Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why the Name Cache'?

Many people have asked how we came up with the name. Well, it went something like this. We wanted something short and snappy, not long and sappy. For any of you who have tried to find such a clever name in this large e-world of ours, you can relate. You have to check corporate names with your state, URL listings, and do a general Internet search to see what other companies might be using that name. That pretty much took every option out of the English language. So, we did what any other red-blooded Americans would do... we looked to the French language. We wanted to find a word that means "hidden treasure," because we feel that the single Christian is somewhat like a hidden treasure that has to be sought out. (See also parable of the hidden treasure in Matthew 13:44.) So guess what we found? Cache'. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Your Top 5 Questions ... Answered!

1. Since you are both married, what do your husbands think of all of this?
Believe us, we made double-extra sure with our men before we went very far with this crazy scheme. Hey, they saw the need and potential, felt it was a no-brainer.

2. How did you get started?
See post titled "What's a Gal Like You..." below. We definitely feel it was a God-thing. A divine connection.

What's the Cost?
We know you need a service that is affordable; that is why we have restructured to be an online service as opposed to our original personal service. We have yet to pinpoint the monthly cost, but it will be comparable to the competition. Also, we will still have personalized services for those who are interested.

4. I'm already a member of the original Cache' Connections. Where does that leave me?

You are a member, you are a treasure to us! You will be offered a generous credit toward your new membership on the new site. Thank you for your prayers and patience.

Do you have any success stories?
Check out Polly and Jeff above, whom we connected late last summer. They entered into their relationship strictly on a friendship basis. They got a great start, then had a dry spell as Jeff was out of the state for a few months. He has now returned and around Valentine's Day 2008, they made a commitment to explore the romantic aspect of their friendship. We are so very proud of this couple, and how they are seeking God in every aspect of their relationship. They are definitely "iron sharpening iron"(Proverbs 27:17) as they are involved in much prayer with each other, along with participation in group Bible studies. The photo is Jeff and Polly visiting Oral Roberts University.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Cache' Connections introduces:
Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers of Rodgers Christian Counseling.

Cache' Connections Online Service

  • Online Matchmaking and community "For Christians, By Christians"

  • Connecting Christians from the local community

  • Supported by a foundation of biblical standards and prayer

  • Community area with forums, chats, and information

  • Safeguards to ensure members are in a community of like-minded believers

  • Online chats featuring Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers, Christian relationship therapists

  • Instructional advice from Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers on making "healthy" decisions for matches

  • Detailed questionnaire - including a member's faith walk

  • Up-to-date photos

  • Affordable Pricing between approximately $15 - $30

  • Area events

  • Approximate Launch Date -- MAY 20th!

want to make sure you're on the mailing list for updates? email us at

The Heart Quest

If you want to know the heart of the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, it is important to get to know the heart of the One that created it.

Our friend, Ty Silzer, sent us this line given to him by his friend, Luke. Ty has been such a blessing to Cache'. He was there for us in the beginning and we have been blessed with his amazing giftedness.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Friendship, Courtship, Dating, What's the Deal?

Let's face it. There is confusion about the phrasing. There is even confusion as to whether Christians should date or not. We thought you'd like to know our take on all of this. We have spoken to lots of single Christians, Christian single psychologists, and have read several books on this topic. (See list below, we strongly recommend each one of them.) First of all, we do not condone random dating, just for the sake of dating or having a full social calendar or to appear popular or... whatever. Dating should be kept for those who are serious about the possibility of meeting someone with whom they'd be willing to spend the rest of their life. If you are not in such a position, we would recommend that you stick with friendships, group gatherings, etc. The premise behind this is the scripture found in Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." We want you to consider the heart of the one you would be dating, as well as your own. In other words, do not lead him or her on, or get your heart wrapped up in a love knot, if you are not in a position to continue the relationship toward an eventual marriage. A first date with someone you don't know very well is okay, for the purpose of making a decision if he or she is marriage material for you. Now, about courtship: a nice, old-fashioned word that has made its way back to the Christian sect. It implies a friendship between a guy and a girl who are seriously checking each other out for the possibility of marriage, often including their family's opinions and involvement, and perhaps that of their church or pastor. We don't have a problem with this, either! But we do have to consider that if said guy and girl go out for dinner or even a walk by the river, this could be construed as a (brace yourself) ~~~ date! There is nothing wrong with this scene! When you consider older individuals, however, the term "courtship" does not seem to fit their circumstances, although family confirmation, whether it be from parents or children, is always a plus. We don't want to get hung up on terminology, but try to stay relevant with the times. People are not going to stop dating. Let's just do it well, as we should be doing everything: 1 Cor 10:30 "... whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Here's the recommended reads: The Singlehood Phenomenon, Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers; Undressed, Jason Illian; More than a Match, Michael and Amy Smalley; Boy Meets Girl, Joshua Harris; The Book of Romance, Tommy Nelson; Waiting and Dating, Myles Munroe.

Blessings Abound

We're not sure exactly where this complicated path is taking us, but in the uncertainty it helps to "stop and smell the roses." In other words, it is good for the spirit and soul to take in and reflect on all the ways we have been blessed on this crazy journey. Of course, we have to start with our clients who have believed and trusted in us from the beginning; singles who are dedicated to living in obedience to standards set forth and refusing to compromise. Their patience has been such a blessing. We continue to pray for you guys every day with belief that God will favor you in this area also. It is with great anticipation we await the launch of the new structure that will make it easier and less expensive for others to get involved. Secondly, we're so thankful for all the new friends and acquaintances we have met and shared ideas with; people who have a lot more important things to do than spend their time with two crazy ladies from the Midwest. Their input has really been a godsend and we believe part of the long-term design of Cache' Connections. Now, I must get specific about a few amazing confirmations that Linda and I have experienced that have been a reminder and encouragement during the more discouraging times. 1.) after getting a little concerned about financials and asking God for a confirmation that He was still in this, within a half-an-hour, (I'm not exaggerating at all) someone standing in my driveway to give me an unexpected check for nearly the exact amount of a payment we needed to make. 2.) flying to New York to meet with an investment group, switching our seats at the last minute, and sitting by someone on the plane that has been very successful in the Internet business (let's just call him John Smith)...he was kind enough to talk to us all the way there and shared with us some information that saved us thousands of dollars and allowed this business to continue without investors....then, our new friend and advisor, found himself coming to Peoria, IL this week (the first time in a year) and offered to have dinner with us and help us in our planning. 3.) randomly finding an excellent company to create our website. Our new friend, Gary, at Active Media Architects, has a gift for business and entrepreneurship and has helped us out so many times with this somewhat uncharted territory. There you go...these are just a few of many amazing confirmations we've experienced. But before giving you the idea this is all great and easy, let me say, this road is a prickly path full of thorns and detours and not for the faint of heart, but Linda and I decided when we started this business that we would rather live a life striving for our God-given destiny than living on the safe-side and never experiencing what it could have been like. As Joel Osteen says, "God's plan for our lives is that we continually rise to new levels. But how high we go in life, and how much God's favor and blessings we experience, will be directly related to how well we follow his directions." It kind of feels like having a blindfold on and trying to find your way by wandering around aimlessly. Sometimes we get turned around and disoriented, but if we are patient and wait and listen hard enough, we can detect the small faint voice guiding us along the way.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Challenge

So, the investors tell us they're not sure that our "target market" of "evangelical Christians" (those who believe in biblical standards and live by them, even in their dating life) is large enough to support a business. They want us to prove it and if we get enough positive response, we won't have any problem convincing investors. So, for all of you who are committed to only dating another Christian and spreading the word of a biblical approach to dating through Cache' Connections, here's your chance to make a difference. Please fill out our survey and in the spirit of "Horton Hears A Who," create a one voice of many that is strong enough to be heard. Please click on this link and in 15 quick and easy questions express your thoughts.

Thanks for helping out!

Be Still.....

For weeks and months Linda and I were caught in a whirlwind talking to people who deal in business and investments, feeling like we were the ball in an intense game of ping pong. Everyone has advice and suggestions, throwing us pointed questions about "customer acquisition cost" and the size of the "evangelical" community. We started out being so excited about our plan and the new exciting world of high-dollar-business we have entered into. After delving into this new space and expending much hard earned cash towards travel, marketing consulting and website development, it all of the sudden took on the face of disappointment and right-out panic over "what have we done!" So I have to stop here and ask, "why is it that the negative has the loudest voice?" We can have 10 good things happen in a day, but for some reason, it is the one negative that stands out in our minds. So it was in the midst of this confusion and madness that we just had to throw our hands up in the air and declare, "STOP!"...not literally, of course. After taking a couple of days break, it was pretty awesome that Linda and I both heard from God in the same way...."Be still and know I am God." The peace sets in and our thoughts can clear to see everything in a different perspective. I do have to say though that we are so grateful to those who have given up their valuable time to talk and share ideas with us. The lessons we have learned from those who have bravely gone before us in this crazy game called "entrepreneurship" have been invaluable. But now, we have caught our breath and have been sorting through the flood of information and have developed a fresh vision of "starting out walking before we run" which is manageable and feels right. But above all, our thoughts have turned to our clients who are the reason for this insanity and have believed and trusted in us which has given us the courage and strength to continue on this journey. Happy Easter! Be blessed.

Friday, March 21, 2008

What's a Gal Like You... Doing In a Business Like This?

I will always say, all I thought we were doing was going shopping. Kim and I, after having been mere acquaintances over the years, got re-connected late 2006 when we both found ourselves at a new-to-us church in Peoria. We immediately got along "like peas and carrots" and found ourselves on our first "friend date," which was a shopping trip on 12/31/06. It was then that she sprung on me this desire to be a matchmaker. The idea immediately resonated somewhere within me. Yes! That sounds like fun! (I later found out I was about the 10th person she tried this on. Finally, God led her to the right person.)

Being a real estate closing agent by day is not really what most would call fun. (Any closers out there? Feel the pain, 'specially at the end of the month??) What I enjoy about that work is interracting with the people. It is the paperwork and stress that get in the way! So, working with single Christians sounded like fun. Also, having recently returned from a Joyce Meyer's women's conference where we were repeatedly encouraged to "get out of the boat," I felt like I should give due consideration to this "desire or destiny," as Kim puts it. After all, Mr. or Ms. Right could be sitting in church 10 miles down the road from you, and how would you ever connect? So, our First Annual Business Meeting for (now unnamed dating service) was held around Kim's kitchen table on January 1, 2007. We started jotting down ideas of how all this would work. We began researching the needs of Christian singles by reading several books. It was a crazy time, as we decided to launch on Valentine's Day - 6 weeks out! In that short time, we had to contract a website designer, legal needs, advertise, etc. It's been a crazy ride, but it has also been an amazing journey. The photo above is Kim and I at one of our local events for Christian singles.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Destiny or Desire

Welcome!...and we invite you to join Linda and I in our quest to discover whether this path we are on is truly our destiny for this part of our life. We know believing and having faith is crucial, but the question remains whether we have developed this business out of our own will to find fulfillment in life or is it really a God-ordained plan for Linda and I to help singles and send a message to society about healthy dating based on biblical standards.

The two of us started this business a little over a year ago and it has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs to say the least. We started as a personalized service February 14, 2007 and after gaining some national attention,
have been on a long and difficult journey to restructure to an online national business. We have spent the last several months preparing the business plan and seeking investors. Our travels have taken us to New York and Atlanta and we have learned how to talk the investor lingo with the best of them. I do have to say "value proposition" is my most favorite phrase now. ha! Even though we were graciously accepted and have made some new well-to-do contacts, it doesn't seem like it's the plan for us to bring others into the business at this point. Doors open and doors close and it seems that in this case the door has closed for investors, which led us to discover maybe the resources we need to continue have actually always been available to us in an unexpected way. Upon this discovery, I confess I felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz when she discovers what she had went across the country looking for was at her disposal all along. "There's no place like home, there's no place like home."

Nevertheless, we are pushing onward, but at the appropriate pace as we found it is never a good idea to jump ahead of God. Right now the launch date is scheduled for May 20th! The ideas and plans are coming together, but there is still a lot to accomplish. The encouragement from our clients and the confirmation of the need has kept us going during the most difficult days.

This is one of my favorite quotations. I have it on my refrigerator to inspire rejuvenation during those dark moments of doubt and confusion. (Linda says it's too long)

"It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena...who, at the best, knows in the end of the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory not defeat."

(I believe this was written by Theodore Roosevelt, but correct me if I'm wrong.)

We welcome your comments and responses, and if appropriate we'll post them for others to see. Stay tuned....