Monday, September 22, 2008

Keep Speaking!

I think sometimes we forget how powerful our words and thoughts are. Our faith is released in how we think and speak. Take for instance the woman who suffered with the issue of blood for 12 years (Mark 5:25-28). No doctor was able to help her, although she had spent all of her money trying to treat her illness. Surely she had thoughts of hopelessness! But when she heard about Jesus, she went out of her way to touch the hem of His garment. Different version state that she "kept saying" or "she thought"... "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." Of course, Jesus told her that it was her faith that healed her. So I'm just wondering, have your examined your thoughts lately? Are you proclaiming God's favor over your circumstances? Kim and I continually thank God for what he is doing in and through Cache' Connections, as we give the business to Him every day. Although we are far removed from the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but we are confident that our God is able to do above and beyond all that we can imagine or hope for. I encourage you today to train your mind to think positively about that special mate that you long for. Thank God out loud for what He is going to do, as well as for the waiting period. For we know, all things work for the good for those who love and serve the Lord.

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