Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How do I get a guy to ask me out?

The Meeting Room was full of females last night, and in discussing the challenges of dating in the 21st century, this question seemed to be pretty prevalent. Although there is a new, unwritten rule that women can now ask a guy out, most women still prefer to be pursued. Here are some of the tips that we offered on how to attract a man:

First, women should feel free to send men a message of interest. Online, this means sending a friendly hello. One past member's such faith-in-action landed her "the man of her dreams" and they were happily married this past October :) In person, a guy wants to know if you are interested. Some things you can do are to make good eye contact with him, smile, and ask questions that imply you are interested in him. Don't do all the talking! Be sure your clothes, hair, and makeup are all up to date. Remember for guys 9.9 times out of 10 it's got to start with attraction - guys like dolls who take care of themselves. It might be a good idea to employ a friend's help with this. Also, consider asking a friend of the opposite sex how their gender views or perceives you. It could be that you are sending off "don't approach!" messages.

Also, guys like girls who are fit and active; they want a woman to play with them. So it's probably not a good idea to tout your knitting skills at first. If you are into anything that involves physical activity, you might want to mention it. Men are also highly attracted to women with a friendly, outgoing attitude. So if you are the shy type, you might have to force yourself out of your comfort zone to attract his attention.

Guys - did we miss anything?

Sorry if you are sorry you asked ;) These are the things we see and hear at Cache' Connections. We've recently heard God telling us that we need to help the singles with their struggles, and sometimes that includes speaking the (hard) truth ... in love. (Eph. 4:15) God looks at the heart, but unfortunately man has to get past the exterior. Once he does, a man who seeks after God's heart will want to find a woman who does, too.

Join us next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm CST as we discuss Chapter of our DVD titled Christian Dating ... Redefined. Chapter 2: Get a Life Before You Get a Date. Click here for details on how to get in on the live chats!

Cache' Connections

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with the list of things that first attracts a man to a woman. Men are very visual creatures, but I can see how men might be criticized as being too shallow. Men should also make sure that they present themselves well, too, if they place a lot of importance on appearance. Women are probably not as visual in general as men, but some women place too much emphasis on confidence (which can border on arrogance in a lot of men), achievement and wealth.