Today is the day! Kim and I often start our day with that statement based on Psalm 118:24, but today is really the day! LAUNCH DAY FOR OUR NEW DVD, Christian Dating -Redefined. We have an amazing offer for those who would like to purchase their copy: Buy a DVD for $19.95 (plus the usual stuff) and receive THREE MONTHS membership at Cache' Connections FREE! That's an added value of $64.95! CLICK HERE for details on the DVD and to make your purchase. Offer expires 11/16/10.
- For those who are already members at Cache' Connections, we will simply add three months to your existing subscription upon receipt of payment.
- For those who have never tried the website, just make your purchase and then visit www.cacheconnections.com. Click "Join Now" and begin the sign up process. When you get to the Billing page, contact us and ask for your three free months! We will then open your account with no strings attached.
So what's this all about, you ask? Well, hopefully you know that Cache' Connections is all about providing expert advice for Christian singles to make healthy choices. There are dozens of books on Christian dating - in fact, you can easily become confused with the different theologies on how to approach dating. Courtship only? Kiss dating goodbye? Date as many people as you possibly can? Confusion runs rampant! Also - it is far too easy for Christian singles to get caught up in the dating patterns of today's society. We decided it's time for a new model for dating in the 21st century. We've partnered with Dr. Stephen W. Simpson, (What Women Wish You Knew About Dating, Assaulted by Joy) professor and Director of Clinical Training in the School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary to create this new model via video.
We think you'll appreciate Dr. Steve's casual approach in this series on such topics as how to be authentic in your dating, the importance of putting Christ first, how to handle physical intimacy when in a dating relationship, and much more!
CLICK HERE to view the trailer. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Please consider hosting a viewing of the DVD with your single friends, small group, singles ministry or Sunday school class. Study guide coming soon! Let's send a new message and bring clarity to all of the dating confusion!
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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