Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Events: Put on a Happy Face :)

Cache' Connections has a lot of events coming up starting January 22 in Naperville, Illinois. There are events in Chicagoland, Springfield, Illinois and even in Florida. CLICK HERE to see scheduled events. Our intention is to give you fun opportunities to meet people before or during Valentine's Day weekend, which we know can be a rough holiday for most singles. Along those lines, we want to provide a few helpful tips for you to keep in mind as you meet people "live":

1. Pray and ask God to open your mind to new possibilities. That image of the perfect mate you've been carrying around in your head since childhood? Consider giving that to God and asking His opinion.

2. Stand up! It sounds simple, but it is hard to approach a person who is seated and engaged with a group. If you really want to meet people, staying on your feet sends a message that it's a safe risk for someone who may want to approach you. Of course, manners and standard conduct still apply - don't try to steal the speaker's thunder, or rudely interrupt someone who is talking in a small hub.

3. Homework: Ask a friend or trusted relative if you happen to be sending out any "not available" vibes. You might be surprised! Then prayerfully ask God to help you deal with the underlying reasons for the behavior.

4. Smile! Again ... rudimentary. But it goes a long way.

5. Challenge yourself to be the first to introduce yourself to five new people at an event. This is a great exercise, and the more people you know, the more possibilities open up.

6. Ask open-ended questions, concentrating on being interested, not interesting. People like to talk about themselves - so just ask.

7. If you meet someone you are interested in, make good eye contact - no wandering eyes. And be bold enough to ask for his or her contact information before you walk away!

Those are just a few tips to ponder before your next event. Not able to attend? You can meet people online at Cache' Connections according to your own schedule and pace. Be sure to check out the January special, which is just $4.95 for one month. Promo code: Jan2011.

Have fun - and don't forget to smile!

~ Linda
Cache' Connections

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