The "Cache' Connection" show is coming up quickly on June 4th at Parkview Church - Lockport Campus. In the meantime, many pre-show happenings are taking place on the Cache' Connections website. For starters, we've enlisted some help from some well respected personalities in the Chicagoland area to help Bachelor Lee make his decision in choosing his winning date. We are excited to announce the three Cache' Consultants below:
Pastor Wally Marshall
Pastor Wally has been on staff at Willow Creek Community Church for the last 11 years. Currently he serves as the Area pastor for the Palatine and Barrington communities where he develops teams of leaders over the community life ministry. Prior to coming to Willow Creek, he served 13 years on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ in San Diego, CA and Boulder, CO with college and professional athletes. He lives with his wife Kaleen and two grown boys in Algonquin. He loves golf, soccer and most sports, which includes the challenge of running marathons.
Camerin Courtney
Camerin is the author of Table for One and The unGuide to Dating. She’s the former editor of Today’s Christian Woman magazine, and for ten years she was the lead columnist for ChristianSinglesToday.com. Camerin also writes movie reviews for Christianity Today and speaks at singles conferences across the country. When she’s not writing or speaking, Camerin enjoys traveling the globe. She’s been to 19 countries outside the U.S. – and counting. She’s a self-proclaimed foodie, a coffee addict, and an adoring aunt to her seven-year-old nephew and four-year-old niece. Find out more at www.CamerinCourtney.com.
Andrew Linder
Andy has been on staff at Meier Clinics since 1994. He specializes in treating children, adolescents and their parents for a wide range of concerns, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D.), parent-child issues and relationships, adult recovery from childhood wounds, marital and couples counseling. Andy, the single father of a14 year old son, is a professional Footbag (Hacky Sack) player and has appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records.
We also have launched the Cache' Connections Forum where anyone can post a question for Bachelor Lee to answer. Feel free to join in and shoot Lee a question about himself or who he's looking for at the Forum.
Also, remember we have room for 300 audience members! Preregistration is underway at "The Cache' Connection."
We hope to see you there!
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