Monday, September 1, 2008

3 Months and Counting...

Three months after launch and all is well! Wow, we've had our doubts at times and some scary moments, but we're so excited to see our many hours of hard work paying off. After running a test market in Rockford, Illinois, we now have a better view of what marketing campaigns work and which ones don't. For instance, Christian radio is definitely more productive than secular, and on-air interviews on respected Christian radio helps build our credibility. We have several new campaigns in the works such as our first big event, area-wide small group studies, roundtable meetings with church leaders and new radio markets across the nation. Hold on to your hats...Cache' Connections is coming to town! On another note, we are excited about our Single Spotlight Contest on Shine radio featuring Henry as our bachelor of the month. He is an amazing example of a cool guy and true believer that is living out his commitment to dating another Christian. Take a look at
We give all the glory to our Heavenly Father - praises to Him who has given us this destiny and business!

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