this business. Even though we know we are still a long way away from the end goal of changing the dating landscape in our society, once in a while we pause to reflect on how far we've come. Linda is probably often irritated with my fascination of making predictions on how things will look in a year from now. Only God knows, but we sure hope and pray that we will soon see that "flashover" we've been praying for. How fitting though that we are spending this momentous day at a Cache' Connections wedding and at an event where it all started... in Peoria, IL.
By the way, in honor of this special day of love and our 3rd birthday, we are offering TODAY ONLY 50% off - double your subscription of 3 months or more. This great deal is for one day only, so if you're interested, make sure and sign up today. If you don't have time, just let us know and we will honor it tomorrow too.
The promotional code for this special is VDAY2010. We hope you will give it a try and see what God's got in store!
Spread some love today!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Best Valentine's Story By Far
We still think we have the "bestest" Valentine's Day love story. Phillis and Craig, both from the Central Illinois area, are getting married tomorrow after having first declined, then reluctantly accepted positions in The Dating Game in Peoria last fall. What is most interesting is that we had to cajole both of them into playing, asking Phillis three times! Phillis was way too busy with her job, doctorate studies and 13 children, and Craig said, well, this is just not his thing. We kept pressing them out of desperation for good, match-able panels. I was reluctant to ask Phillis because Craig had already declined her profile on the website, stating that he wasn't sure he could deal with 13 children. Kim made me do it!
So, as destiny, God and the game would have it, Craig blindly chose Phillis after she answered his questions to his liking. When the emcee read her bio before introducing the two for the first time, Craig was aghast that he had chosen "the widow with the 13 kids!" His attitude swiftly changed after being captured by her warm, cheery personality.
They quickly fell in love and jumped through all the hurdles of joining families. A May wedding date was set, but was moved up to Valentine's Day! This will be the first Cache' Connections wedding that we are privileged to attend. (Can't wait to get our photo taken with them!) What a joy to see our efforts come to fruition in a God-pleasing Christian marriage of two very special people!! Read the full story by clicking here.
~ Linda
Friday, February 12, 2010
Feel Like Hiding Out on Valentine's Day?
Many singles have told us they don't want to go out on this day that is focused around love and couples. Some of them have gone as far as saying they sit at home alone with the curtains pulled, because it's too painful to be reminded of what they don't have and want so much.
We want to suggest a different perspective as we know God's word tells us that we are to rejoice every day and be glad in it! So... how about embracing Valentine's Day and celebrating by showing love to others and yourself? We always feel uplifted when we give of ourselves. I don't know about you, but I find that acts of love are more important than expensive gifts. Heartfelt words can sometimes be the greatest gift of all. Of course, it might help to throw in something chocolate too:)
And then don't forget to show love to yourself by doing something that makes you happy such as going to a movie or reading a good book. And then don't forget that there some great opportunities to get together with your family or other Christian singles who are in the same stage of life. Cache' Connections has many events in several different states and areas. You can check them out at Events Who knows? Maybe what you do this year will change your status next year:)
~ Linda
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Why Do They Wait?
Probably one of the hardest parts about this business is adapting to the fact that singles typically wait until the last minute to sign up for our events. For example, at our first Cache' Connections event in Naperville, we had only 30 people signed up two weeks out and the church point person emailed us and asked whether we were considering canceling the event. So, here's where "the rubber meets the road." Do we do the rational thing and protect our investment or go forward trusting God to work it out and deliver on his promises? Over and over we have held onto this scripture for ALL it's worth... "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Corinthians 4:18 We were sure glad we went forward with that first event in Naperville as we ended up with 425+ singles coming that night!
I'm not saying this is getting easy... maybe easier. Now before getting worried when sign ups are low, we evaluate whether we have done our part in working to make sure we get the word out in every way within our means. If so, we go forth believing that no matter whether there is 100 or 400 that show up, God has a plan for great things to happen!
So, as Valentine's Day events and Disney are approaching... here we go again!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Review for Cache' Connections Live! Springfield
Cache' Connections Live! came to Springfield on Saturday, January 30th. Held at the beautiful iWorship Center in partnership with WIBI and West Side Christian Church, the event was enjoyed by approximately 120 Christian singles. Ashton Lee, WIBI air personality and fellow Christian single, started off with her cheery welcome and fresh humor. The Meghan Nicole Band then led us into an awesome time of worship - what an amazing young talent! Then, former WCIC air personality and long-time single Debi Parks spoke to the crowd about "Actively Waiting." Having married for the first time at the age of 51, Debi could really relate to the guests' roller coaster ride of singleness, from being content to being miserable and everything in between. Debi shared some very encouraging words and instructions on how to wait with expectancy and to be proactive in your search for Mr. or Ms. Right. Cache' Connections then entered the stage with the overview of the ministry and its foundation. Kim and Linda, the founders, were then privileged to introduce one of their most recent success couples, Phillis and Craig, who met as a result of participating in last fall's "Cache' Connections Dating Game" in Peoria. Craig and Phillis fell quickly in love and have committed their relationship to the Lord. They spoke candidly of how they followed Phillis' 3 rules: a) no sex outside of marriage b) praying before every date and c) that Craig must have an accountability partner. Craig and Phillis will be married on Valentine's Day 2010! Read their full, amazing love story by clicking here
Guests enjoyed an icebreaker to get the conversations started, followed by refreshments. Many took advantage of the expert photography skills of Kimberly Ann and had their headshots and bodyshots taken for use at or for other personal uses. Kim and Linda were pleased with the entire production, including the great work of the volunteers. Cache' Connections looks forward to coming to the area when God opens another door of opportunity.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Work It Members!
From an administrator's viewpoint, it's quite interesting to observe how people handle their website membership at Cache' Connections. From the outset, we have a pretty good idea about who is going to be successful and who is not. Of course, we realize an important aspect is timing, but the probability increases when members "work the system." In other words, the amount of effort someone puts into their membership usually comes back to them as a measurable return. Although, we must take into consideration that sometimes people aren't ready for dating... usually because of a past emotional hurt that needs to be resolved. But, if a member has all their ducks in a row, there are a few action steps they can take that will greatly improve the odds such as:
*post primary photos in the proper format (this effort shows obedience and respect)
*post other casual photos to give members an idea of your interests, activities, family, etc.
*spend time on your profile, especially explaining who you are and who you're looking for (more on this later)
*evaluate those you have been attracted to in the past and determine why you are attracted to certain personalities and if that is a positive or negative
*make adjustments to past thought patterns in choosing a connection
*prayerfully look through your connections with an open heart and mind to all possibilities
*send a communication to anyone who might be a possibility commenting on something of interest you found in their profile
*follow-up with any replies you may receive
*continue to communicate on the Cache' Connections website until you have developed a secure relationship (Review Safety Tips)
*start talking on the phone
*meet for a short get-together
*evaluate whether you would like to continue exploring the relationship
*of course, pray for direction and guidance
But don't stop here... go to all events that you can! And when you attend events, have an attitude of "you win some, you lose some." Don't just give up after one event doesn't pan out. Remember, you are still gaining experience in dating and meeting new people :)
"You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours." Psalm 128:2
So, if you're a member, we hope you'll do your part. We're praying for you:)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A new love story announced!
Meet Markita and Derrick:
Markita has been dear to our hearts for the past year or more because she is well known for her very encouraging emails, after first meeting us at a Cache' Connections event. She is on fire for the Lord and Cache' Connections and exemplifies the godly Christian members that we work for. We were privileged to be used by God to connect her with her special guy. This is a great example of continuing to believe and step out in faith:
"It all began in September 2009... I had been a member of Cache Connections for about one year, and was almost ready to give up on ever finding true love, until... Cache Connections had an event celebrating National Single's Week. I couldn't make the event, but all of a sudden, I had a "flicker of hope" inside of me that said, "maybe you should try again..." Right away, I sent Linda a message saying, "I can't make it, but, please look out for me if you see any interesting prospects, and
get me some phone numbers!" I laughed after I sent it, and didn't think anything else about it until.... I got an email from Linda that VERY NIGHT saying,"I think we found someone you might be interested in meeting! We think that you two have a lot in common, so we showed him your profile, and he is very interested in getting to know you, and he should be contacting you in a few days!"
Right away, I was a little leery, and shocked, but I knew Kim & Linda were good judges of character, so I said, "ok." Sure enough he emailed me the next day, and we emailed each other back & forth for a couple of days, then we exchanged phone numbers. When we talked on the phone, I felt a connection with him that I hadn't really felt before. We finally decided to meet up for coffee, and after laughing and talking over coffee until the coffee shop closed, we left there knowing that we wanted to see each other again!
Since that time, there really hasn't been a day that has gone by, that we have not been in communication with each other. We realized that we could be ourselves around each other, and that we fit very well. Our gifts and personalities complement one another! We also realized that we both shared a love and commitment for The Lord, and Music Ministry. My kids just love him, and our families blend together very well!
After several months of dating, we realized that God had a bigger plan for us than just dating... That He had brought us together for a beautiful "purpose." A purpose of establishing a covenant before God & man, to live the rest of our days not as two, but as "ONE." Not just living for ourselves, but for those around us that need hope... hope that it's never too late.... God knows what we need, and He also knows how to get it to us, even when we're not there! We are engaged, and we can't wait to begin our lives together in harmony as husband and wife!
We owe special thanks to the "Matchless Matchmakers," Kim & Linda of Cache Connections! We thank you for allowing God to use you to recognize potential in us, and for seizing the opportunity of bringing us together, and allowing God to do the rest!!!
If you are still waiting for you mate, we encourage you to hold on! God has not forgotten about you.... He has a plan for you, to grant you the desires of your heart, as you delight yourself in Him! Remember, God is Pro-Marriage, after all. He created it! Just when you feel like giving up, He will show up on your behalf, Strong & Mightily, and bring you the Godly mate that He has designed just for you!!!"
~ Linda
Friday, February 5, 2010
Hello, this is a phone tree calling ...
Many of you know that we place personal phone calls prior to an event to encourage registrations. As you can guess, this is very time consuming and a bit exhausting, although sometimes we do receive some encouraging feedback, which makes it a bit easier.
So, the other night Kim and I set out to make some phone calls ahead of our Valentine's Day events. The problem is, we have 7 events in 4 cities and thousands of phone numbers to call! There just isn't enough time in the day to reach them all. We even hired a part time assistant to help with this, but it's just not enough. So Kim, being the "think tank" of Cache' Connections, set out to research other options. Thus, our new strategy of a phone tree was born!
We realize this is less personal, but it is to the singles' benefit, as we can reach many more people to populate the events for you. So don't be surprised if you get a call from 309-550-5580 about an upcoming event. We've heard that some churches are doing this too to announce the Sunday sermon topic. Another wave of the future that we are riding ~~
~ Linda
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Want Cache' Connections to come to your town?
It's encouraging when we have events and guests are eager to speak with us about having an event in their church. We are always happy to entertain this idea! Our goal is to have three or four larger events per month. Here are a few things to consider about hosting an event:
1 - Size of church and seating for at least 300
2 - Is there a singles ministry? This is not required but helpful
3 - There is virtually no cost to the hosting church. We ask for help with refreshments, a door prize and a worship band if possible.
4 - This is a great way to draw attention to your church and singles ministry because of the marketing for the event
5 - We do all of the planning so it's easy on the host church
6 - CC events provide hope as they find other believers like themselves
7 - ... and that God has a perfect plan for relationships and when following his plan, there can be successful, healthy marriages!
Here's a quote from Keith Langland, Singles Pastor, First Baptist Atlanta, Atlanta, GA . "Kim and Linda are a welcome relief to any pastor as they come with a wealth of BIG event planning and experience. I love how they partner with the local church and recruit volunteers to help. As I personally have gotten to know them over the last several months I've been more than impressed by their walk with the Lord and personal integrity. They have such a vision and passion for the Single adult and pay careful attention to their pain and needs. Cache' Connections is definitely a God thing!"
If you feel your church would be a good host site, please email
~ Linda
Monday, February 1, 2010
How To Get Past The First Date!
Members had another great chat with Expert Emily last night. The focus of conversation was centered around a member who has difficulty with keeping a girl's interest after the first date. Here's a portion of the transcript:
member: i have a question on how to get away from a virtual relationship into a real world relationship
expertemily: Hmmmm....tell me more.
member: kinda like "you got mail"
expertemily: this member is asking how you can get from a virtual world to a real world realtionship
expertemily Tell me more. Have you been stuck in the online dialogue with potentials w/o ever going out in person?
member: I have made the connection online and know all the right things to say, but when it comes to the real world is always a no go
expertemily: They say no or you say no? Or do you get to the point to where you ask her out?
member: they said no after we met
expertemily: Ok, great place to start ..... let's focus on the date and look at how I can help you make that first date an opportunity to have future dates.
So, online your ok to talk but outside of that your speechless
expertemily: Ok, so the girls say that they are speechless or you are?
member: i am
expertemily: Well, even though they are not going out with you again, at least they are giving you feedback. This is wonderful material for you to learn and grow from. They are saying that you are speechless, is that mean that they say you are too quiet?
member: i just don't know the right things to say
expertemily: No problem....stick with me and I'll help you out with this... First, let's look at why don't talk..... Do you feel intimidated, scared, unsure? If so, let's look at that first before giving yourself a "script" It is very important to look at why you are being quite before you force yourself to talk
member: confused
expertemily: Once you are aware, you can accept it and know that this is something to be mindful of. You can give yourself a pep talk. "I'm feeling very confused about the situation and I'm not sure if I feel comfortable yet. That's ok though. I will do my best to show her the best that there is about me in... Anyway, once you don't "stuff" it by addressing your feeling scared, unsure, etc. You can decide how to procede
expertemily: Next, let's look at giving you an no matter who you are with, you can learn about the other person and also about yourself.
expertemily: I want you to ask her a question and then you talk....back and forth like a game of tennis. You cannot ask her another question without saying something about yourself...that is the rule!
member: oh i ask questions its just seems to be the wrong questions
expertemily: We will start off very light with subject matter like the weather, work, movies, music. This is for "member" but also for everyone it several Not Talk In Detail About Past Relationships On The First Date!!!!
Thanks Emily for helping out this member with his dating dilemma! If you are a current member and need some help, don't hesitate to join in our next chat with one of our experts. All upcoming chats can be found under Scheduled Events
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