Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Recommended Read: Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels, How to Fall in Love and Land On Your Feet, recently written by Dr. James Dobson, offers a practical guide to love - clearly defining what it is and what it isn't. This would be a great read for couples who are considering marriage, those newly married, and those married for some time who want to deepen their understanding of love and strengthen their marriage. Dr. Dobson is an American evangelical Christian author, psychologist, and founder in 1977 of Focus on the Family, and current President of Family Talk.

While we have not yet read the book, Dr. Dobson has such a great history of writing practical books on Christian parenting and relationships, this one also has to be a winner. And since pre-marriage books are few and far between, we are thrilled to see this is now available.

Here's a description:
Dr. Dobson wants those who are looking for love to understand the myths vs. the reality of emotions. Head Over Heels includes a one-of-a-kind "What Do You Believe About Love? Quiz" to help readers separate fact from fiction. With gentle frankness, engaging and personal stories and biblical relevance, he discusses the joy and beauty of sex in marriage and the destruction and heartbreak that sex outside of marriage inevitably brings to hearts, minds, and bodies. There is also an easy-to-use discussion guide section with questions and Scripture references for personal or group study. Do you want insight on how Dr. James and Mrs. Shirley Dobson's marriage has continued to thrive after more than 50 years - despite life's ups and downs? Don't miss Dr. Dobson's heart-warming letter to his beloved wife, Shirley.

And here's a quote on the topic of love at first sight:
"Real love, in contrast to popular notions, is an expression of the deepest appreciation for another person; it is an intense awareness of his or her needs and longings for the past, present and future. It is unselfish and giving and caring. And believe me, these are not attitudes one "falls" into at first sight, as though tumbling into a ditch."

You can get your copy for the suggested donation of $15 by calling Family Talk at 877-732-6825 or by ordering online at familytalk.org.

Cache' Connections

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