First I must confess my personal bias on this topic due to my texting illiteracy. I can send a short message when absolutely necessary, but please do not expect capital letters or punctuation of any type. (I think sometimes my kids text me just so they can poke fun at my replies.) I have failed Texting 101 twice and I've been asked not to register for that class again.
Being the mother of two young adults and in the relationship business, however, I have come to observe the general unhealthiness (that is a word - I just checked) of texting as it pertains to relationships. This is especially true for those who are dating. We all know that communication is key to any relationship. May I be so bold as to propose that texting does not qualify as communication?
Although a huge fan of texting with friends, my 23 year old daughter has repeatedly voiced her disdain at guys who send her text messages when a phone call would be much more appropriate. Please hear me, guys. If you are seeking the company of a special gal, the way to her heart is not through text messages. She will be much more endeared to you if she can at least hear your voice. We feel that guys these days are hiding behind their cell phones and not taking their pursuing roles seriously. Casually sending a text, asking her to hang out sometime does not carry all that much weight - sorry. Whether you like it or not, the majority of women I speak to want to be pursued ... the old fashioned way. Just a little tip: give her a call. You'll be way ahead of the competition.
This goes for the back end of a relationship, too. I can't tell you how many failing relationships have roughly skidded through and crashed via text. When things get sticky, it is especially important to be as personal and include your voice tones and body language whenever possible.
This is not to say there is a time and place for appropriate texting. Short messages sent to confirm arrangements or to send "sweet nothings" are perfectly acceptable. Also, there are times, I suppose, which sending a message is the only viable alternative. But please do not have any type of conversation or fight via text. Not good.
Addicted to texting? I know. I myself am addicted to my laptop. After spending a weekend with my daughter and having her constantly interrupted by the "beep-beep-beep" and ensuing texts flying, I realize there is a time to just put it down. It is not fun trying to talk to someone, be it a short comment or an actual conversation, when they are distracted by an electronic gadget of any sort. Let's all do ourselves and our loved ones a favor and find the balance!
One last note: do not text your friends while on a date, unless you are certain you don't want to date this person again. It can kill the mood faster than saying, "Let's split the check."