We're pleased to bring positive reports from both events that Cache' Connections held on Sunday night; the Christmas Mixer in Oak Brook, Illinois and the Coffee Connections in Peoria, Illinois.
Oak Brook:
It always amazes us when we can get over 80 singles to register for a higher-priced event such as this ... when we struggle to get similar numbers to register for our larger events with a $10 to $20 ticket price. But this time we were ready: we had a very large room reserved at The Clubhouse, and the plan was to serve hors d'Ĺ“uvres so that fewer tables were necessary and people could stay mobile and continue connecting with new friends. The feedback has been very positive. We had a "very good group" of singles who were greeted by our hosts. As one stated, "I was glad I went--nowhere near my comfort zone, but sometimes God calls us to stretch that zone a little. :-)" There were a few times when it was a challenge to snatch a server and one point when the food was late being replenished, so we've had a chat with the manager and have been assured the service will be even better next time! We've already heard of a few viable connection possibilities, so our prayer that everyone will be blessed for coming out is already being answered!
Peoria likes to make us sweat! This demographic is infamous for waiting until the last minute to decide about attending an event. Add to that fact that singles are also notorious for waiting to pull the plug, and you have two sweaty event coordinators! As of Thursday, we had about seven people registered, only one of which was a male. Canceling an event is never a good option because people may still walk in. So we got on the phone and called a bunch of men, whining just a bit that we may have to cancel the event. Enough of them came through ... in fact enough that we seemed to be lopsided in the other direction! This awkward imbalance continued to teeter-totter clear through until the first hour of the Coffee Connection event, where we finally had 8 men and 9 women - almost perfect! The singles enjoyed the casual atmosphere and opportunity to introduce themselves to some new friends. For some, it was their first time out and a real stretch out of their comfort zone. Again, a few connection possibilities were made ... and we heard of a former member who is in a committed relationship with one of our other members. Always good to hear, even if we are the last to know ~~
You may have noticed that our event calendar is a little sparse at the moment, but that just means that we are busy behind the scenes planning new events, including a possibility for New Year's Eve in Peoria, and thinking about January and Valentine's weekend events for all of our hot spots.
Cache' Connections
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