Well, we did it. We had our first singles conference in connection with National Singles Week this past Saturday at the Hilton Garden Inn in Schaumburg, Illinois. We had approximately 60 people attend, the vast majority of which were female. Guys, you missed out! And yes, it was more than sitting and taking notes :)
We had four great speakers: Pastor Lincoln Washington from Rock of Our Salvation Church (Chicago) spoke to us about the importance of having an intimate relationship with Jesus first and foremost. Wow, he is an annointed preacher! Next up was Dr. James Bedell, Cornerstone Counseling, Cary, IL who showed us what the Bible says about singleness. Very enlightening. So, just to reiterate, marriage is not the continual state of bliss that it is sometimes idealized to be. (I can attest to that.) After hearing the grim divorce rates, we were happy to see that everyone returned after the lunch break!
Cathy Conway, a licensed psychologist from Meier Clinics, helped us to identify and address the lies that the enemy tells us and society confirms. Guests turned in anonymous cards of the lies that hinder them from entering into relationships, then guests formed groups to dispel these lies by applying the truth of God's word.
Finally Carol Conway, another licensed psychologist from Meier Clinics finished up with her lively discussion of intimacy in dating and gave us practical steps on how to progress from one stage of intimacy to the next, referring to the RAM scale (I think.) We decided there is no magical formula to know if he/she is Mr/Mrs Right, but it takes a lot of time spent in all kinds of circumstances, and sometimes seeking advice from a trusted friend or relative who is not wearing those same rose-colored glasses that you are!
With extra time, Carol and Cathy were brave enough to field questions from the singles. A lively discussion ensued for approximately 20 minutes. All in all, everyone seemed pleased with the day.
A few hours later, we entertained about 28 Christian singles at a Connection Party at nearby Pompei restaurant. In a private room, we played a sort of "musical chairs meets speed dating" affording everyone an opportunity to meet and chat with everyone else in the group. This activity was followed by a nice Italian dinner buffet. We heard that the party went on long after we headed back to headquarters in Central Illinois. We received some lovely comments from our guests the next day, which is always great to hear.
What a privilege to work for you in this most personal area that is so dear to your hearts. Please continue to pray for Cache' Connections as we pray for you.
~ Linda
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First CC Engagement Announced!

Dan and Debbie, who gave a testimonial for us at our recent Dating Game in Naperville on 8/28 have made it official! They have announced their engagement and look forward to a wedding at Disneyworld around Christmas time this year.
Dan and Debbie met through the website and have expressed much gratitude toward Cache' Connections. We wish them a very happy new life together with God in the center!
~ Linda
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sales Position Available

Since we would like to double the amount of monthly events next year, it is necessary to hire a few people to help on the Cache' Connections sales team. We are looking for someone who totally embraces the concept of the business. First of all, this person must be a committed Christian. Of course sales ability, confidence, persistence and resilience are crucial. The position is strictly commission based at this time. Here's the beginning of the job description:
The Partner Relations Manager will be responsible for helping Cache' Connections reach new markets, church venues for events and for securing sponsors for events. He/she will help Cache' Connections maintain and foster healthy relationships with partnering churches. The Partner Relations Manager will seek hosting church sites by researching viable churches in areas approved by CC....
Interested? Contact Us
Saturday, September 19, 2009
God provides for Speaker Replacement for Conference

JR Kerr, Pastor from Park Community Church, was going to be one of our featured speakers for our upcoming conference in Schaumburg, IL on 9/26. Unfortunately he had a situation arise in his family that will prohibit him from participating. This left us scrambling to fill his two time slots in the morning for our very first conference.
We have recently made contact with Bob and Cheryl Moeller, who have been quite active in marriage (and now singles) ministry. Bob also has a TV program and is often featured on WMBI. So we asked Bob if he could speak, but he was already engaged. Cheryl quickly got on her thinking cap and prayed along with us. She gave us several good tips for speakers that they know.
I followed a trail of suggestions which naturally led to a lot of professionals who are already booked. We actually received referrals from these referrals, however, and now have two speakers who are happy to fill in the gaps! God is so good!
We look forward to hearing from Pastor A. Lincoln Washington and Dr. Jim Bedell. Check out the details here!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dating Game Roundup
1. Special Guests. Check.
2. Contestants. Check.
3. All opposite sex. Check.
4. All bio's. (C'mon ... it never happens that fast.)
5. Applause sign people. Check.
6. Emcee - Amena - Check.
7. Sound-lights-refreshments-travel arrangements. Check.
8. Daisies and logo en route to First Baptist Atlanta - Check.
9. Got the music on CD? ? ? ? ?
10. What to wear? Good question.
11. Volunteers .... errrr. Need a little help.
12. Have we driven Pastor Keith crazy yet? Check.
These are just the tip of the iceberg of details we go over and over prior to an event. We are looking forward to another popular Cache' Connections version of the old TV show, "The Dating Game" at First Baptist Atlanta on 10/2/09. Our first panel is all on their twenties, and our second panel is in their forties. Whoever gets chosen for both winning dates will enjoy a very special dinner at AquaKnox followed by ... we can't tell you everything!
Round up your friends, or just plan on coming alone and meeting some new people! Join the audience and enjoy the show, which is scripted just like the old TV show, except YOU get to help the special guests make their choice. Tickets are $15 if you pre-purchase them, $20 at the door. If you wish to volunteer and enjoy free admission, please contact us ASAP! ... and plan to be at FBA by 6:00 pm.
We'll be back in 2. (Is that what he said?)
~ Linda
2. Contestants. Check.
3. All opposite sex. Check.
4. All bio's. (C'mon ... it never happens that fast.)
5. Applause sign people. Check.
6. Emcee - Amena - Check.
7. Sound-lights-refreshments-travel arrangements. Check.
8. Daisies and logo en route to First Baptist Atlanta - Check.
9. Got the music on CD? ? ? ? ?
10. What to wear? Good question.
11. Volunteers .... errrr. Need a little help.
12. Have we driven Pastor Keith crazy yet? Check.
These are just the tip of the iceberg of details we go over and over prior to an event. We are looking forward to another popular Cache' Connections version of the old TV show, "The Dating Game" at First Baptist Atlanta on 10/2/09. Our first panel is all on their twenties, and our second panel is in their forties. Whoever gets chosen for both winning dates will enjoy a very special dinner at AquaKnox followed by ... we can't tell you everything!
Round up your friends, or just plan on coming alone and meeting some new people! Join the audience and enjoy the show, which is scripted just like the old TV show, except YOU get to help the special guests make their choice. Tickets are $15 if you pre-purchase them, $20 at the door. If you wish to volunteer and enjoy free admission, please contact us ASAP! ... and plan to be at FBA by 6:00 pm.
We'll be back in 2. (Is that what he said?)
~ Linda
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A note from a member

Dear Linda, Kim, staff, and members of Cache Connections,
I am writing this because I just read the comments from a unhappy and skeptical man. I too was once skeptical about dating sites but, sometimes we need to think outside of our comfort zones. When I say this I also mean our comfort zones of what we would classify as someone we would date. Thanks to Cache Connections and two faithfull friends I am involved in a relationship with a wonderful woman. But, the thing is I had to think outside the box and comfort zone. You see I typically dated women in my financial range and women who were 5'2"-5'5". When I met this wonderful woman at a Cache Connections event I was a bit leary. She was from a higher financial income then myself and she is 5'10". Both were out of my comfort zone but, I gave it a shot and am very glad I did. But, she also went out of her comfort zone. She typically dated men who are over 6' and 200lbs or more and in her income range. I am 5'11", 160lbs, and make less money then her. So, you see we all have to stop ourselves from limiting ourselves as to who we would give a second look at. She and I gave the other a chance and I can with all certainty say we are both happy and love one another. In the short while we have been dating I lost my job, her mother died, she found out that she is loosing her job, and other trials in life have occured but, with God at the center of our relationship we are still together and love one another. So, I simply ask to those who are discouraged about not meeting up with someone just yet. Are you being open minded and willing to step outside your comfort zone, are you praying about it, and are you putting God first in your relationship? Also, you must be patient.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
First Time - Public Chats Tonight and Thursday!

Take time out tonight or Thursday to chat with some past Dating Game participants - including a winning couple who are enjoying getting to know one another!
Tuesday: Chat with Jessica and Annette
Thursday: Chat with Steve and Sara!
Here's how:
go to: www.cacheconnections.com
click on: Community and Advice
click on: The Meeting Room
click on: Java screen
enter your username and the password: cachebox
Chats begin at 8:00 p.m. CST. See you there!
Click here for more details.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Plan is in Motion

From the inception of Cache' Connections, it's been our plan to have close partnerships with churches and singles leaders. Although, we have found it's not as easy as it seems. Our business is definitely "out of the box" for most pastors, as we are all aware that online dating has somewhat of a negative stigma attached to it, and rightly so. Having a one-on-one conversation with the powers-to-be can be quite an accomplishment. But, if we can get through the gatekeepers, i.e., the assistants and secretaries, we explain to them that we are taking a modern-day trend (online dating) and helping Christian singles strengthen their faith and hopefully help them find a mate. Of course, there are those who understand the importance of being relevant in today's society and then there are those who are slower to come around to new ways of thinking.
We are most excited about a possible new partnership with Perimeter Church in Atlanta. Their leadership team attended the pastor's luncheon last week since one of the leadership members has been quite insistent about Perimeter hosting an event. She came to both our events in Atlanta and had a great time and thought this would be a great boost for their one-year old, re-established singles group. We are looking forward to developing a proposal for them and hopefully - an event partnership!
On another note, sign-ups are increasing for the National Singles Week Conference and Connection Party which is only 2 weeks away, September 26th in Schaumburg, IL. You can take a look at the information here
Have a wonderful week and enjoy this beautiful weather!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
National Singles Week Super Duper Special

Since National Singles Week is right around the corner - Sept. 19 - 26, we wanted to do something to show how much we appreciate our members at Cache' Connections. Therefore, we announced the "best discount ever offered." From now until the end of the month anyone who joins the website or updates their subscription will receive NOT only 50% off their subscription, but we are going to double their time on the website. THIS IS SUCH A GREAT DEAL! For instance....
3 months subscription WAS $64.95 -
NOW $32.48 for 6 MONTHS
6 months subscription WAS $99.95 -
NOW $49.98 for 12 MONTHS
12 months subscription WAS $149.95 -
NOW $74.98 for 24 MONTHS
Until Married WAS $349.95 -
NOW $174.98
We hope many singles will understand the value of this opportunity and sign up! Please help us spread the word.
Prayers to you for a peaceful Sunday....
Thursday, September 10, 2009
a quick post from 2 tired m-makers sitting in the ATL airport

hi friends,
we had a great day today, despite the fog on the drive to the airport at 4:30 a.m. and slight fear of missing our flight. as in the past, Pastor Keith Langland at First Baptist, and his new sidekick, Mark Marza, were great hosts! we entertained about 10 single leaders who came together to hear what cache' connections is all about. they all appreciated our detailed power point presentation with just the right amount of "skipping over the boring parts." lol
many expressed an interest in future partnerships, praise God. all are getting excited about the dating game coming up on 10/2 and we were able to complete our two panels - whew!
anyway then Mark took us on an excursion where we were blessed to receive two FABULOUS date prizes for the upcoming dating game on 10/2. gonna be a good time all the way around - including some after effects ... stay tuned!
oh, also! received TWO calls from happy couples who were connected through CC - both from michigan. how bout that?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Turn the cheek or shake the dust off?

Sometimes it's a tough decision.
I've been wrestling with the idea of blogging about this because I don't want to come off as bashing leadership - the Bible is clear on that. Having been involved in church leadership, I know it is no easy task and there is no way to keep all of the people happy all of the time.
Okay, so, we are having a CC event in our hometown of Peoria, IL. It is our second; the first was at Richwoods Christian Church, thank-you-very-much Pastor Jim Powell for your willingness to step out of the boat and for your positive words of encouragement for what Cache' is doing. But, you say, don't you both attend Northwoods CC? Yes, we do. Prior to the event in 1/08, we met with the adult ministry leader and a former singles leader at Northwoods. They saw the value in what CC is offering to Christian singles and thought we could have a great event at Northwoods, because of their marketing power and large number of singles. (Although, sadly, their singles ministry shut down a few years ago.) But, the powers above those leaders shunned the idea for no disclosed reason.
That was a little hard to take, but we chose to respect their decision and move forward to RCC who would gladly host an event, which went very well.
Fast forward to Fall '09 and it's time for another event. We decided to ask RCC if we could have it at their facility again because they were so great to work with us, the familiarity to guests, etc. After mentioning the Fall event to the adults pastor at Northwoods, he said he'd be glad to promote our event. Well, that's something!
Unfortunately something turned into nothing. It seems that although some of the pastors are not opposed, the Elders are strongly opposed to even putting our event flyers in the information areas. We were advised to try to schedule a meeting with the Elders if we wish to attempt to change their minds.
I have a feeling that would be a long shot - to meet face-to-face with the Elders. Hmmmm ... we may need some divine wisdom on this.
~ Linda
Friday, September 4, 2009
The New Guy Speaks!

I personally am pretty excited about the direction that we are headed. Just in the short time that I have been here I've seen how this business can change people's lives for the better. As we look to venture into new markets this coming year and form partnerships with several churches I think that Cache' will become a household name in the Christian singles market across the US.
If anyone wants to give me a shout and say hello you can reach me at nick@cacheconnections.com.
The Man Behind the Scenes
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Seeking That Elusive Commodity.... Time!

Now that summer is coming to a close, it's time to get serious about planning for the remainder of the year and next year. We seem to be hitting the same brick wall though every time we set out to plan... we have so many things we could be doing, but we need more time or help! So I called a meeting - which drives Linda crazy. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I am the big picture planner - the melancholy personality. Linda is the sanguine - let's just do it and not talk about it. So, this has caused some interesting debate in the office, and I guess we've both learned to adapt to each others personality (although it still can be a strain at times). But I think we were all getting frustrated with lack of time, so we put everything aside for a few hours and talked about how to use our time more wisely. I must say that Linda was pretty patient:) The main problem is we are so caught up in the everyday work details, customer service, website page changes, event details, etc. that we don't have time to work on new markets. I forgot to mention that Nick has been a great contribution to the team as he brings a fresh outlook to Cache'. He's still in his 20's and is current on societal trends and has an ability to eye up a situation and come up with a new solution. There have been so many times he quickly blurts out an idea and Linda and I look at each other and wonder why we haven't thought of that. But, that's why we hired him. So... after sizing up our natural talents and abilities, we divided the chores up in this fashion: Linda-current events, Nick-website and day-to-day operations, Kim-new markets. Of course, we still have our marketing reps who will continue to do what they do best in spreading the word in their particular locations. We'll see how it goes!
By the way.... we've heard that love is in the air and there are several new couples getting together:) This makes it all worthwhile! We'll keep you updated.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
common courtesy

This is something that's been mentioned to us a few times in the past few days, and was part of the discussions in the chat room on Monday night. Interestingly, both genders seem to be remiss in this area.
When it comes to online dating, communication is key. We encourage both men and women to initiate contact, which we wrote about a few weeks ago. But what happens then? If you are the recipient of a message, the sender would really appreciate a timely response. Figure roughly a week or less would be a reasonable time to send a response. What to say? Here are some ideas:
a) Thank you for contacting me. However, I don't feel this would be a suitable match.
b) Thank you for the message, but I feel the distance is too far between us.
c) Thank you for the note. Yes, I'd like to chat with you. Tell me more about (x, y, z).
Trust me, the sender will appreciate knowing if this door is open or closed and can proceed to place your profile in the Not Interested file.
I can attest to this angst from a different perspective. We send our many emails that go unanswered. Oftentimes I wish I had a nickle for every unanswered email and phone message. I feel your pain! Don't leave us hanging!
~ Linda
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Messaging: how long should I wait for a response?

Okay: Online tends to take longer. There's not the same real-time chemistry. Some people even schedule online "dating" or "courtship" or whatever you want to call it for specific times. So it requires... more patience. But more than a week is a bad sign. If you email someone that you've met face to face, you should expect a reply within a day or two. Otherwise, they're usually not interested. So said Dr. Stephen W. Simpson in last night's chat. The question posed is how long should I wait for a response after sending a message? "Dr.Steve" adds: If you email someone that you've met face to face, you should expect a reply within a day or two. Otherwise, they're usually not interested. In General, things happen faster when there's a connection.
Haven't met yet? Communication is generally slower with online dating. But, Dr.Steve says, more than one week without a response is usually a bad sign. The key to online communication? It has to flow naturally. Now that's a good sign!
Read much more from the wise/funny guy Dr. Stephen W. Simpson, one of our experts. You can check out his article on Authentic Dating here or pick up a copy of his book, "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating," available at his website.
Check out the chat schedule under Scheduled Events at www.cacheconnections.com.
~ Linda
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