(humming "On the road again ..." and thinking: Thelma and Louise)
Oh, hi there! Happy New Year! We're busy packing and getting ready for a fun weekend in Chicagoland. We're heading to Schaumburg for our New Year's Eve Party. Looking forward to our first 4-on-4 Connection Party, where we will break out the dice and play a well-known game known as Bunco. It's perfect for singles, as you change partners and tables a lot! As with any new event, we'll see if this test run reveals any tweaks or bugs that need to be worked out, but we anticipate it will be a lot of fun, and a great way to mingle as players vie for prizes: high score, low score, most Bunco's, last person to roll a Bunco.
But before that ... Kim and Linda will enjoy an early dinner on and at The Clubhouse in the Oak Brook Mall. The management there has given us a gift card for doing business with them in 2010, so we look forward to an elegant meal to fuel us for the big night.
As many of you know, we often drive the long 3-hour trek home after our Chicago events, but New Year's Eve is the exception, for obvious reasons. So we are spending the night at one of our (single) friend's home, where we will each have our own bed :) Thanks again, DH, for your wonderful hospitality!
We are looking forward to Saturday as well. We'll head back to the Oak Brook Mall for a little shopping, then meet up with Linda's daughter for lunch at Kim's favorite place, Stir Crazy. Our last stop before hitting I-55 will be to visit two very special little boys, Joshua and Judah, who are Cache' Connections first babies! Born the last week of October, we are overdue for a visit, baby gifts and photos. Their proud parents, Darrick and Markita, met through our "personal touch" in the fall of 2009. Needless to say, 2010 was quite a year for them! Click here for more details on their love story.
We pray that all of our friends have a safe and happy New Year's Eve celebration. If you can't get out tonight, join the live chat from 8 - ? CST in Cache' Connections Meeting Room. Click here for information. Let's look forward with eager expectation to what God has in store for 2011.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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