Everyone has an opinion - even me! I remember when I got saved and started to get some great ideas about how/what the pastor should be preaching on. I can't remember if it was the pastor or a very wise godly women who gently let me know that he probably didn't need my help! Huh!?
The fact is we have to trust and obey our leadership. Our duty is not to tell them how to do their job, but to obey and respect them. Hebrews 13:7 says: "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority." How many of us have not liked the way our church dealt with parking, snacks, schedules, sermons and singles? We have to keep in mind that the pastors and leadership are looking at things from the big picture - kind of like God does. We don't know or understand everything He is up to - but we trust that he is working things out for our good (Rom 8:28.)
At Cache' Connections we get a lot of suggestions - feedback - and yes, complaints. For sure we are in a learning process and we continue to tweak and perfect our engines. We're at the point now where we almost feel like we've heard it all, at least three times! I must confess that sometimes I'd like to tell people if they think they can do a better job, why don't they sacrifice their life savings, livelihood, time and so much more to start their own ministry/business? (Okay I said it here and that shall suffice.) Kim and I have learned to jump over a lot of the complaints, considering that a lot of negative comments actually come from hurts and scars that really have nothing to do with us. Singles pastors taught us that.
The events and connection activities are always subject to scrutiny. There is no perfect way to do speed dating and still make it worthwhile for the majority. We've learned that breaking the groups into age groups, which seems very logical, is actually problematic because some folks will want to cross the age barrier. So we leave it open and disclose that not all introductions are going to be viable connections, but to please be respectful and play along with the process. This works most of the time and people enjoy the "practice" of interacting with members of the opposite sex.
Here's some positive feedback that was just posted today on facebook from yesterday's Coffee Connections event in Barrington. My comment was that I heard that connection cards were flying.
I can definately attest to that cos I was there it was a great event and the turnout was awesome. I was a lil bummed out cos a lot of the singles there were not in my age group. I however enjoyed meeting everyone. There was this one girl whom was in her 20s that I was interesrted in however I did not get to give her my contact info before she left so I'm hoping kelly gets to work her magic and gets it across to her. I'm glad I attended I spoke very well of u and kim
This kind of feedback keeps the wind in our sails! Who can you encourage today?
~ Linda
Cache' Connections
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