We praise God for the healthy births of Joshua Lamar Hicks @ 5Lbs 5oz & Judah Mark Hicks @ 5Lbs 12oz! We are grand-matchmakers!
Joshua and Judah's proud parents are Darrick and Markita Hicks, who met through a Cache' Quick Introductions in September, 2009. I like to think of Markita as one who is reaping what she sowed. Let me explain what I mean.
Markita had been a member of Cache' Connections almost since the new website was launched in 2008. She was always quick to send a "quote-worthy" email, encouraging us in our calling. Even when Markita was exploring a few other relationships, she continued to "sow a seed" into Cache' Connections, because she believed in this mission and wanted to support it financially. Waiting is hard, and sometimes Markita would get discouraged, but she never lost touch with us, and never gave up. In fact, she glibly sent us an email prior to an event we were holding for National Singles Week in 2009, asking us to keep an eye out for her because she was not able to attend. We took the request with a grain of salt and went about our work with the events.
The event was two-fold: a conference by day and a "speed dating" event that night. Of course, by evening we had forgotten Markita's request and were going through the motions, leading the connection activity, wondering how soon we could hit the road back to Peoria. God hadn't forgotten, though. He was speaking to Darrick through a friend who encouraged him to attend this event. I'm not even sure Darrick knew what he was getting into ... he even contemplated turning back. But "something" kept pulling him toward this event. Naturally, when we saw this tall, dark handsome man walk in late, it didn't take long for our tired brains to remember our beautiful Markita. We spoke to Darrick about Markita and suggested he connect with her on the website - and he did. And they did. And ...
Soon after we were receiving very positive emails from Markita, updating us on the status of their budding romance. Their relationship developed rapidly, with God in the center, and we were thrilled to be invited to their wedding in March 2010. Markita and Darrick even included Kim and me in the ceremony, releasing them from singleness into married life.
They made the perfect success couple for a large event we held in their area in April, 2010. As they delivered their testimonial, we were all shocked and surprised at the announcement that they were expecting twins. Nine months later, we celebrate the beautiful additions to their family and thank God that the boys are healthy!
Galations 6:9 says: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
We encourage all of our members and single friends to maintain a positive attitude as they "actively wait" on the Lord. Develop a mindset that God is working even though you don't see the results yet. Also, ask Him what He wants to develop in you as you are waiting. God is good - he is working out something good for YOU!
Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Be encouraged, my friends.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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