Cache' Connections had a great weekend at The Chapel in Barrington Hills. Approximately 200 Christian singles came out to enjoy some great wisdom and advice on how to approach dating by Dr. Stephen Simpson. Worship with Brian Hunt was awesome as usual - good job guys! We were all entertained by Moody Radio host Erick Townsend, who razzed the crowd and got us all to loosen up a bit! Our fearless leader, Kim, was serenaded with Brian Hunt's surprise rendition of "Happy Birthday" in celebration of her 50th birthday, which made the evening special.
Many guests registered for the next Cache' Quick Introductions, which is scheduled for 5/3/09 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Naperville. Check it out under the Events tab! Next stop in Chicagoland: Chesterton, IN on 5/16/09. Mark your calendars!
Next stop is Atlanta, Georgia where we will be welcomed for a Cache' Connections Live! event at Mount Paran Church of God. Dr. Paul Meier will be our featured speaker, and Scott England will lead us in worship. Thanks to WNIV Radio for doing a great job of promotions for the event. We look forward to meeting many new friends and members from Atlanta and the surrounding areas.
It may sound cliche, but love is in the air at Cache' Connections. Many connections are being made and we are receiving reports of blooming relationships. Is it Spring? Is it God? We are sure it is a combination of God working in and through all of our efforts - along with yours!
Hi There! I really do think it is a God/Spring thing! I am personally reaping the benefits of your last Quick Intro event in Naperville, and enjoying spending time with a wonderful, kind, gentleman that I met there! Keep up the great work! I know that it is the season for new relationships to be birthed! And I can't think of two better midwives than Kim and Linda!!! :-))))
Thank you for the event at the Chapel! I learned so much and reinforced so many steps I have taken toward getting myself mentally and emotionally ready for a new relationship! Dr. Simpson supplied me with so many pages of notes, I am still processing it all, and I am feeling very blessed and uplifted. We'll see what God has in store for me, and how Cache Connections will play a role in that next step. :)
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