I think we may have left something out of our Terms and Conditions. There should be some language written in that requires happy couples to report in and send photos!
Really, now. Most of you know how hard we work at this thing. Many of you have offered your words of encouragement for our efforts, and believe me, they are the wind that our sails need some days. And, honestly, sometimes we get so tied up in website changes, customer service, marketing, event details (details ... details!) that we forget what this is all about. Well, we never really forget. (That would be silly.) But it is such a pleasant surprise when we hear of relationships that have formed out of our events and website matchmaking! There's just one thing: these stories come out of telephone calls we are making to you! Or, we stumble upon some information through Facebook or some other information super highway.
So, I think I'll call the lawyer and have him beef up the contract, adding a few promises such as:
a) phone call to Cache' Connections after 5th date/2nd months (whichever comes first)
b) photos of the happy couple (hey, they don't even have to be against a plain wall!)
c) engagement announcement and photos (no cropping allowed)
d) wedding invitation
e) photo opp with happily married couple
So, after you get past those first few months, tell the family, etc., don't forget to call Kim and Linda - the two crazy Christian matchmakers who followed God's call to help get you two together. We want to be praying for you! (Also, I like wedding cake.)
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