As we bring 2010 (our third year in business) to a close, we look back and thank God for the many ways he has blessed Cache' Connections. Our list of marriages and committed dating relationships continues to grow, and we continue to hear from members who have grown spiritually and emotionally from the many avenues of help, healing and hope that we have been able to offer. From the recommended reading, chats, blogs, featured speakers at events and now the Christian Dating ... Redefined DVD, singles are able to identify some mistakes they've made in the past and find a healthier approach to Christian dating in the 21st century. As one 50-something member put it, "More than just a dating service, Caché Connections is a comprehensive solution to the relational challenges that I have experienced and has given me much hope and helped to strengthen my faith in this critical area of my life."
Our first Cache' Connections Expo, held on 11/5/10 at Calvary Church in Naperville, Illinois, was a huge success, with over 30 vendors and approximately 250 singles enjoying the games, challenges, prizes and fellowship. We look forward to our next CC Expo at New Life Christian Fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida on 4/2/11!
Regarding Cache' Connections events, as we wrote in a recent blog, "In our ongoing quest to figure out 'what the people want,' the only thing we know for sure is that 'it' always needs to be changing." We had another successful Christmas Mixer in Oak Brook, with approximately 80 guests enjoying lots of chatter! Our hosts were kept busy introducing guests as they arrived, which helped make people feel comfortable as soon they arrived.
To change "it" up for New Year's Eve, we are trying something new ... or is it? We'll have our first Cache' Connections 4-on-4 Connections event at Pompei Little Italy in Schaumburg, Illinois. After enjoying a full Italian buffet meal, we'll settle into our tables of 4 and start rolling the dice! Also known as Bunco, this game is perfect for singles as it's simple, fast-paced and partnerships are ever changing throughout the rounds. There will be prizes and then a non-alcoholic toast to bring in the New Year. Check our Events tab for other events, including 4-on-4 Connections, dinner parties and coffee connections.
Rave reviews continue to roll in from singles and church leaders about the Christian Dating ... Redefined DVD. The feedback from "the Church" has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are particularly pleased to see that college ministries are planning to use it as curriculum in 2011. For more information and to purchase your copy, click here.
We look forward to growing in 2011, and as always, appreciate your help in spreading the word about Cache' Connections to your Christian single friends. We continue to offer free trial memberships to those singles outside of Illinois, Indiana and Florida, and the monthly specials make membership at Cache' Connections an easy decision to make.
Click here for the full newsletter and reminders to members.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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