There's been a connection in process for the past few months, but we've had to keep a lid on it until now. Shaina and Joe have been dating for 4 months now and feel it's time to share how God used Cache' Connections (and friends) to bring them together. Here's a note from Shaina, a long-time member and constant encourager to us:
Joe & I met on June 4th in Lockport at Parkview Christian Church.
I caught Joe's attention when he first arrived when I greeted him at the registration desk with a smile. But both he and I would never had met due to the fact that we were both too nervous/shy to go up to one another. So God used another single in attendance, Katherine, (who is not a shy person at all) to bring us together! If it were not for Katherine (AND CACHE' CONNECTIONS), we would have never gotten together. I love how God works!
Joe called me the very next day. The day after that he left for Peru on a Missions trip. I told Joe I would be praying for him while he was on his trip. And I did - every day. While on his trip he lost my card with my phone number on it, so when he got home and wanted to call me he had to look on his phone bill statement to find my phone number!!! :-) I was VERY excited to get that first call after his trip...I was wondering if he would call or if he had forgotten about me through all the excitement of his trip. Not so!!! He even bought me a bracelet while in Peru.
And things have been going wonderfully ever since!
Joe lives in Joliet, and I in Sandwich, IL. The one hour drive is not bad at all. We get to see each other once or twice a week. :)
I am still 100% committed to abstinence before marriage! So as you are praying for us, that can be one thing to pray about, is that we would stay pure in mind & body.
Thank you SO MUCH for praying for us! That means so much to me. - And your friendship!
As I recall, Shaina was just about to give up on finding her soul mate. In fact, she had let her subscription lapse, but stepped out in faith (and love for Cache' Connections) to volunteer at the event on 6/4. Let this be a message of hope to you who are waiting and waiting. God has his eye on you, too!
Cache' Connections
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