We've been reminded lately of our two greatest commands: love God, and love people. This is the new law of love, and we would all do well to examine how we're doing in them, maybe even daily. Kim and I have seen tremendous strides in those whom we have mentored through the Cache' Mentoring Services. Additionally, Kim and I have both arrived at the position in our lives when our "nests are empty" and we seem to have some extra time and a little leftover energy, and we want to use those assets to benefit others for God's kingdom. Lastly, it's been revealed that God wants us to trust him more with Cache' Connections and not put ALL of our time and energy on this one ministry.
Linda: I've always been interested in discipling. I feel it's very important to have someone come alongside a new Christian or someone who needs extra TLC and work with them on a one-on-one basis. I've had some experience with this, So when I revisited my former church and they were starting up a new coaching program, I felt prompted to put my ring in the hat as a coach.
Kim: My biggest fear of getting older is slipping into complacency and being satisfied with "status quo." God calls us to do his work until the day we leave this planet and to glorify Him in those areas he has gifted us. Since my children have left home, I have felt that I still have a lot to offer and have been asking God to show me how and where.
Linda: Also, as I've been praying the prayer of Jabez and following Bruce Wilkinson's practice of asking folks one simple question: "How can I help you?" I am finding all kinds of new friends that God is sending to me. What is surprising me is that they are mostly young women. (Don't think I'm awful, but I never would have thought of myself as a minister to young women. I've never been attracted to "all things women" such as women's ministries, nor have I much experience dealing with youth, besides my own and their friends.) Of course, I knew that I would be coaching a female, and God recently sent me a very special angel who just gave her broken heart to the Lord a week ago. She is a 26- year old product of the foster care system and has lived an unbelievably sad life. My husband and I are excited to model a healthy lifestyle in front of her and help her get on her feet, as well as get grounded in God's word.
Kim: Well, I have always had a love for children and recently God brought a 15 year old young lady into my life who has come from the Foster Care system and is now living with a friend of mine. I have spent time mentoring her and hanging out with her. It has been such a blessing to BOTH of us. My husband and I also have been going through Foster Parenting classes together and will be licensed at the end of November, so we look to the future with anticipation (and a little nervousness) of what God has in store. We would appreciate your prayers for our future "Foster kids."
We encourage you to give it a try. Pray the little prayer of Jabez: Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain. Then ask some folks how you can help them. Most of us could use some help, as well as a listening ear. We're learning that most people simply want to know that someone cares, and being a good listener is a huge part of that. We would all do well to sharpen our listening skills - it's a great way to bless someone!
Have a great week!
Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections
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