So I started a book titled "Lessons I learned in the Dark" last night by Jennifer Rothschild. I must admit I wasn't too excited about starting it, but needed a break from the computer and TV. It's the story of how Jennifer lost her sight in high school and how that has affected her faith and life. I'm in her grip already at page 28 as she explains the terror of leaving the safety of home and going off to college completely alone and in the dark. Although she was went through mobility training, she had such fears as: who's gonna check my makeup for me? (I can identify!) Who's gonna tell me what food is on my plate? How will I really know if there are no car coming when I'm crossing the street? My question would have been: how will I know where to go and where the doors and sidewalks are ... I can't imagine. Jennifer heard her heavenly Father tell her: "You must take a step. I've prepared you to go, and deep down you want to walk by faith." She goes on to say, "When we do step out, like the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11, we'll find the treasures that God has reserved for those who lean completely on Him." Within two weeks, Jennifer stumbled upon the wonderful man who became her husband. So, I'm just wondering - what steps of faith might you need to be making? It is evident from the Old Testament to the New Testament that God will work within our faith and action. If you are already a member of Cache' Connections, you have taken that first step and we applaud that. What else might God be waiting for you to do? Are you interacting with your connections? Are you open to the type of mate that God might have for you, or is your check list too long and stringent? We have seen and heard over and over again success stories that begin something like this: "I would have NEVER ..." We urge you to be open and willing to take the next steps and prayerfully ask the Lord to help keep your heart and mind open for what He wants to do to fulfill your longing for a soul mate. ~ Linda
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