Monday, August 24, 2009

Woman: Do I Approach the Man?

Is it improper to approach the men we find appealing on the site? Do most men wait to be approached, rather than to do the approaching?
I feel a little strange starting the communication.
I struggle to find the right balance as a Christian woman. I don't want to "come on" to them, yet I want to show interest.
Any good advice?
(anonymous member)

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for the question. We get this one a lot. Most women prefer to be pursued. Despite the fact that most men will mark on their Questionnaire that they believe men should be deliberate in initiating relationships, we do encourage our female members to send a short note to those men they are interested in. There are a couple of reasons for this:
No. 1: Men aren't big on rejection. They generally need some sort of indication that a woman will respond positively. Imagine you run into a guy out in public. Will he not wait to receive good eye contact, a smile or some sort of flirtation before he makes a move? So, consider a short "hello" an equal to a special glance or smile.
No. 2. Ratios. The sad but harsh truth is that there are more women than men in the Christian community, and therefore at Cache' Connections. So why not set yourself apart by sending a note of introduction? We have yet to hear from a man who was disgruntled because he received a note from a lady!

What do you say, you say? We recommend that you pull something out of his profile and ask a specific question as to his interests, talents, family, etc. This will show that you took the time to learn about him/her. It's just one more way to get out of that boat ... and start walking, one step at a time. Ask the Lord to bless your efforts and show you the next step.

~ Linda

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