Cache' Connections Live! was a huge success last night, all thanks and praise to God! We had prayed that we would pack the house, and that is exactly what happened. Walk-ins abounded! God is so good.
Some special notes:
1) WMBI Moody Broadcasting was there taking sound bites from singles; the event will be featured all week on their station
2) At the last minute, a TV producer was able to attend and tape the evening's events
3) Everyone enjoyed Michelle Strombeck's poignant speech on singlehood and the need for community; Michael Olson's casual and fun style of leading us in worship; hearing some snippets about Cache' Connections (and apparently some of my stage antics :) ; meeting and greeting many other singles in their area; having their photo taken for their profile; fabulous door prizes; opportunities to sign up for group studies based on The Singlehood Phenomenon; coffee and snacks; registering for speed dating
4) Was that a news reporter I saw?
5) Many people said they would spread the word back to their churches and ask them to host another singles event
We learned a few things that need to be done differently, but no problem was too big and they were all " good problems to have"!
Kim and I thank our friends for their prayers. God wants to do something for his beloved ones who are not married. It is exciting to be working within His will for His people, and we look forward to new surprises in the very near future!
We want to thank our partners and sponsors: WMBI Radio, Calvary Church, Michael Olson, Jenn B Designs, LA Fitness, Merle Norman, Meier Clinics, Janessa Bullen Photography
p.s. We would appreciate your sharing photos of the event with us as we were too busy answering questions to take any of our own :)
Kim and Linda ~ THANK YOU!
My friend and I had a great time last night. I felt like Michelle was talking to me personally at some points.
Although you tried to bring me (and probably others) out of my shyness/comfort zone, I just couldn't walk up to a man I don't know, say "hi" and ask questions ... that's why I'm still single. :)
(when I saw the people with mics or cameras I quickly changed my direction...lol)
May God continue to bless this awesome and much needed ministry!
I look forward to your next CCL!
I loved the event. I am not shy and this was so easy for me to walk up to anyone. Cameras? Awesome, take a picture of me! I don't have any shyness whatsoever but I'm single as well. I believe its all in God's plan what happens. I wish I was more shy sometimes, guess some guys get intimidated by my outgoingness. Well, praise the Lord for Cache Connections and I look forward to being involved with your events again soon!
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