Today's blog is a testimonial from a couple who were connected through Cache' Connections Arranged Date Services in May, 2011. This is a perfect example of "thinking outside of the box," even for us. When Kim was searching for a potential date for Bob, she mentioned Jyl. I said, "Really? They are over 2 hours away." I felt it was a longshot but gave the nod. The rest, as they say, is history in the making. Jyl and Bob write:
We received “the call” from Kim last April. Would we be interested in meeting on a blind date? There was one important fact that we needed to know – one of us lives in Chicago and the other in Peoria. Why not? ... nothing ventured, nothing gained ... and with Cache Connections we knew God was watching out for us! We arranged to meet for dinner in Joliet on Saturday, May 21. It wasn’t exactly half way between Chicago and Peoria but it would do for now. Our dinner and conversation lasted four hours and we agreed to meet again.
For our next date, we decided that Starved Rock State Park was more centrally located. For our second date we hiked a bit in the park then went for pizza. On subsequent dates we have taken the trolley ride through the park and spent a day fishing. We have also explored nearby Utica and found a movie theater in Peru.
Though we have separate lives in Chicago and Peoria, and histories that go with those lives, we have found that meeting at Starved Rock or nearby has given us new experiences that we can share as a couple. We look forward to spending time together each week and talking on the phone every day. Long distance works for us and we pray that you don’t pass up a connection because of distance. You just need to find a place like we found “our place.”
Stay tuned…more to come!
For information on Cache' Connections' Arranged Blind Date Services, CLICK HERE.
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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