Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Matching Process

We are busy writing content as we are less than 30 days from launch. Here's a preview of the matching process.

  • Cache’ Connections matchmaking system was developed around these two foundational concepts:

  • 1. When it comes to matters of the heart and soul, science can only go so far in
    measuring compatibility and the all-important element of chemistry. Despite the emphasis on scientific matching systems in today’s dating society, it is highly unlikely that a successful connection will be based solely on science. Matching systems offer a great advantage by providing information to determine common interests and compatibility, but cannot absolutely determine whether there will be a connection between two individuals. 2. The decision to form a relationship will ultimately come down to two individuals making that choice for themselves by connecting, communicating and spending time together in a variety of circumstances.

  • The Cache’ Connections system is designed to help Christian singles connect and establish healthy relationships by:

  • 1. narrowing all members to like-minded believers 2. providing a detailed questionnaire 3. providing encouragement and guidance based on Biblical standards

  • The questionnaire is a self-discovery process in itself. The questions are designed to help singles come to a deeper level of understanding about themselves and what qualities they desire in a potential connection. Cache’ Connection members are given relationship advice along the way by Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers. This professional advice will guide members to look at themselves in a more subjective manner and possibly prompt them to
    reassess what type of mate they are looking for.

  • Cache’ Connections is designed to form a community of committed believers, match members according to zip code and age and then educate members in order to make healthy choices for themselves. We encourage members to read and follow the advice from our experts and prayerfully seek God’s direction in their relationships.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2007 Top Googled Questions

Check it out for yourself:
1. Who is God?
2. What is Love?
3. How do you kiss?

How about that?

Me and God

(Isn't that the title to a country song?) Single Christians, you are not alone, despite how you may sometimes feel. God’s word is full of hope, love and encouragement. As you wait and pray for the mate God has for you, we strongly urge you to get involved in the life that God has for you now. Read, study and reflect on God’s word each day. What is he showing you – today? How is he stretching you? What new ministries may he be asking you to be involved in?

Psalm 37: 4 – 6
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Aaaaaaah! SPRING!

I think I can speak for the majority of people in the Midwest when I say: Hallelujah, Spring has arrived! There is nothing quite like it: the grass greening (and some kind of unspoken grass wars among men); perennials peeping; walkers walking again; rain...well, raining. A wise old mentor once told me, "Every season has its beauty." Well, I suppose so. I am thankful for the changing seasons, but most thankful for this one! Spring is a reminder that God is a God of hope. How about you? Are you hopeful for new things? A new love? What might you need to be sprucing up? Why don't you consider a makeover? A new hair cut or style? An exercise program? It's a great time of year to grab a friend and commit to a walking or jogging plan. Though we all want to be loved for our inner selves, tending to our outer selves sends a message that we want to be the best we can be... for ourselves, our loved ones, and those we may want to attract :)

the office a/k/a headquarters

thought i'd take a minute to fill you in on all the exciting and not-so-exciting action going on behind the scenes as we approach our launch date. this week and last, we've been concentrating on marketing, specifically through e-mail campaigns, website drivers (to be determined today), and radio. we met with omni marketing co. out of springfield last week and are awaiting a proposal from them. there are tons of options! otherwise, we've been writing content for the site, such as member contracts (boring), privacy policy (how can something be so challenging and boring at the same time?), about us, conversation starters, FAQ, etc. this monday we have a conference call scheduled with a radio DJ to discuss our contest. tuesday we meet with our techy-of-everything to discuss how he will edit our videos that will be on the website. we confer with our website contractors quite often to check progress and make changes (much to their chagrin. hey, we are women!) about the photo above, i'm the tall, nice looking one.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Single Of The Month Contest

We are excited over this aspect of Cache' Connections. One of our objectives in forming this business was to send a positive message to society and healthy dating standards. We all know the crisis our country is facing in the relationship arena. We found it interesting and alarming that the single population is at an all-time high, right under 50 percent of the population! It's no surprise that people are backing away from relationships mainly out of fear of past failures, whether experienced themselves or through parents or families. I guess what I'm trying to point out is, the lack of standards set forth and promoted through media today, well, it's not working out too well. The role models we celebritize are a mess themselves: arrests, drugs, you name it. So, we are going to show America some real role models, Christian singles who are amazing people and are to be looked up to for their exemplary way of living. Don't get me wrong, we're not looking for perfection, but we are looking for humble, well-rounded Christian singles who put God first in every area of their life, yet still have it going know, smart, hard-working, well-respected. We will be going city to city and highlighting these contestants on our website and even involve the public in voting. Here are some details:

  1. Single Bachelor/Bachelorette Candidate of the Month

  2. Submissions of possible "Connections" are made

  3. Choices are narrowed down to 3 by Candidate

  4. The possible "connections" are shown on the website and discussed on the radio

  5. An online "dating game" is held that the public can view or access at a later time

  6. The public votes on their choice of "connection" for the Candidate

  7. Candidate chooses whether to go with public vote or his/her own choice

  8. Couple goes on a date provided by area sponsors.

  9. Follow-up interviews are available on the Cache' Connections website

We are in the process of seeking Candidates in the Chicago, Rockford and Peoria,IL area at this time. Required age range 20 and up. Submissions of interested candidates can be sent to Submissions must provide age, email address, city, state, photo and phone number. Happy hunting!

how do i know when it's love?

Fair question, Right? Easy answer? Absolutely not. Have you read "Undressed" by Jason Illian? We love his fresh approach to dating as a Christian. He has a keen eye on the so-called taboo's and the worldly trends and has some great ideas on how to balance them. Please read it in its entirety. He ends it with this: "You'll know it's love when it is not a pink elephant, we-are-the-world, kumbaya feeling, but rather a calloused-hand, damaged heart, dreams-meet-reality passion. Real love will help untie things that are knotted up inside and tie things that are dangling loose. Most important, you'll know it's love when you see God in her eyes. When you feel completely undressed and completely covered at the same time.... then it is love. May we all be so blessed as to find it." This is Cache's prayer for you, too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The harder I work, the luckier I get.

I stumbled across this quote while going through some notes from a Maximum Impact leadership conference I attended a few years ago. Is it hilarious or what? So what does this have to do with Cache' Connections, you ask? You might be relieved to read that this is not about how hard we have worked. You might be surprised to know I am talking about you, if you are single. We have heard such comments as: "If God wants me to be married, he will bring me a mate." I was reminded recently how Jesus often chose to work in partnership with those he touched, instead of waving his magic God-wand. For instance, in John 9:1-7, to heal a blind man, Jesus made some mud and rubbed it on the man's eyes, but he instructed the man to walk to the Pool of Siloam to wash himself. Additionally, he told the crippled man in Matthew 9:6 to rise, take up his bed, and go home. I believe the Lord works in partnership with our efforts. If you want to sell a house, you hire a realtor and put a sign in the yard. If you want to land the job, you put on your best outfit and come prepared. If you want to find a date, you..... hmmm......

Friday, April 11, 2008

Shout to the Lord

Did you hear it? Twice... on American Idol. This Wednesday and Thursday. Yes - two days in a row, over 30,000,000 people heard the name of our Lord and Savior lifted up in glorious praise singing Darlene Zschech's song (photo above.) I heard it is the No. 1 iTune being downloaded. There have been other faith-based songs on Idol lately, including Dolly Parton's special performance last week, singing "Jesus and Gravity." I just want to pause and give God praise and glory, and thanks to Fox, Idol, etc. for this platform for Jesus. It is cool to be a Christian.

The New Logo

We are most excited and happy with the new logo. If you look at the rings joined together, you will notice it forms a heart shape. This logo symbolizes the man and woman coming together for love and marriage. Take a look at our landing page for more details at Here are a few details about the matchmaking system:

  • Members will fill out a detailed questionnaire that will also include information about their "faith walk" and the future mate they are looking for.

  • Once completing the questionnaire, members will be shown 5 possible "connections" at a time with a prompt on how many more are waiting to be seen.

  • Members will then categorize those potential matches as a favorite, possibility, not interested, or communicate now.

  • As each potential connection is categorized, more potential matches will filter in to show a maximum of 5 connections at a time. In other words, at one sitting, members can see an unlimited amount of connections, but if there are more than 5 possibilities, members must categorize one in order for another one to show up.

  • This method helps members focus on each possible connection and creates less confusion than seeing too many at a time.

  • The system will be extremely easy to use and offer a lot of explanation and give a graphic display on each section.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

As I woke up on this day of my 49th year, I was overcome by an overwhelming appreciation and praise to God for how blessed I am. This is not to say that my life is perfect without struggles or sorrows or unanswered questions. But I was just awakened by a peace and a focus on the things that really matters in the big picture and how fortunate I am. Even though this is the first time my husband has been out of town for my birthday, I had an incredible day with my daughter, phone calls from friends and a get-together with my small group from church. I do have to say the older I get, the more I am able to relax and focus on the deeper more significant things in life and for this I am grateful. Has anyone heard of the Complaint Free World campaign going around? What a cool concept. Take a look if you haven't heard of it. This is becoming quite the revolution. Anybody out there interested in giving it a try? The above is a picture of the bracelet you can wear to remind you not to complain. Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts. Be blessed!

more than conquerors

don't you just love it when your scripture or devotional reading serves just like salve on a painful wound? today i read just what the doctor ordered in my "new day new you" devotional written by joyce meyer. Romans 8:37 "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us." joyce begins by stating that we need to have a sense of triumph. believing we are more than conquerors (man, that is hard to spell!) gives us confidence. i confess to hearing the enemy lately throwing doubts my way about cache's future. joyce says we must take a step of faith and decide to be confident in all things. kim and i have taken that step of faith; now it is just a matter of maintaining the confidence and continuing with what God has planted in our hearts. it is not easy stepping out of the boat... into the deep waters. we must keep our eyes on Jesus lest we slip back into the dark waters of doubt and complacency. joyce says "confident people get the job done; they have the ministries that are making a difference in the world today. they are fulfilled because they are succeeding at being themselves." my itching ears needed to hear that today :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shouldn't I Be Content?

I believe many Christian singles are suffering an inner struggle. They are all-too familiar with the apostle Paul's recommendation found in Phillipians 4:11 "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." Couple that with society's trend toward singleness; fears, skepticism, high divorce rate and narcissistic culture. Singles who still long for a soul mate can be made to feel weak or unfulfilled. Don't buy into it; you are hardwired for love - everyone is! Your desire for a mate is God-given. Take a fresh look at Genesis 2. We see that in the creation story, the only aspect that God was not pleased with was the fact that Adam was alone. God fashioned Eve specifically for Adam for companionship and intimacy. In fact, many theologians believe that marriage is the earthly replication of the spiritual relationship between man and God. Cache' Connections, along with our experts, Drs. Tom and Bev Rodgers and others, are here to help you overcome any personal hindrances that could be standing between you and Mr. or Mrs. Right :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Website Safeguards

Thanks to all who have answered our survey. A lot of people have expressed their opinions that it is crucial that they will be in the company of like-minded believers. Linda and I have spent a lot of time researching other sites, talking to single Christians and reading about the problems involved in online dating. First of all, Cache' Connections is not for everyone. We are a niche' site that is designed exclusively for Christian singles who believe in following biblical standards in relationships. This is not out of a desire to set ourselves above others or to hurt feelings, but it is designed to help those who are committed to these standards. Statistics show that growth membership in large, all-encompassing sites is stagnated, but membership in niche' sites, such as ours, is increasing. People who are looking for something specific, such as religious beliefs, are finding the all-encompassing sites are not meeting those needs to specifically match them with others sharing their core value system. Cache' has several safeguards set up to assure members they are in the company of other believers. As a result, there will not be the necessary time-consuming-effort of sifting through potential matches that don't have the same foundational beliefs. Of course, there can never be any complete guarantees, but we have found no other site that has similar safeguards.

  • Introductory video - everyone who requests membership will be directed to this video which will explain the biblical foundation upon which Cache' Connections is formed
  • Faith statement agreement - all members who request membership will be asked to sign off on 4 basic, non-denominational faith statements (see below)
  • Photos - all members must post two photos (headshot and full body) taken against a plain background to ensure they are current. Members can post other photos also.
  • Profile and photo preview - all photos and profiles will be previewed within 24 hrs. before being posted on the site
  • Questionnaire - includes a section about a person's faith walk - a new Christian or more mature - wherever you are in this are welcome!

It seems a lot of people are discouraged over experiences with other sites that are set up for Christians, but not run by Christians. Be assured that everyone on staff at Cache' Connections is a believer and has your best interests at heart!

Faith Statements:

  1. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the supreme and final authority in doctrine and practice.
  2. I believe in the one and only true God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  3. I believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sin of mankind.
  4. I believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Questions, concerns? Leave us a comment.