Monday, September 22, 2008
Keep Speaking!
I think sometimes we forget how powerful our words and thoughts are. Our faith is released in how we think and speak. Take for instance the woman who suffered with the issue of blood for 12 years (Mark 5:25-28). No doctor was able to help her, although she had spent all of her money trying to treat her illness. Surely she had thoughts of hopelessness! But when she heard about Jesus, she went out of her way to touch the hem of His garment. Different version state that she "kept saying" or "she thought"... "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." Of course, Jesus told her that it was her faith that healed her. So I'm just wondering, have your examined your thoughts lately? Are you proclaiming God's favor over your circumstances? Kim and I continually thank God for what he is doing in and through Cache' Connections, as we give the business to Him every day. Although we are far removed from the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but we are confident that our God is able to do above and beyond all that we can imagine or hope for. I encourage you today to train your mind to think positively about that special mate that you long for. Thank God out loud for what He is going to do, as well as for the waiting period. For we know, all things work for the good for those who love and serve the Lord.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Take Your Stand and ACT!

Many singles express a feeling of hopelessness in their situation. They describe to us how they feel incapable of changing their circumstances... saying maybe God wants them to do nothing but just wait on Him. So, they wait... doing the same things, going the same places. Is this what God calls us to do? Will He supernaturally bring that person we are waiting for to our doorstep?... not to say God isn't capable of doing that, but just imagine God is saying something else to us... Take for instance the story of King Jehoshaphat in the Old Testament when his community was about to be attacked by a several massive armies of which he had no resources or power to overcome. Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and cried out to the Lord for help. The Lord answered through one of his people and instructed them to not be afraid and "take your positions: then stand still and watch the Lord's victory." So, back to my question: Is this an example of God telling us to do nothing... Well, let's take a deeper look. Did the people stay in bed the next day, cover their heads with their blankets and wait for God to deliver them? Remember, he said to "take your position." God was calling them to prepare themselves - position themselves for God to work. King Jehoshaphat and his people gathered together and marched as an army singing praises to God. As God had promised, they were completely unharmed by the attacking forces who turned on each other and these threatening armies were ultimately destroyed. The holy spirit may be directing us to act when he is bringing thoughts to our minds repeatedly. If the opportunity lines up with God's word, then I recommend you jump in and give it a chance. It gives us confidence to take action and take some control over our situation!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Stepping out in Faith

So I started a book titled "Lessons I learned in the Dark" last night by Jennifer Rothschild. I must admit I wasn't too excited about starting it, but needed a break from the computer and TV. It's the story of how Jennifer lost her sight in high school and how that has affected her faith and life. I'm in her grip already at page 28 as she explains the terror of leaving the safety of home and going off to college completely alone and in the dark. Although she was went through mobility training, she had such fears as: who's gonna check my makeup for me? (I can identify!) Who's gonna tell me what food is on my plate? How will I really know if there are no car coming when I'm crossing the street? My question would have been: how will I know where to go and where the doors and sidewalks are ... I can't imagine. Jennifer heard her heavenly Father tell her: "You must take a step. I've prepared you to go, and deep down you want to walk by faith." She goes on to say, "When we do step out, like the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11, we'll find the treasures that God has reserved for those who lean completely on Him." Within two weeks, Jennifer stumbled upon the wonderful man who became her husband. So, I'm just wondering - what steps of faith might you need to be making? It is evident from the Old Testament to the New Testament that God will work within our faith and action. If you are already a member of Cache' Connections, you have taken that first step and we applaud that. What else might God be waiting for you to do? Are you interacting with your connections? Are you open to the type of mate that God might have for you, or is your check list too long and stringent? We have seen and heard over and over again success stories that begin something like this: "I would have NEVER ..." We urge you to be open and willing to take the next steps and prayerfully ask the Lord to help keep your heart and mind open for what He wants to do to fulfill your longing for a soul mate. ~ Linda
Monday, September 8, 2008
How was your worship this weekend?

At our church, Northwoods Community Church, we had a visiting worship pastor candidate lead the worship. It was awesome! He seemed to put together a package (sorry, kinda worldly sounding) including videos, specials and worship songs for all of us to enjoy. It was evident that he had many of us pumped up for God. I find it interesting that different individuals enjoy different styles of worship. Last week I visited a friend's church to support their child's dedication to God. The worship was much more traditional and included a lot of organ music. I am thankful that God enjoys all styles of worship! It is true that worship is more than music, though we seem to put the emphasis on that. Worship is partly your attitude toward God and others throughout your day. You worship God when you give your all at work or school. When you work to be the best "you" you can be, that is worship. Is that awesome or what? Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." In other words, it's not about you, it's about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Monday, September 1, 2008
3 Months and Counting...
Three months after launch and all is well! Wow, we've had our doubts at times and some scary moments, but we're so excited to see our many hours of hard work paying off. After running a test market in Rockford, Illinois, we now have a better view of what marketing campaigns work and which ones don't. For instance, Christian radio is definitely more productive than secular, and on-air interviews on respected Christian radio helps build our credibility. We have several new campaigns in the works such as our first big event, area-wide small group studies, roundtable meetings with church leaders and new radio markets across the nation. Hold on to your hats...Cache' Connections is coming to town! On another note, we are excited about our Single Spotlight Contest on Shine radio featuring Henry as our bachelor of the month. He is an amazing example of a cool guy and true believer that is living out his commitment to dating another Christian. Take a look at
We give all the glory to our Heavenly Father - praises to Him who has given us this destiny and business!
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