Thanks to all who have answered our survey. A lot of people have expressed their opinions that it is crucial that they will be in the company of like-minded believers. Linda and I have spent a lot of time researching other sites, talking to single Christians and reading about the problems involved in online dating. First of all, Cache' Connections is not for everyone. We are a niche' site that is designed exclusively for Christian singles who believe in following biblical standards in relationships. This is not out of a desire to set ourselves above others or to hurt feelings, but it is designed to help those who are committed to these standards. Statistics show that growth membership in large, all-encompassing sites is stagnated, but membership in niche' sites, such as ours, is increasing. People who are looking for something specific, such as religious beliefs, are finding the all-encompassing sites are not meeting those needs to specifically match them with others sharing their core value system. Cache' has several safeguards set up to assure members they are in the company of other believers. As a result, there will not be the necessary time-consuming-effort of sifting through potential matches that don't have the same foundational beliefs. Of course, there can never be any complete guarantees, but we have found no other site that has similar safeguards.
- Introductory video - everyone who requests membership will be directed to this video which will explain the biblical foundation upon which Cache' Connections is formed
- Faith statement agreement - all members who request membership will be asked to sign off on 4 basic, non-denominational faith statements (see below)
- Photos - all members must post two photos (headshot and full body) taken against a plain background to ensure they are current. Members can post other photos also.
- Profile and photo preview - all photos and profiles will be previewed within 24 hrs. before being posted on the site
- Questionnaire - includes a section about a person's faith walk - a new Christian or more mature - wherever you are in this journey...you are welcome!
It seems a lot of people are discouraged over experiences with other sites that are set up for Christians, but not run by Christians. Be assured that everyone on staff at Cache' Connections is a believer and has your best interests at heart!
Faith Statements:
- I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the supreme and final authority in doctrine and practice.
- I believe in the one and only true God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- I believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sin of mankind.
- I believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Questions, concerns? Leave us a comment.
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