Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CC Events: No Couples Allowed. And that's a good thing.

We received an email from one of our friends/fans/former members in Chicagoland. She wrote, in part:

I just went to a singles event at Willow Creek. There were a TON of people there - it was a service project then a Christmas party. There were many people there that I recognized from Cache Connections events; that was cool to see! I always meet some wonderful godly sisters at these things and have fun at the same time - it's a good thing for me to do. I tell everyone about Cache Connections and your live events; some have heard of you and some haven't. Everyone agrees that the live events are the many different ways. They give everyone a chance to have a social life and singles a place to go without couples being there. If a "match" is made, that's good too, but the events serve a much-needed purpose in getting all of us singles "out there" for a fun and interesting time! God bless you and Kim for hosting/organizing these evenings!!

It kinda struck me that I didn't realize singles felt so strongly the importance of attending events where there are no couples. Huh. That explains why we got so many complaints the year we decided to include married couples to a New Year's Eve event. Do singles feel doubly single around couples? Assuming that is at least true in part, imagine how they feel every time they go to church. If they dare.

~ Linda
Cache' Connections


Anonymous said...

Being with married couples doesn't bother me, unless I am the only single. It kind of draws the singles together naturally, whereas when it is all singles, it feels like you are competing with everyone else, which you are.

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful time of fellowship @ Willow Creek! Yes, you should do more live events as they're always fun and interesting! There's 'couples only' events, so why shouldn't there be 'singles only' events? =]
