We are constantly hearing from ladies about how unevenly stacked the odds are when it comes to the men/women ratio among Christian singles. We have even heard of statistics as drastic as 8 Christian women to every Christian man in some areas. These numbers are not as exaggerated as you might think. It is disheartening for not only the single women, but for the Cache' Connections founders and the singles pastors. Not many a day goes by at Cache' Connections without receiving an email or phone call from women concerned about the lack of available Christian men. We have even had women complain that Cache' Connections needs to make sure that these ratios are more even. It is our desire and prayer that more Christian men will surface and be available and willing to engage in a relationship. Unfortunately this is not just a Cache' Connections problem, but a nationwide dilemma.
We were saddened as a singles pastor from a large church contacted us today who said he received a phone call from a 37 year old single professional who "poured her heart out." She was so discouraged about wanting a mate and children and concerned that it was never going to happen.
Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers were interviewed on Moody Radio and received a call-in question about this issue. They shared with the caller that they believe churches and pastors should focus heavily on calling men to the faith and also calling men to court women in an intentional manner. The Drs. are very concerned about the lack of "intentional dating" as singles seem to get lost in the gray area of "hanging out" and can prohibit a man from declaring his intentions and so the relationship never progresses.
Cache' Connections will continue to explore new possibilities of seeking out those Christian single men and continually pray that more men will be drawn to seek a relationship with their heavenly Father.