Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love springs forth from Cache' events!

Love is in the air! As we have been talking to people about our upcoming events, we are receiving feedback that many couples are being formed as a result of meeting at our events! Not only that, but there are success-so-far stories as a result of the matchmaking at cacheconnections.com.

How about you? Have you stepped out to an event? Into the website? Your chances of meeting that special someone increase greatly if you do!

Have you met someone through Cache' Connections? Please tell us so that we can be praying for your relationship!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hello Spring and New Cache' Markets

March News

Psalm 8:1: "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens." We look forward to the glory of the Lord soon being revealed in the newness of Spring.

We have a few new things to report at Cache' Connections. Some upgrades to the website are well underway, including links to profiles from My Messages (click on the sender's name to link to corresponding profile) and thumbnail photos attached to My Messages (click on the photo to link to sender's profile).

Additionally, God continues to open new doors for Cache' Connections as we step out in faith. We are headed to Atlanta, Georgia on April 24, then back to the midwest to Chesterton, Indiana on May 16. In addition, we are very pleased to be welcomed to First Baptist Atlanta on July 31 (Charles Stanley's church.) New doors have also been opened to us in Cincinnati, Ohio and near Detroit, Michigan. There are several other churches in other states that are considering hosting Cache' Connections events, so we look forward to a very busy Summer and Fall.

Before all of that comes about, we want to invite you to register for Cache' Connections Live! Barrington Hills that is taking place at The Chapel on Saturday, April 4th from 7 - 10 pm. Many members and friends have registered for the event, as well as the Living Single conference that is taking place at The Chapel on 4/4 from 1 to 5 p.m. Please note these are separate events with separate registration fees.

Author, Speaker, Psychologist and Director of Clinical Training/Associate Professor of Fuller Theological Seminary Dr. Stephen Simpson will be sharing his relevant and candid advice on how to better navigate the confusing sea of relationships, as well as debunking some Christian dating myths. This is going to be a great day for Christian singles that you won't want to miss! Check out the Events tab for all details and to register.

A special welcome goes out to our new members. Here are a few reminders for all:

- Please post your photos! They are not required but very beneficial. Your headshot and bodyshot against a plain wall assures your connections that the photos are recent.
- Feel free to send messages to those connections you are interested - this goes for both genders!
- Let us know if you would like to lead a chat one evening; it's a great way to ensure good attendance in The Meeting Room. Check out scheduled chats under Scheduled Events.
- Please remember that all subscriptions will automatically renew. Consider taking advantage of our specials before your next renewal date. As alway, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why should you attend Cache' Connections Live! Barrington Hills?

In the words of those who attended past Cache' Connections Live! events:

"Kim and Linda - THANK YOU! My friend and I had a great time last night. I felt like Michelle was talking to me personally at some points .. May God continue to bless this awesome and much needed ministry! I look forward to your next Cache Connections Live!" Tara, Aurora, IL

"I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to be a part of the Cache Connection event this last Friday! I was very impressed with the entire event and it is obvious that you have a passion for what you do and have centered it around Christ which I love. I will continue to pray for your organization as it reaches out to the Christian Singles across the nation." Brian Hunt, Artist and Associate Pastor, Parkview Christian Church

"Friday night was very positive, how they spoke about community, to know you're in a room with all Christians, it can be contagious ... I would like to see more social events like this, with some message, worship and fellowship. Food too!" Kelly, Naperville, IL

The Chapel is hosting this event as well as the "Living Single" conference on the same day. Feel free to attend one or both events:

1 - 5:00 pm Living Single
7 - 10:00 pm Cache' Connections Live!

These dual events will offer great opportunities to get some great Christian advice and mingle with other area singles! For more information or to sign up for either event, please visit the News/Events tab at cacheconnections.com or CLICK HERE.

* Save money by pre-registering for both events!

*Remember, you do not need to a member to attend events and it's easy to come alone. You'll be sure to meet some new friends.

Feel free to call or email with your questions.

Kim and Linda

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Roars In

March blew in like a lion as we had three events this past weekend on the north side of Chicagoland. There was a great turnout at Christ Community where we were welcomed to have a strong presence at Relationships 101 - thank you Tim Downey! It was nice seeing some of our friends and making new ones! Sunday we sped around from Arlington Heights at 1:00 to Naperville at 6:00 for two different Cache' Quick Introductions. We had two great groups of people (about 38 each) who really enjoyed meeting other Christian singles in their "age and mileage range." A lot of promising connections were made :)

We hit this week with the ground running as we busied ourselves tidying up from the weekend and looking forward to numerous details for upcoming events and general "business." We received confirmation today that a very well-known church in Atlanta, First Baptist Atlanta (Charles Stanley's church) will be hosting a Cache' Connections Live! event on 7/31/09. God continues to open amazing doors, as there are several other churches in a variety of states considering hosting events. We are blessed with the problem of working through some growing pains, but we know God will provide the wisdom we need at the right time. In the meantime, we've been blessed with great families, volunteers and encouragers to continue rolling along as the Spirit leads.

Make plans now to spend the day and evening at The Chapel in Barrington Hills! Check it out under News/Events. See you there!

~ Linda
p.s. photo too much?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cache' Connections - February News

February came and went like a flash for Cache' Connections. We stretched ourselves to the max by hosting two major events back-to-back. Thanks to all who came out to Parkview Christian Church on 2/13 for Cache' Connections Live! Parkview was a very gracious host to us and we all enjoyed the wisdom and candor of Dr. Paul Meier and the worship led by Brian Hunt. Jean Lachat did a great job on the photography and we are enjoying seeing those photos being uploaded to your accounts.

We took a calculated risk and decided to host an event for Valentine's Day - a tough day for many singles. Our advisers told us it would have to be something fun and light, so we decided to do The Dating Game, which was an idea we had tossed around previously. Talk about a risk! We struggled and searched to get the three panels "just so" (matchwise) only to have some drop out, fly out, and fly back in just in time for the downbeat - literally! God provided wonderful help, however, and the show went off with few hitches and a lot of laughs. Check out the recaps under the News/Events tab. Kim did a fantastic job as "producer" as Linda helped get the volunteers organized and entertained the contestants while we kept them separated during rehearsals.

God continues to open amazing doors for us - with somewhat peculiar timing! In the midst of planning these events, we were writing an article and preparing a power point presentation for a workshop on dating that we were invited to lead at a SAM (single adult ministry) conference in Daytona Beach this past weekend. We had a wonderful experience at the conference and made some great contacts in the national Christian single leaders circles. Check out the blog under Community and Advice for more stories of our little getaway.

We are constantly amazed at how God is bringing our original ideas and plans to fruition. We had hopes of being invited to piggy-back with some churches for their events. Christ Community in St. Charles has graciously invited us to be a part of their "Relationships 101" event on 3/7/09. Following that, we'll be in Arlington Heights and Naperville on 3/8 for Cache' Quick Introductions. These are always a great group of people and a unique opportunity to meet other Christian singles in a more intimate - yet fun - setting.

As Spring approaches we look forward to seeing many of you again and meeting some new friends at The Chapel in Barrington Hills on 4/4 and then it's off to Atlanta, Georgia! Mt. Paran Church of God, a megachurch, has invited us to have a Live! event on 4/24. Dr. Meier will be our guest speaker again as part of a friendly partnership with Meier Clinics. We are continuing to cast our nets out to other states and look forward to entering new markets as the Lord opens doors to Cache' Connections. We'll be Indiana-bound for an event on 5/16 at Liberty Bible Church where Drs. Tom and Bev Rodgers will be our featured speakers.

A special welcome goes out to our new members. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Here are a few reminders for all:

- Please post your photos! They are not required but very beneficial. Your headshot and bodyshot against a plain wall assures your connections that the photos are recent.
- Feel free to send messages to those connections you are interested - this goes for both genders!
- Let us know if you would like to lead a chat one evening; it's a great way to ensure good attendance in The Meeting Room. Check out scheduled chats under Scheduled Events. Thursdays have been quite popular for the single/never marrieds ... and Monday we look forward to member Jodi welcoming chatters who will be discussing dating after divorce.
- Please remember that all subscriptions will automatically renew. Consider taking advantage of our specials before your next renewal date.

We continue to pray for our members and are thankful for each one of you. In turn, we covet your prayers that Cache' Connections will continue to attract like-minded believers who are committed to meeting and connecting with other believers.

Kim and Linda
Cache' Connections